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Posts posted by PSF


    I know it's mentioned a lot but Bret vs Bulldog at Summerslam 1992 really is the shizzle isn't it?

    I watched it s few weeks ago and came to the conclusion (I posted it here somewhere). I think by modern day standards it is, but of the time and the context (Bulldog having a marquee match on home soil) it would have been a different feel.

    I think Shizzle means good pal. Unless im completely out of touch, which according to my son i am.


    Does anyone else think this Taker return to avenge Brock woulf have been much morr effective had he not come back for that nothing match with Wyatt at Mania?

    What did that achieve anyway?

    100% agree and I've been saying it since Battleground. Even though his return was still fantastic and the crowd reaction gave me goosebumps, it makes zero sense to go after Brock now when Taker had already "returned" to face Bray Wyatt and done absolutely nothing to Brock. They were even in the same building and Lesnar had a championship match!

    Did no one else notice the subtle way Heyman started dropping the Taker references back into his promos before the Rollins match. Yeah, he always mentioned the 1 in 21 stuff, but he changed the way he was talking about it and made it seem disrespectful.


    I think its fine the way its happened. Taker lost, hes a proud man and let Lesnar and Heyman have their time in the sun, but eventually enough is enough and it started eating away at him that they are still boasting 18 months later.


    This is about pride, not about getting revenge. I always hated the fact that most Rey Mysterio fueds were solely based on the fact that Rey lost a match fairly, so needed revenge. This has worked out perfectly personally.

  3. Owen Hart through 1998 was midcard at best, and through 1999 to his death he was less than that, he was a lowercard bore who did nothing.

    When was he meant to be good or was it just a myth because he died?


    Personally, I think Owen was one of the better wrestlers and characters of his generation within WWE. Especially 1994-1996. 


    No one ever said he was overrated when he was alive and this whole thing about him being regarded as so has only been around for the last 5 years or so. I think the new generation of wrestling fan may not appreciated him now, but for anyone who saw his rise from the Blue Blazer to genuine main event material at time that the roster was piss poor will agree that he was great. I always think this whole "he's overrated because he's dead" thing is just to go with the crowd a lot of the time.


    Watch back some of Owens matches. Any of the matches with Bret from 1994, WM, SS or the lumberjack match from Raw were great. Bret/Bulldog vs Owen/Neidhart was a great match. Owen vs Bulldog for the Euro title, Owen vs HBK before WM12, Blazer vs Dibiase, Owen vs 123 Kid at KOTR 94 all great matches and worth watching more than once. Plus his mental foaming at the mouth promo after beating Bret at WM10 is as real as it gets, just someone so proud of what he had just done and proved everyone wrong.


    Fuck now I need to go back and watch his entire 1994 back catalogue!

  4. From my recollection he was getting pretty decent pops whenever he came out for a decent time after his title win. Still not too shabby now. Id be gutted to see him leave personally. He's someone you can chuck in a match with anyone and get a decent outing. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I like the fella

  5. Lets not let all the hate people have for him now alter the past. Although the pop was louder due to the Wrestlemania crowd, the majority of people were into him then and were dying for him to cash in on Del Rio. It was never going to be monumental reign or anything to propel him to the level of Cena or HHH, but if done correctly, he could have easily taken the place of the Edge on the card.

  6. It was just uneventful, poorly executed and amateurish and a complete letdown for a match I've seen so highly regarded on here. For example:


    The armbar finish looked weak. There are a dozen different versions of the hold that could had been more visually pleasing.


    Rude at one point hit a bloody piledriver and it was pretty much no sold.


    I couldn't get into the match because of the god awful camera angles.


    I constantly felt like I was missing some of the action because of the two rings.


    The bloody cage was only about 6'6".


    The fact that at least one member of the heel team were pissing around with one of the turnbuckles for the last 5 minutes of the match was highly distracting.



    But I have no nostalgia at all for that point in WCWs existance, so maybe that's what's missing for me.


    But I'm interested to know examples of why it is so highly regarded if you would?

  7. Don't you see him as a guy who is becoming increasingly obsessed with money and his point about putting food on his families table is just a cover for his greed to be successful and prove his doubters wrong?


    Although the family card is being used all the time, this is done in such a way that it leaves doubt in your mind what his true intentions are and he is just a nasty bastard that will do anything to anyone to get what he wants.


    Yeah, he may have a little bit of a baby face, a bit of a gut and his muscles are not defined, but as long as they keep pushing him as a guy that either doesn't know when to stop or just doesn't want to stop, then does any of that really matter? No is the answer, because dispite all of his disadvantage's, he just keeps battering everyone in his path anyway.


    Him losing to Cena would be death nail for him, before he even starts though. The guy needs to have a pretty even match with him, before battering him for the final few minutes in the same way he did with Zahn. Leave the crowd not familiar with him thinking, "this guy is the hardest bastard going". You keep him strong and you have a ready set fued with Lesnar down the line.

  8. They need to have more people join The Authority, it'd freshen the roster up no end


    I'm not proposing a turn every week like in the '90's but you could do easy heel turns with someone like Kofi or Zack Ryder wanting to join or a heel like Barrett turning them down and turning face


    You wouldn't even have to push them, Ryder could be the Authority equivalent of Vincent, it's not like the Authority is full of over, red hot heels so it wouldn't water them down but it'd make Raw a bit less boring


    Agree. Ryder as there version of Eric Young in Team Canada could work. Kane being the fall guy all the time doesn't work.

  9. Listen to your podcast every week and worked my way back through all the old ones too. I think the length is just about right, but this is the only podcast I listen too, so work my way through it through the week. Only thing I would suggest is one of the lads is a lot quieter than the others, tell him to sit closer to the mic ;)

  10. Top rope leg drops. For this case, we'll go with Fandango. When Fandango misses it, he sells it like death, yet it's the same impact to his arse and heels wether he hits the move or not. Annoys the shite out of me. A stupid move, even worse as a finisher.

    You do realise that a leg drop isn't meant to be him landing on his arse and heels? The move is supposed to be him dropping his leg over their throat which means when your arse hits the mat, the impact is dramatically reduced. If he's not there, then your arse is taking all the impact. The logic behind a properly executed leg drop is fine and I think you mean that you don't like poorly executed versions such as Fandango's.

  11. Wrestling crowds since the raw after mania 29. That crowd was fun, hearing all the chants for the commentators, the Fandango music being sang throughout and the the reactions for the "bad" guys. It was great for that one night because we had never seen it before, but now.....it's just bloody annoying. Every now and again a crowd will try to copy this by booing all the good guys and trying to get the daft chants going for ex superstars, now it's just attention seeking, unoriginal and takes away from the show. Stop it!!!

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