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Posts posted by PSF


    What was Goldust supposed to be in 1995? Was he supposed to be a film fan, or some sort of sex predator? Early Goldust stuff is absolutely mental.


    A homosexual predatory Rupert Pupkin type character.


    A great gimmick really.



    He was never Homosexual, it was just greatly implied.

  2. Fair play to Young for standing up for his views, but I wonder if he voiced his concerns to management but going to Twitter. I'm sure if I projected a negative image toward my company in such a public manor without speaking with my bosses in the first instance, then i'm sure I wouldn't be required to turn up on Monday. If the WWE had done something wrong, then fair play, but lets just remember, however morally incorrect it could be, the business is not actually doing anything they shouldn't.

  3. Have to agree with you though, PPV was basically a mess. Not the worst Wrestlemania, but still pretty dreadful.

     Oh I don't know. Im struggling to think of one i'd rather watch less than this one. Possibly WM2000, but at least it had Head Cheese.


    Don't anyone go saying WM9 either, because that's just lies, it was awesome.


    As regards to the streak making another Undertaker match pointless, he's still a massive star though. The streak was what it was, but when did they even start referring to it? Must have been the mid 2000's at least.

    Undertaker main evented WM13 (yeah, debateable I know as we all remember Bret v Austin now) and had high profile matches at WM14 when the streak wasn't the streak. 


    WM21 for me against Randy Orton.



    I can only think of Savage in terms of wrestlers who are not in the hall of fame but should be who the fans passionately want to see in the hof

    Owen Hart?
    Can of worms here, but did Owen really have a HOF career? It seems like he gets brought up more due to the tragic circumstances of dying on the job.


    He did a lot of tag team stuff, with Koko B Ware and the Hart Foundation, but I wouldn't call him an all time great as a tag wrestler. And outside of the feud with Bret and WMX, and KOTR, he didn't have much of a notable singles career. In 98/99, he was firmly entrenched with the likes of D'Lo and Jarrett in the midcard. Nobody's crying out for a D'Lo induction.


    Probably considered sacrilege, what I'm saying, but I just don't think Owen had a HOF list of achievements. I'm not a big fan of acting like people were so much better than they were just because they passed away.



    I always loved Owen right from the 1993 SS Match. Followed his entire career in WWE and I even dug out as many Blue Blazer matches as I could. Absolutely loved him and he is still my all time favourite. Unfortunately a lot of people have the same opinion as you and assume all the love is due to how it all ended, but forget just how popular he was when he was alive.


    Multiple time tag champ with Yoko, Bulldog and Jarrett. Intercontinental Champ, European Champ. Summerslam Main Eventer. One of the top 10 all time WM Matches, King of the Ring Winner.


    I would say that all that would make him more than worthy of a spot in the HOF. Nothing against any of these men as I think the majority are all deserving of a place, but would you put people like Koko B Ware, Yokozuna, Big John Studd ahead of him? Did people like Bossman, Bigelow, Iron Sheik or Martel really have a better WWE career than him?

  6. If Bryan isn't winning the Rumble then they should use the heat it will cause to their advantage and have Rusev win it.


    Cena would need to win the title in that scenario and I'm sure they could come up with something to keep Reigns and Bryan looking strong.


    I would have Reigns turn heel and challenge Taker at Mania. That could set up Lesnar vs Reigns down the line as the battle of the only two men who could beat Taker at Mania. You could also use what would be Reigns 3-0 streak at next year's mania.


    As someone already said, have Lesnar cost Bryan the match.


    That gives you three headline matches for Mania.


    Champ vs champ

    USA vs Russia

    Cena vs Rusev


    Taker vs Reigns


    Bryan vs Lesnar


    You have plenty to work with on the undercard too. Plenty of options such as:


    Rollins vs Barrett

    Ambrose vs Bigshow

    Wyatt vs Ziggler

    Nikki Bella vs Paige




    Sure they acknowledge plenty of classics but the countdown itself is just wrong.They should let the fans choose instead of WWE themselves. It was probably Styles that compiled the list.

    Haha. That wasn't me being rude. For some reason only my first word got published. Was meant to say....


    No chance I'm scrolling through all that, any chance of a list?

  8. I'd say Lesnar beating Reigns, narrowly, then Rollins cashing in on Lesnar would be a better option. Reigns can come close and get his rematch with Lesnar at some point. But you also have Rollins being chased by both Reigns and Lesnar. Lesnar can automatically turn face that way too.

  9. They added the stipulation about Cena having the choice to bring them back, must have been added for a reason, so I am expecting some right evil bastard taking over the show sometime soon, so that Cena can bring back the Authority. Better the Devil you know and all that.

  10. I'm still trying to get my head why Vince would put The Authority in a position of losing control and then being "disappointed" at them. If you don't want to be disappointed in them losing control, don't put them in a position were they can lose it


    It seemed that he was hoping to see that they were ready to take control of the company. To see if they are/were as ruthless as he is. Maybe the end result of this in the long run is him stepping down.

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