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Posts posted by PSF

  1. Why is Rick adverse to awesome tag teams?

    I only hate The Quebecers and The Bodies. Going from The Powers Of Pain, Demolition, The Bulldogs, The Rockers and The Hart Foundation to The Mountie and a Chubby Mountie and two ugly sex gods was some drop.


    Surely the Headbangers need adding to your list. Nobody in the history of the world liked them did they?

  2. WWE should do a World Cup themed knockout tournament this summer with a wrestler representing each country in the WC. That'll appeal to the international markets. Obviously they'd have to Kayfabe some of the wrestlers' nationalities but WWE are no strangers to that. Black wrestlers are from anywhere hot/developing nation. European countries are all one and the same to them. Etc..


    Barrett - England

    Cesaro - Switzerland

    Big E - USA

    Rusev - Russia

    Kofi - Ghana

    Adam Rose - South Africa

    Alberto Del Rio - Mexico

    El Torito - Spain


    Bit of creative input, but sorted.

  3. Need some help. Not watched Summerslam 1992 in a while, but for those that have, do you remember a segment where they are asking the fans outside the arena who will win the main? In the segment one young girl says she wants hitman to win, even though she was told to say Bulldog. I know said girl, but can't find the clip anywhere. Was it on the main show?

  4. WWE.com Michael Cole interview with Triple H.


    Nice little follow-on from Raw, as these web interviews usually are. I think Triple H is brilliantly smug and condescending here, but worryingly, I also think he's sort of right. Why should he wrestle Bryan? There's not much in it for him.


    Here's where I think (and hope) they'll end up going with it. Hogan, as host of Mania, will announce that he's decided Bryan deserves to be added to the title match at Mania, making it a Triple Threat. (This may need a bit of "You don't have the power to do that, Hogan!" from the Authority, followed with a "Oh yes he does, that's what the WWE Universe wants!" appearance from Vince)


    Forced to acquiesce, Hunter will then clutch at the straw he has left - Bryan's challenge for Mania is still on the table. So whilst you'll get your title opportunity, "you'll have to fight me first!" (Bryan, for his part, should manfully accept both challenges with some vigorous Yes-ing, although the announcers will need to put over the jeopardy that puts him in)


    That, for me, works much better than the "You're in the title match IF you beat me" route which a) means going into the night itself promoting a possible lame duck WWE Title match that the fans have made clear they don't want to see on the card, or an obviously telegraphed Bryan victory over Triple H, and b) as Arch pointed out, means Triple H not only accepting Bryan's challenge when he has no real reason to do so, but also dangling an additional carrot he neither wants nor needs to dangle.


    As Punk isn't turning up (I would imagine being added to the title match at Mania was what was on the table for any potential return), that seems the best use of the situation & resources they have.


    I prefer this. As you pointed out, the whole HHH saying "beat me and you're in" angle, makes the outcome too obvious. Whereas HHH beating Bryan at the start of Mania, with Bryan going on to win the title in the main (with a slight nod to WM10) means that we will probably get a good HHH/Bryan series of matches for the belt somewhere down the line. I also don't think Bryan losing a match before winning the title will harm him, it will just make him an even bigger underdog for the main.

  5. See i'm not sure. Henry just comes across as a "Jobber" in every face run he has. The man is a natural heel and thats the only time he will have any success. As a heel he faced Taker at Mania, won the ECW title and World title. As a face he got a pensioner pregnant, was in the worlds shittest tag team with MVP and now gets mullered by Lesnar on a weekly basis.

  6. Decent episode, Christ Christian is boring though, not even his fault really but when his music hit I unwittingly picked up the Sky remote and pressed fast forward, poor bloke is just stale as fuck


    Liked Dean Ambrose's outfit when he ran out during the Reigns/Wyatt match, looked like he was about to shove someones head through the barbershop window


    I had the same problem. I was enjoying RAW live and as soon as Christian/Sheamus came on I fell asleep straight away. I think Sheamus is tremendous in the ring but Christian is horrendous at the moment.


    Ha, I nodded off during the match too. Used to love Christian too.

  7. Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

    The current champion vs a former Wrestlemania headliner involved with massive movie franchise about to hit cinemas. Yeah, awful idea. Just because the smarks are shitting on it because Big Dave isn't Daniel Bryan doesnt mean its not a good idea in theory. I'll concede that it isnt working out though.


    Yeah, certain people on here also said it would be mad to not have a returning Batista's hand raised to close the rumble PPV because it would send the crowd home happy. That worked out well...

  8. Looks like Antonio Cessaro will now simply be known as Cessaro. Not sure about dropping the first name personally. How many one one name world champs has there been? Diesel, yokozuna, miz, Rock. Can't think of anymore.


    Edit: edge and Christian too. Fuck it, probs gonna work out well for him.

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