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Mr Lawrence

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Posts posted by Mr Lawrence

  1. Has Dormehl written the Undertaker article then? Judging on past form with him and the subject of Taker, I might have to give this issue a miss!


    Yes he has, but it isnt as heavy on references from 1800's historian authors but more on wrestling books from the past such as lawlers, foleys or dutch mantells so the article doesnt suffer from the usual strange and pointless comparisions.

  2. I think both Garcia and Matthysse would both spark Khan out.


    Just incase anyoe didnt know, the mayweather fight is on boxnation.


    and khans next fight.

  3. Ha ha, no worries.

    Bought the new issue yesterday and what i have read i have enjoyed so far. Even though i am generally not a fan of the Luke Dormehl articles he does seem to have cut down on his constant referral to history books and quotes of the past which have nothing to do with wrestling in the Taker articles.

    I generally just find reading his articles feel like reading homework, or an essay. I dont think many people look into wrestling the way these articles do and generally i stop reading them halfway through. I imagine most people are the same, wrestling isnt rocket science or recreating the wheel, it's a pastime what people watch or read for enjoyment, those articles are far far to heavy.

    Those photos from Andrew Cawley are brilliant. Especially of the big geezer in the mask stretching his back on the floor.

    I havent read the Turpin article yet but as a big boxing fan i am looking forward to it. (typing this as Sprott is under performing against Helenious)

    On a side note i would love to see articles on any of the following.........

    Demolition - or the history of face paint in wrestling - with some killer pictures of the best.

    Kevin Sullivan - one of the most underated men in wrestling history.

    Rick Martel and all his early stuff up to the model and even his matches with Booker T.

  4. Just watched this Barry Windham vs Tim Horner match:


    I've never seen much of Barry Windham's "good" stuff, I've probably watched more of him as The Stalker in WWF than any other spell of his career, but he really impressed me as The Widowmaker there. Loads of little touches in his performance that'd be great today.


    Yeh Windham is brilliant, i put him in the same bracket as men like Orndorf and Rude although probably better in the ring slightly than those to.

    If i could some Windham up in one word it would be Fluid.

    I havent watched this in a couple of years but remember it as a great match


    Flair V Windham - 1986.

    Theres loads of links at the side as well to great stuff.

    Loved his run around the early 90s as well when he wore his leather. Looked ace.

  5. Totally agree that the luke dormehl articles arent the best. They read like a students essay. I buy the mag every month and hadnt really took much notice who wrote the articles until it's just been pointed out.

    On a side note. Very strange place to advertise "a perfect wedding" magazine is a wrestling mag.


    Good issue again, look forward to The Perfect article next month.

  6. Rees is probably a few to many years past his prime to put up a really good challenge for me. His last couple of fights against Matthews has shown this, he has started to slow. While he got away with this against Matthews in the second fight, he will not be given the chance tonight if he starts that way.

    If he starts slow i see him getting stopped within 4 or 5. If he starts fast i see see him struggling for gas and getting stopped around 7 or 8. I would pick Rees to get stopped around 5 or 6. Not knocked out, just stopped from the onslaught of punches.


    Martinez and Murray is on Boxnation which is a good coup for them.


    I watched the Lennox Lewis sporting hero's thing of Sky Sports with Newbon the other day. Lewis truly is the King of boxing. Almost regal like. Nice story he mentoned about sparring with Tyson. He said when he first went to the gym Tyson was really friendly and took him upstairs in the gym showing him old fights of legends on an old school projector etc.... then when they sparred the next day Tyson tried to take hos head off.

  7. Don Muroco needs to be mentioned more on here. Legend. Never understood why he had the lightening bolt on his trunks like strike force mind.

    Him, Piper Orton and Adonis used to session together. What a night. I bet they were out taking drugs and being cool while Hogan and Mcmahon were out hurdling some pussy. The 80s was the the place to be. I could imagine the factions in the dressing room. All legendary.

  8. Ringside aired their Nigel Benn Special last night, i aint seen it yet but judging by the Eubank one they recently did it's gonna be a quality watch.


    Pissed all over the Eubank one. While i found Eubank spoke alot of shite and wanted to say what he needed to say regardless of the questions, Benns was excellent. Best ringside i have ever seen. He came across really well, which i was chuffed about as he's my top boxer of all time.

    He came across as grounded and happy within himself since he has left boxing. Spoke very honest about what he considers he past failures as a person and just seemed a top bloke.

    Great story about his possible Sugar Ray Leonard fight.

    Overall he seems a great storyteller. I went to see a talk at a local church the other week from a reformed football hooligan who had found God and it sorted reminded me a bit of Benns interview in a way, just someone who now seems content and happy, not afraid to speak of their past. 10/10 as far as i was concerned.

  9. The Model is the most underatted wrestling charachter of all time and had the best RR performance ever, along with Greg The Hammer Valentine.

    Two absoloute legends alot of you kids wouldnt know about.

    Chop Chop Chop, Figure Four, Cartwheel........The model was like a handsome tarantula contorted over the ropes in the pre 92 rumbles - what incidentally, much like the hogan warroir scrap everyone now wanks about but wasnt there at the time to watch.


