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Posts posted by PSF

  1. Last week, and the week before that, the Big Show buried Rusev so badly that he can only have taken a shit in Vince's bag or something. This week, instead of getting the Gaint to do it, they brought in THE ROCK~!. Yeah, that THE ROCK~!. Apart from saying that Lana was gorgeous - and he's not wrong, right kids? - he spent 15 minutes making Rusev look like a massive geek. They could have used him to give a rub but what would be the point when the Big Show has already destroyed him? Instead a man who doesn't wrestle much anymore came out and farted on a guy who is supposedly in tip top shape and ready to destroy. Rusev should chat to Summer Rae about future endeavours.



    Completely disagree with this. Rusev getting his arse handed to him by the Rock or even Bigshow on Raw won't harm him in the slightest. He's the man that gets it done when it matters. Its all well and good being able to knock him out of the ring or even KO him, but if he keeps winning whilst the crowds want him to lose so bad, then he'll be fine. After he loses......well that's another story.


    Rusev and Lana in particular were excellent on Raw and neither looked out of place with one of the biggest stars ever. It would be easy for them to snigger a little or come off as cheesy with their responses, but they held their own.

  2. I've become the dedicated spider remover from the office. They don't really bother me, although one big bastard in the girls toilets jumped at me yesterday from the ceiling and let just I was in the correct room. Managed to catch and flush it but it was a quick bugger too.

  3. In regards to the commentary, we have been spoiled in the past.


    Monsoons knack at making even the silliest angles seem important and real.

    Heenans comedy.

    JR's passion and intensity.

    Vince's over the top selling

    Ventura's knack of being able to play off anyone.

    Even Lawler in the late nineties was far more interesting character than the shell we have now.


    Problem is the current team have been around so long. Lawler has been a commentator on and off for about 20 years. Cole around 15 years. Its mad when you think that JR was there for less than 10.

  4. Thtardutht is wank isn't he? Dustin can pull it off, Cody just comes across as a proper numpty.


    Since Goldusts return last year, I'd say he's crept into my top 5 ever now. Always enjoyed his matches and his character, just hoping this new stardust shit doesn't ruin it all.


    I could see them bringing Magnus in and possibly Gunner. I'd like to think that Roode would get a shot too. Old Rob Terry could be an outside shot too.

    I really couldnt see rob terry in the wwe. He looks great yes but he is shit in the ring and on the microphone. He is best off going back to porn

    Your probably right, but Mason Ryan was much worse and he got a shot. I think Big Rob looks great in the current Freak gear, just a shame about the rest as you say.

  6. Not to keep bringing Austin up but on his push to the top he had a number of title shots at least 2 on ppv (final 4 and cold day in hell) which did him no harm because the finish was done well.


    To me Reigns won't suffer from mitb and battleground if he stays well away from the finish like the ladder match. Have him an Orton brawl away or something. Then he needs to stay more away from the title scene till next year. Smash through some main eventersnor something


    Austin was completely different there. He was still heel and at that point I still don't think they expected to be the big star that he was. Plus they were both In Your House shows which were 2 hours events that were even less important than Battleground.


    Reigns is being set up for the big time and is a legitimate contender for the title. I'd agree that he doesn't need to be positioned the way he currently is. I'm guessing we are going to see Reigns vs Orton at Summerslam, which I thinks sounds awful. Would much rather see him facing Rusev.

  7. They could have him undefeated until Bryan comes back. Bo in the ring talking about by how he's undefeated and you can be to if you BOlieve etc then Daniel Bryan comes back and beats him.


    I'd rather Bo get to 21-Bo, then get destroyed by Brock Lesnar, leaving Bo at 21-1


    "My client Brock Lesnar beat Bo Dallas' undefeated streak".


    If this doesn't happen I'll be pissed off!

  8. Brock is a heel, with a manager and we all know he is only in it for the money.


    No doubt it's his biggest reason, he's a businessman after all. But saying it's the only reason is harsh. Look at his work in Japan, he absolutely phoned it in. He makes an effort with WWE, and often a great one at that.


    I'm assumig he means it from a Kayfabe point of view?

  9. They have missed a trick with Cessaro. He should be the one holding the briefcase "if" Lesnar wins the title. Him building tension and eventually cashing in and turning his back on Heyman would be great. Been done before loads of times, but it was only a couple months ago that fans were begging to cheer him. Imagine that pop he would get doing the big swing on Lesnar.

  10. Just seen last week's Impact. Different tastes or no different tastes, it really takes some doing to have a wrestling show with Eddie Edwards vs Davey Richards and Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries and the show be shit.

    I've seen two Samoa Joe vs Austin Aries matches previously. Two of the best matches I've seen in the last decade. The one in 2004 was scortching hot, with Aries finally dethroning the 2 year undefeated Joe. And 2 years ago when they set the tone for arguably TNA's best ever PPV. I didnt see the one on Impact, but heard the crowd were dead and both looked like they were doing a legends match on a WWF house show in 1986. Shame how TNA's wrestlers are so unmotivated due to how bad a shape the company is in.


    The "legends match" style was due to them not wanting to actually hurt each other, so they were just doing holds. It did make sense tbh. It was shit, but it made sense.

  11. Be interesting to see who gets the final three spots in the MITB match. I'd say that two are Cena & possible Wyatt, but the third is a bit more interesting. Maybe one of the Shield whilst the other has a match with Seth or possibly Seth himself. HHH could even slip in there.

  12. Where do we think this Cody and Goldust thing is going?


    Cody continues to give Goldy new tag partners. They lose their match every week. Cody realises he wasn't the weak link in Codydust, Goldy was. Cody turns on him.

    How about who his partner is going to be next week that no one has seen or heard of before?


    It'll probably be Cody in a wig and make-up.


    I mentioned this on hear yesterday. Cody is gonna turn up in full Goldust gear. Either that or the polka dots.

  13. Whats everyones thoughts on the Rhodes Brothers at the min? I think they have now re-thought the split angle with this whole find Goldust a new partner thing going on. I'm thinking (well hoping in my camp little mind) that Cody is going to go with his own version of a "Goldust" persona. I'm sure he could pull it off, if only for the short term.

  14. It's a shame, really. A couple of years ago it did feel like the company had a bit of momentum and Impact was better than Raw, most weeks.


    They've squandered everything during that time, though. Hogan & co, The Pope, Roode talking to ducks, Storm being the best babyface in the biz, Aries' title run etc. That was only the last 2/3 years too. I'm sure if somebody can be arsed they can provide a LONG list of everything TNA has ruined.


    Bully Ray Vs Jeff Hardy in the cage at Lockdown was only just over a year ago. That was a great angle too. Bully/Hogan/Brooke being the worlds weirdest three way.

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