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Posts posted by PSF

  1. 10 years ago (ish) WWE were doing a story where Bubba Ray Dudley and Trish Stratus were getting a bit flirty. At the time it was so stupid, because someone like Trish would never go with Bubba. 10 years on he's with the almost equally as hot Brooke Tessmacher and your left thinking, yeah thats fair enough.

  2. They could probably do with some new blood coming in. Someone that hasn't already used all their best ideas over the last 30 or so years and someone that is up to date with modern culture. Don't get me wrong, they need a someone like Jarrett in there too with the experience factor and to tell them to calm the fuck down when they start going a bit "Russo", but a shot of adrenalin is what TNA needs right now, not a afternoon nap.

  3. I thought AJ was "out of contract"? Dixie has no right booking him in a match if he supposedly doesn't work for them. The whole reason he won the belt was because he wanted to leave with the title. They couldn't have waited for a month before he showed back up? I get rushing CM Punk back, but nobody gives a shit if AJ Styles or the belt are hanging around TV.


    Its possible they may do a stotyline that involves AJ making them pay him a stupid amount of money to appear at the shows. Would make sense, but not sure if they will just ignore the situation completely.

  4. I was watching the ECW segment with Boogey where he came about and shoved worms in Matt Strikers mouth after Striker had his Birthday cake shoved in his face by Piper. Great little segment. Boogey shouldn't be wrestling, just someone that turns up every now and then, especially when they have alrwady been beaten or humiliated. It would have worked well on Smackdown this week, Maddox being knocked out and just as he's coming round, Boogeymans music hits and things go from bad to worse for Maddox. Boogey then returns to the bottomless pit for a few weeks.

  5. I don't think wrestling needs to be this complex. If people are looking for a sophisticated story, they'll watch a proper drama. When they try do sophisticated, there's a hundred flaws to the story anyway that casuals can pick out.


    I'm fine with the corporate thing, but they don't need to go to into complex job titles and contracts, breaking the illusion with revealing wrestler's real names and that they can't pay their bills. Fans don't want to hear that 'Paul' might get his house repossessed because of his carefree attitude to money. They want to see him beat the shit out of people. There's other ways that heels can be obstacles in his path.


    Especially when he has an Iron Clad contract, that actually isn't that Iron Clad after all.

  6. Anyone see them debuting a new Bigshow to really wind it up?


    Any chance of you learning that Big Show is two words? Five times in three posts in this thread, suggesting you're doing it on purpose. It's (admittedly irrationally) doing my nut in.


    Well they are spelling Fucking wrong! Must be because I'm never wrong. Well that's what I told my ex wife!

  7. Triple H mentioned in an Interview with Micheal Cole that he is no longer allowing the Bigshow to use his WWE name, so will now be going by Paul White. Is this story going a little "TNA" now?

    Show debuted in the WWE as Paul White IIRC. Plus this storyline is great.


    Yeah he did, but is there any reason for the WWE to be telling all the casuals and kids out there, that "We own the copyrighted names of our guys"?


    I don't care how casual the fan is, I think they assume 'Big Show' has a real name


    If he was called, "The Bigshow" Paul White and they made him drop the nickname, then fair enough, but its just to smarky when they use real names. CM Punk is not Phil, HHH is not Paul and the Bigshow is The Bigshow. We don't want to know the inner working on TV, if we are that interested we'd go on the net and find out. If Hulk Hogan ever gets called Terry on TV i'm done :p

  8. Triple H mentioned in an Interview with Micheal Cole that he is no longer allowing the Bigshow to use his WWE name, so will now be going by Paul White. Is this story going a little "TNA" now?

    Show debuted in the WWE as Paul White IIRC. Plus this storyline is great.


    Yeah he did, but is there any reason for the WWE to be telling all the casuals and kids out there, that "We own the copyrighted names of our guys"?

  9. Big E's voice could be a big disadvantage for him. It's not what he's saying or the way that he's saying it thats the problem, just his actual voice. Its too polite and nice for someone that looks like him. You look at him execting him to sound like Ahmed Johnson and when he opens his mouth he's more or a cross between Lanny Poffo and Matt Morgan.

  10. I think i'm on my own here, but I really like the current tag belts. I think them bronze is pretty apt in regards to them being the third biggest belts you can win. If you want the big gold ones, you gotta work a little harder.



    I just like those old ones too much... They have THE WORLD on them!



    Yeah but the current ones look like when you used to put a 2p on the railway line when you were a kid!!!

  11. I think i'm on my own here, but I really like the current tag belts. I think them bronze is pretty apt in regards to them being the third biggest belts you can win. If you want the big gold ones, you gotta work a little harder.


    On the subject, how many times have the tag belts been defended in the main event of a PPV? There was ShowMiz Vs DX at TLC a few years back and I think Diesel/HBK Vs Owen Bulldog, but am I missing any?

  12. I like Kofi Kingston, and enjoy his matches.


    I missed his nationality switch - when did he drop Jamaica for Ghana? I'm guessing there was no angle for that either?


    Pretty much just started using his normal voice one show, HHH made a comment about him sounding different, but that was about it.

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