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Posts posted by PSF

  1. Decent contribution as ever Devon.


    Aren't you the guy that said HHH v CM Punk was a dream match?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is fuck off.


    No I'm not. Quite happy for punk and Hhh not to be on the show at all. Try giving an opinion sometime instead of being a human Fucking spell checker!

  2. So am I right in thinking that we will have to watch this on our laptops? Pretty sure I already do that for free.

    I know you were making a joke, but I guess there's also (and in increasingly greater numbers) 'smart' TVs, internet-connected TV, cable & satellite boxes, games consoles and more that could potentially fall under that banner. If they can get their service onto apps on some of those platforms, that could be something.


    Sure, it's not a 'proper' TV channel, so that may limit early take-up and growth, but the Netflix comparison someone made above was spot on. Increasing amounts of TV are being watched 'on demand', even through the likes of Sky, Virgin and BT's own TV services, and catch-up TV is pretty well known now. Internet-delivered TV is just starting to become part of the mainstream. Slowly, yes, but getting there.


    Probably not what many were hoping for (including WWE themselves, to be honest), but it's a start.


    If I could get it on my Now TV box, then great, i'd sign up, but if they release it over here on the internet only, then not a chance.

  3. The "behind the music" videos they did with 3MB are the sort of thing that split the show up nicely. Even things like Cody Rhodes grooming tips were fun little vignettes.


    There are a few characters that could benefit from something like that at the min. Damien Sandow being an obvious choice.

  4. Not a fan of HHH and haven't been for years. He has had some great matches though, most noticibly the Taker ones from recent years. Outside of that though, i'm struggling to remember anything else thats interested me since he won the tag belts with HBK. Really wound me up with that stupid online voting a few months back for the best tag team ever and they voted for DX. Not their fault what the people voted, but they shouldn't have even been included. I'm sure HHH didn't even know anything about it, but he's always forced down our throats as more of a legend than he actually is, imo.

  5. To Goldberg, its a job, not a passion, so its all about the money and thats absolutely fine. Its the same when people were talking about Falcou moving to Monaco for the money instead of somewhere like Chelsea or Man City where he would have more competition. At the end of the day its a job and you go to work to earn money, if your passionate about your work as well, then great, but how moany of us would take less money for the same job somewhere elseor in Goldbergs case, take more less money than he wants for something he doesn't need to do?

  6. With Xavier Woods debuting in a tag team with R-Truth, this must surely be the first time a former TNA tag team has made it to WWE as a unit? I know the Naturals were mooted as being signed for a while but as I recall nothing actually came of it.


    Were they even in TNA at the same time? I know Woods tagged with Jay Lethal.

  7. 5504092-large.jpg


    This is the pic in question. Yes it was taken in Blidworth and yes its a clown wandering the streets, but what you dont see is the party going on behind the camera.


    People outside of Mansfield wont understand, but this created quite alot of buzz over nothing over here. Even to the stage that it was reported in the lcal papers and on the radio. Knobs!

  8. Anyone heard of the Northampton Clown? Well my facebook feed has been full of posts about the Mansfield Clown since Halloween. Apparently he has been sneaking in peoples house's, two people have been stabbed and the police are no protrolling the streets looking for him.


    WHAT A LOAD OF BOLLOCKS! Most of the posts made are exact copies of reports made from the Northampton version of events with just areas and street names changed. There was a picture showing a clown dressed simular to "IT" with him standing in the middle of a dark street holding balloons, that looked quite freaky to be honest. I have since found out who the clown is as a friend at work actually took the picture at a halloween party and that was the first and only time he dressed like that.


    The whole "it say's it on Facebook so it must be true" shit, really gets on my tits.

  9. I'm a fan of Harper and Rowan. Yeah, Rowan seems too quick in the ring and doesn't take in the crowd, but I'm wondering if he's been told to be like that. He's comes across like a big imbred half-tard. He looks like the sort of bloke that if you were in the same training school as him, he's the one no one wants to get in the ring with because he'll kick you in the head and not realise its fake. But his style is obviously safe enough.

  10. Every single idea that PSF has ever come up with for a wrestling angle has made me amazingly thankful that he will never get near a wrestling booking job. Even by his standards that's astonishingly cack.


    Big Barrett fan and I would love it. Everyone else maybe not so much, but I suppose everyone in the real world might have there own opinion and idea of what's fun. Weird eh??? If it wasn't for shit ideas we would never have had a world with the The Sandman caning the fuck out of a Zombie and what kind of world would that be!

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