    Paul Roma - Fuck Bob Holly slap nuts. Roma - Had the best ever dropkick in wrestling, and if you had sky back in 87 his fued with Lombardi was classic, not the Brooklyn Brawler, this was Steve Lombardi. 9


    sd jones - where did that hole in his back come from? Bundy done the right thing in smashing him at mania.


    Half a Paul Orndorff or Rick Rude is worth Ten Miz's or Kofi K (biggest waste of spunk ever in wrestling - miz i mean)


    Orton needs a fued with a mainstream celebrity to make him popular, and he could carry it as well - perfectly.


    No matter what anyone says on here, Cena is still shite and ruins your enjoyment of wrestling in one way or another.

    Powerslam should not be turned on just because you have changed your opinion of wrestling, you probably wanked about it as a young fan calling it the bible of wrestling.


    Female wise The Blossoms are the best thing i have seen in wrestling for years, they carry the innocence and likeabilty of ms elizabeth and yet could be every boys pin up - as well as their fathers - the fans i mean, not literally the blossmans dad. Thats a rare quality. On a side note, they do need to stop looking and acting like drips. Grow a set.


    We need a working class wrestler like Hatton or Pavlick or Gatti - why in a spory like this we do not have one is ludicrous.


    beards = ratings

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aACmXGzw8R - Lewis V Tyson

    Watch the difference in 1 short yr from this fight to the Klitchko fight, Lennox had reached his Zenith.

    Lewis V VK

    He broke Tyson, and if you watch the Vitali fight, he was breaking him down as well. Despite taking savage punches. Wh ever said Lewis couldnt take a punch was wrong, he took huge puches in alot of his fights, what he couldnt take was the same as alot of fighters and that was a knockout punch from out of nowhere.

    Lewis V VK


  11. best i've seen in years.


    also just a note - i've been searching for it on yt to try to find it, but larry holmes ring music was robbed by Haye, i thought this was the case. But cant find a big Larry Intro. He would have Jabbed Hayes pickle off, most underestimated hw of all time



  12. I would expect Gavin to win in second half tonight, he's not great to watch for me is Gavin. There should be a good ruck on the undercard though, Ben Murphy who looks a hard cunt is fighting, can't remember is name of the top of me head, but it should be good scrap, two hard chaps going at it.


    I read in Boxing News today that Sky are likely to make the Kessler Froch match PPV, apparently it is going to have a stacked undercard. If it's PPV it fecking should have.

    Theres a round table discussion - ala WWE - on Tuesday night on Sky Sports, featuring Big Johnny as the Mean Gene, it features - Khan, Haye, Froch and Anthony Ogogo, or owever you spell his name.


    Audley and Martin Rogan are in the Prizefighter in Feb.

    Also in tomorrows prizefighter skybet are offering a 50-1 shot on one of the reserves winning. This is always worth a quid, it has happened twice before at lesser odds.

  13. Things i find Funny............

    I find it funny on here people take the piss out off smart fans etc.... then say "apple and oranges" "fun match" "fun little match" ha ha, when all they are doing is quoting people like Cornette.

    I find it funny on here when people wank about certain wrestlers they claim they like when really - they do not like them. They just try to be an anti anti smart fan just for the sake of it. Which makes them worse.

    I find it funny when people say "gold..........it's not, it really isnt 97% of the time.

    I find it funny on here when you can tell people do not like what they are watching but try to be positive just for the sake of not being negative and THEY still trying to hold on to that burning out candle of joy they once had of watching wrestling.


    Have you ever been outside?


    who is this? Goerge Michael?

  14. Mr Lawrence, care to grow a pair and name and shame?


    MY NAME IS MR LAWRENCE? SHHHHHH.................


    All said in a Waylon Mercy accent...............

    I just find it funny that the smartest mark wrestling forum in the world takes the piss out off smart marks.

    I stick to the off topic side of things nowdays

    I stick to commenting on things i really like boxing.

    You see if i don't really like stuff, i wont comment on it as much, as i find if you do that you end up like jim cornette who people on here take the piss out off but yet still rant like him. ha ha ha


    I honestly cannot name and shame as so many do it, but i will mention one.........

    Ian Hitman Hart who has had the biggest transformation since Bruce Forsyths barnet in the 70's. Initially, he would quote.........quote.........and quote about the hitman and how he hated shawn etc.....now he's the smart fan, he has lost his passion for the man he once loved, he now refers to him as bitter - how can you turn on a legend like that.


    "fun little match.............fun little match" I can imagine Heyman spewing out them words asking what is a fun little match.

  15. Things i find Funny............

    I find it funny on here people take the piss out off smart fans etc.... then say "apple and oranges" "fun match" "fun little match" ha ha, when all they are doing is quoting people like Cornette.

    I find it funny on here when people wank about certain wrestlers they claim they like when really - they do not like them. They just try to be an anti anti smart fan just for the sake of it. Which makes them worse.

    I find it funny when people say "gold..........it's not, it really isnt 97% of the time.

    I find it funny on here when you can tell people do not like what they are watching but try to be positive just for the sake of not being negative and THEY still trying to hold on to that burning out candle of joy they once had of watching wrestling.


