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Posts posted by PSF

  1. I like that name a lot - a bit of Solomon Grundy, a bit of Biblical, and Crowe is a bit gothic. Good name to put a character around. Song Of Solomon would be a good name for a move.


    Its more likely to be called the Crowes Nest, before he's re-packaged as the long lost pirate cousin of Paul Birchall.

  2. Bit OTT there, the guy just put up a positive Facebook post about his peers. It says more about you that you would find this highly objectionable.

    But it's not just that, is it? He's constantly sticking his oar in when it comes to women. I rarely see Foley comment on anything to any extent nowadays unless it's about some girl that he feels needs 'defending' or 'standing up for'. He's desperate to come across as a white knight. It was the same for Melina and it's the same now. It comes across quite misogynistic, actually - he says they're 'more than capable of sticking up for themselves' then takes it upon himself to produce a short essay doing it himself anyway. More and more these days, he comes across as if he thinks nobody else understands unless Mick Foley is there to do their thinking for them. It's tiring and embarrassing.


    Wasn't the Melina thing about 7 years ago. Hardly "always" at it is he?

  3. I doubt PWI have snobbishness about British guys, I just sincerely doubt they know who the fuck they are. It's PWI. Small US Indies used to pay for mentions, and small time workers would pay Apter to get in the 500.


    I think he meant the wrestlers beeing snobish about PWI not the other way round. Still not sue that accurate though.

  4. PWI Top 100 released. Top 10 Below:


    1. John Cena
    2. CM Punk
    3. Hiroshi Tanahashi
    4. Bully Ray
    5. Kazuchika Okada
    6. Sheamus
    7. Jeff Hardy
    8. Alberto Del Rio
    9. Dolph Ziggler
    10. Kevin Steen


    Hardy should be no where near the top ten, i'd struggle to out him in the top 100. So many better than him. Can think of a few that should be ahead of Sheamus too.

  5. Didnt Kanyon claim he was held back in the WWE because he was gay? Wonder if there was any truth to it.


    I would say that he got more out of the WWE than he had any right too, certainly wasn't held back. I guy like him, getting a semi-main event at Summerslam was way more than he ever should have got.


    I wouldn't say it was a semi-main really. Also, A guy like him?


    Yes, anyone that takes it up the chuffer shouldn't be in the main event.


    I assume thats the sort of response you were wanting???


    I meant someone that was very average in the ring (no pun intended) and didn't have the look to stand out as anything over than a lower-midcarder, especially at a time when WWE was riddled with Main event talent.

  6. Didnt Kanyon claim he was held back in the WWE because he was gay? Wonder if there was any truth to it.


    I would say that he got more out of the WWE than he had any right too, certainly wasn't held back. I guy like him, getting a semi-main event at Summerslam was way more than he ever should have got.

  7. What to people think to Roddy Piper as a babyface colour commentator in 90/91?


    As a kid, I thought he was great, especially the way he'd used to mock some of the heels, but after rewatching survivor series '90 the way he reacted to Taker seemed a bit like he was taking the piss... not the best start for your monster heel...


    There was a dead man walking down to the ring, i'm not sure how he could have reacted other than completely over the top. So yes he was probably taking the piss and hoping it would blend in nicely.

  8. Well they did just about manage to get Umaga hitting people with Thumb over so I wouldn't completely rule it out.


    Never understand why the Samoan spike gets so much shit. The way Umaga hit hit it with his mannerisms was great. The visual of the manager snapping the cigar was great. And then think about some strong as fuck wild man jabbing his thumb into your throat as hard as he could, its gonna fucking hurt and your staying down for at least 3 seconds. Nothing wrong with the move at all.




    I miss Umaga :(

  9. That's a very black and white view of wrestling, isn't it?


    Should Big Show and Khali spend eternity fighting over the WWE title, then?


    I assume he's saying that the finisher was the problem, not the end result. He's correct, if someone is so much bigger and strong than you, then you should be using your quickness and intelligence to out manuver him. Lots of strikes, dropkicks and roll ups, but stay away from him. A move like the unprettier takes too long to set up and you would have to out power them.

  10. I'm glad he now seems to have stopped doing the "Rapey" take your trousers off thing he was doing with the Knockouts.


    They could have turned this around for him after he was announced as the final participant in the Lockdown match. He had come back from an Aces & 8's beating and could quite easily have dropped the comedy side enough to put him over as a serious threat to Bully, if you built him up by trying to get a match anyway he could and trying to win the X Div belt to get to Bully (is he light enough???). Could have been good and I would have loved to see Young vs Samoa Joe for the title at BFG. Interests me a lot more than any potential Sabin match anyway.

  11. AJ Lee is just the fucking worst, isn't she?


    That 'performance' after Dolph's promo on Smackdown should be kept forever to demonstrate to young superstars how not to do it. Just...awful.


    Theres alot of hate for her on here. Am I the only one who thinks she's actually a pretty decent all rounder compared to 99% of the divas theyve chucked infront of us in the last 10 years?


    Probably in the minority - but I really like, it's a completely different gimmick for a Diva, she has a completely different look and fuck ups or not, she does seem to be able to do everything.


    I think she's great and its only when she was over exposed last year that the hate started. Now she's in a great position and doing well. The current fued with her and Kaitlyn is the best the Diva's have had since the LeCool/Mickey James days.

  12. The point that Borash was commentating, and ring announcing at the same time as being a backstage interviewer was incredible too. The commentary was obviously recored after the show, but could they have made it more obvious that this was just a piss about for them? Tenay joking about JB being on triple duty.


    Can you imagine how pissed off you would have been if you had to pay for this show. I'd love to see the figures for it.

  13. Ultimate Warrior has done a deal with 2KSports to be a playable character in the WWE2K14 video game.


    This marks the first time Warrior has been in a WWE video game for over 20 years, Super Wrestlemania for the SNES being the last time.


    Not quite. "In your house" was the last game from about 1996 ish.

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