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Posts posted by PSF

  1. Absolutely, I couldn't imagine in any other role. It just needs amping up a bit. He needs to go down the Hills Have Eyes route and be a psycho hillbilly that genuinely scares kids in attendance. Avoid any comedy or him showing any real emotion and let him eventually become the real nutcase of the Wyatts that even Bray can longer control.


    If any of you out there are Breaking Bad fans, imagine a more sinister Todd. Someone who will do the most evil and sinister things, but not even realise what they are doing is wrong.


    If Sister Abigail ever does come in, let her be the one to control Harper and kick Wyatt to the curb. Let him destroy the family and go on a rampage of destroying everything in his path.

  2. I'm still convinced that Harper is the most talented overall out of the 6 of them. You can tell he just gets it. Unfortunately his look will never let him be the top star and quite rightly they are pushing with Reigns.


    Harper needs to be pushed as a monster heel sometime in the next two years or they may miss the boat.

  3. Watching Bash at the Beach 1998, because I wanted to watch the Junkyard Battle Royal mentioned in the worst gimmick match thread. All its done is remind me how much I Fucking hate Mike Tenay!


    I can't be the only person to think he's the worse thing to ever happen to wrestling can I? I'm including Saxton, Gobblegooker and even Katie Fucking Vick in that statement. Always hated him.


    Edit: What's worse is that I've just realised I should have been watching BATB 99

  4. Can't stand Kalisto's music and that "Lucha, Lucha, Lucha" arm thing. It never seems to be in sequence with the music or the fans chanting it. I can see what they are trying to do, but it needs a bit of a change to catch on fully.


    Still great to see a bit of a change though.

  5. I'm dying to see Lesnar vs Cessaro personally. Outside of Rock/Brock, that would be my pick. Obviously Cesaro would need to come back like a house on fire to be credible, but if the writers get their arse in gear it could work. The uppercuts, the big suplex from the apron, the big swing and the neutaliser would all be great near fall spots and would be a great visual.


    Heyman being the mouth piece in the fued would keep it going. I know he managed Cessaro before, but all he talked about was how good Lesnar was, now he could actually do that and it wouldn't bury Cessaro.




    Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal?

    I guess that qualifies as a new one then really. I'd prefer it if every year was in memory of a different wrestler though

    It's the Andre The Giant memorial as part of his gimmick was being unbeatable in battle royals, as is my undertsanding of it.

    That's a nice sentiment and all, I just think there is more mileage in a different one every year. Savage, Warrior, Piper and so forth would all make for awesome trophies.


    I suppose the main drawback would be that WWE wouldn't want to draw attention to the amount of dead wrestlers on their books



    They could also have the Big John Studd memorial Ladder Match.

  7. Big "what if" here, but "if" HBK vs Mr Perfect was the match it had the potential to be and "if" Luger had won the title, would Summerslam 1993 be remembered as one of the best PPVs ever?


    Great undercard on the show. A fantastic tag title match. A great little match with Doink vs Bret along with all the Lawler shenanigans. New blood Razor Ramon going over the veteran dibiase in the opener. Borger being made to look strong.


    Its no WM17, but for 1993 they pulled this one out of the bag. Could have been oh so perfect.


    **sub note** For everyone's own sanity, we can pretend Taker didn't have a match on this show.

  8. I honestly don't think that woman's segment was anywhere as bad as you lot are making out. I enjoyed it to be honest. But it certainly shouldn't have been closing the show. Middle of the show and it would have been a solid segment.


    Gutted we get Del Rio/Reigns at SS instead of Cessaro.

  9. I know its farfetched but I'd like to see a situation where, using Sheamus as an example as he's the current MITB holder, wins the tournament for the world heavyweight championship and then brags about being champ etc. and then eventually cashes in on the intercontinental championship to bring it a bit more prestige and make even more of a heel out of himself and look badder. That would be great. With the right person of course.


    That sounds awful tbh. Plus the MOTB isn't for a shot at the IC title either. All a bit too TNA.

  10. MUFC1984 I would suggest that you just stop posting, because you are coming across like the most vile human being possible. Served you sentence or not, people don't have to think that you are a reformed character and should be hailed for turning your life around. I certainly don't know the extent of your perversion and I really don't want to know, but if you manage to wake up in the morning, look yourself in the mirror and get on with your day, then call that a success . In the meantime fuck off being the most despicable type of troll in existence and STOP Fucking posting.


    I personally will now block your posts and suggest everyone do the same.

  11. Stolen from Football365 mailbox. Found it amusing.


    Premier League clubs as wrestlers.

    Man U – John Cena, everyone hates him and wants him to lose but he wont go away
    Man City – Roman Reigns, the new kid on the block ready to get the push to the big time, but still hasn’t won the big one (Champions League).
    Liverpool – Ric Flair, best in the world in the 80’s, still hanging on to those glory days despite being way, way past his prime. Cant compete with the current stars.
    Arsenal – Daniel Bryan, always has the best matches but never taken seriously as a threat.
    Chelsea – Hulk Hogan, big name in the business, but his reputation is in tatters.
    Newcastle – Vince McMahon, innovative and super popular in the 90’s, went down hill fast and is bereft of ideas on how to turn business around.
    Stoke – Dixie Carter, signs talent that were previously at good franchises based on their name only. Ultimately going nowhere.
    WBA – Greg Valentine, a reliable hand in the middle of the card. Unimpressive but rarely lets you down.
    Norwich – Stephanie McMahon, female owner, makes a t*t of herself when getting time with a live microphone.
    Sunderland – Iron Mike Sharp, jobber to the stars, rarely, if ever picks up a win. Bottom of the card for life.
    Swansea – The Iron Sheik, evil foreign invader picks up the occasional bit of silverware.
    Spurs – Million Dollar Man, spends money willy nilly and never really goes further up the card.


    Its the good thing about having such a range, something for everyone. I'm sure there's some weirdo out there who thinks Bailey is a knockout, probably the same people who think the ginger one from Girls Aloud was the fittest or that Kate Micucci from Big Bang Theory is better looking that Kaley Couco. Obviously bollocks, but everyone has the right to set their sights low ;)


    Kaley Couco is bang average at best. One of the most overrated girls in TV/films in terms of attractiveness. Dime a dozen.


    Edit: She also looks over 50 with her haircut.



    Where are you from? Because I fancy a night out in your neck of the woods if that's the average lass walking about. The average round here is like the love child of Jazz & Trevor Murdoch.

  13. I think Eve Marie is WWE's sexiest Diva and I can't be the only one. Sasha being a close second.


    Its the good thing about having such a range, something for everyone. I'm sure there's some weirdo out there who thinks Bailey is a knockout, probably the same people who think the ginger one from Girls Aloud was the fittest or that Kate Micucci from Big Bang Theory is better looking that Kaley Couco. Obviously bollocks, but everyone has the right to set their sights low ;) 

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