    On a side note, i heard this tune on radio 1 the other day and thought/it would suit WM

  16. Did anyone see this weeks Ringside? It was a Eubank special, he does speak alot of shite and avoid answering alot of direct questions etc...but there were a few very interesting parts of the show. The first was his analysis of who was the best between Benn, Collins, Watson and himself - he did not answer directly but indicated he thought it was Watson and explained how he got schooled in their second tragic fight. Personally i think up until this fight Eubank was the best and was never the same after this bout.

    Although Benn is my favourite fighter.


    He seems to have a huge respect for all of them. The way he spoke about Collins was very interesting. He said he thought Collins was willing to die in their second fight, and he lost on merit, He said Collins headfucked him on their first fight, questioning by Eubanks heritage.

    I havent watched the Eubank Collins fights in years, but he did say at one point in one of the fights he had him on the ropes and in trouble but could not pull the trigger because of what had happened in the past.


    The best part of he show for me was when he was asked about his feed with Nas, at this point big Johnny, (although a legend, does get wet when anyone talks about anyone from the Ingle gym) had to struggle to contain himself. Apparently the fued stems from who was the first to jump the ropes the way they do. Eubank explained he started boxing in America around 83 and had never heard of Nas until years later. While Nas and Ingle had claimed that Eubank seen him doing it when he was young and Eubank copied this.

    Eubank then said to them if you watch this fight.....

    Eubank V Dosantos - 20 second knockout "including the count" you can see a young man in the crowd, no more than 15 years old, watching on in awe. Then Sky sowed a wicked close up and it was Nas standing there with his mouth wide open watching. You can sorta see him around the 14-18 second point walking to the stairs in the middle, but without the close u you cant really see shit.


    Overall Eubank does seem a nice chap. He did try and hype a fued betwen his Son and Degale as well. Top show overall.

  17. They are one of my favourite stables ever. The Taker theme when he was in them is a thing of beauty. Takers Goatee, The Stephanie black wedding is one of my all time favourite angles, Brood, APA, Austin on a cross ecw style. The burning teddy bear od stephs at the end of raw with vince on his knees is vintage stuff.

    Didnt they fued with one of the worst groups ever in The Union? Shamrock, Test, Foley and Show if i remember.

    Apparently from what i have read somewhere years ago - it was Russo who was wel into the angle and Taker wasnt that happy about it, dont know if thats true or not. Loved um.

  18. Murray is with Hatton Promotions who Sky dropped so i doubt that will be shown on Sky Sports, more likely Box Nation.

    I can see what Sky are trying to do by mainly dealing with Eddie Hearn, they want to give Boxing a big time feel, much like they have done with Darts. Also by now having a decent stacked card from a nice looking arena, rather than just one half decent match being shown from Bethnal Green.

    However i think most boxing fans like the look and feel of the small time shows - i love a good domestic tear up in a small venue from somewhere in London. Glad i have Box Nation for that now. Box Nation repeated Appleby and Walsh lastnight - what a top ruck that was.


    I have also just read on boxing news 24 - that saul alvarez will be fighting on the Mayweather undercard in May - so if thats correct - Mayweather\Broner\Alvarez all on the same card? Hope thats true.

  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lqfny8gr_C4...908B91AA54D0D09

    de la hoya V camacho. Oscar looks amazing.


    I missed alot of De lahoya in his prime as those were my main sessioning days, same with Roy JJ, Mosley, Hopkins etc... - although Hopkins has always been boring as fuck - I cant believe Frank Warren is still trying to hype up a possible fight between him and Cleverly maybe next yr. I hope cloud beats hopkins convincingly then forces warrens hand to match clev against someone half decent.


    Although Roy JJ and Mosely were so great in their prime, they have both tested positive to steroids, while in their prime so it does make you question their greatness

  20. I dont know to many boxing movies other than the famous ones, however i was watching The Fall Guy today and it had Larry Holmes playing himself on it, he was the boxing world champ and gave some underdog a shot at the title. It also had guest appearances from Archi Moore and Sugar Ray Robinson.

    Between the Fall Guy and Renegade my daytime TV has been sorted all over Christmas.


    Yeh i see Rees has a shot at Broner, Rees always causes people problems, however tends to run out of gas in the latter half of fights. Could see Broner stopping Rees in about 5 or 6. I did read that Broner will be fighting on the Mayweather undercard in May, if thats the case i hope it's Ricky Burns.



  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUMfNr9_guE

    part 1


    Just reading about Hector Camacho today in Boxing Monthly and this fight V's Edwin Rosario is meant to be a bit of a cracker. I'm about to watch it myself. Apparently after this fight Camacho changed his style somewhat. He seemed a really interesting charachter who had his demons outside of the ring. In Boxig Mothly it says the car he was in had 10 bags of coke in, 1 opened which he and the other bloke who was shot dead were sharing. He was also shot 1 year earlier not far from where he was killed. It's a good article which has quotes from Roach - who fought Camacho, Cotto and Julip Ceaser Chavez. Think i'm going to watch a bit if his stuff.

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