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Devon Malcolm

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Posts posted by Devon Malcolm

  1. Ric Flair, Bryan Pillman and Arn Anderson are with Mean Gene, and Pillman says it's an honour to be one of the Horsemen. He says that Hogan wanted to be a Horseman so badly, he started dressing in black to please the Horsmen. Pillman then goes batshit crazy and when talking about the Dungeon of Doom he does a hilarious shark impression. Ric Flair finally gets onto the microphone, but then Paul Orndorff heads for them, and has words for Pillman. Pillman with a right hand and this one kicks off big time. Horsemen of course help Pillman to get his shots in. SPIKE PILEDRIVER ON THE CONCRETE FROM ARN AND FLAIR !!! Oh dear. Horsemen 3:16 says "We just paralysed ya.".


    I remember that angle and incident pretty well. If I'm right they sold that incident pretty impressively for a good couple of weeks afterwards.

  2. Burnell.jpg


    I do like me some Cerrie from CBeebies. I don't mind the kids having the fucking thing on 8 hours a day as much since she came on.


    It's not her fault she's got a fliddy arm, no need to be so rude about it.


    They had some game on the other day where her and her co-presenter had to dig in this sandpit looking for as many bones as they could find. My wife said, "At least give her a shovel or something!"

  3. Ed Wood tonight. Probably my favourite Tim Burton film which he couldn't even spoil with the needless Orson Welles scene. Martin Landau as Bela Lugosi was one of my favourite performances in any film ever, I think - absolutely perfect in every way. I didn't mind the historical inaccuracies that much, aside from the one mentioned, and this was really great fun.


    8 angora sweaters out of 10.

  4. Just watched Das Experiment tonight. Cracking film - probably really difficult to pace and possibly not helped by too much emphasis on Tarek's girlfriend on the 'outside', but it's really enjoyable and had a really satisfying ending, I thought.


    8 nightsticks out of 10.

    I Sky plussed it a few months ago but the signal was lost when they put Tarek in that little box so I've no idea what happened, if I see it cheap I'll pick it up as I really enjoyed what I saw.


    Ha ha, that's exactly how we watched it last night! Ours cut out as well bizarrely but we only lost 2 minutes so it wasn't too bad. Yes, it's well worth picking up, I think I saw it on Play.com going at a decent price recently.

  5. Just watched The Mist.


    And then Marcia Gay Harden starts playing this nutter preacher role and turns in a performance that is far too good for a horror film like this. Not once did she get over-the-top and she made this film something else altogether. She should have got an Oscar nomination for this.




    I thought her performance was so fucking annoying and over the top she ruined a perfectly good B-movie horror. Her speeches go on for 10 minutes at a time and she is just so crap I wanted to throw my fucking telly out the window. There is no subtlety to her role at all...any actress could have played it just aswell or probably better. She is hateable not a good movie villain way but in a X-Pac 2001 type of way.


    I don't think her role was ever supposed to be subtle but neither did I think she was over-the-top. I thought she brought a different dimension to a horror film that would have been far too derivative to have been anything above average - aside from the ending.

  6. Just watched The Mist.


    <-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

    I really genuinely do not know what I made of this film. I didn't know that much of it at all before I saw it except who was in it and that it was a bit of a Dawn Of The Dead-esque supermarket siege horror thing. I liked the beginning of the film and how it is set up and the mystery of it. Then the tentacles start coming in and I thought, "Oh fucking hell, alright, we've got a comedy horror here."


    And then Marcia Gay Harden starts playing this nutter preacher role and turns in a performance that is far too good for a horror film like this. Not once did she get over-the-top and she made this film something else altogether. She should have got an Oscar nomination for this. The bit in the pharmacy was stupid though and reminded me too much of Eight Legged Freaks (not necessarily a bad thing but somewhat different in tone from this).


    I liked the turn it took with everyone turning against the 'heroes'. That was good. But then as soon as they left the supermarket and the dramatic classical music kicked in it just felt as though it was going to end badly. And it did. I thought they were stupid to go into The Arrowhead Project though - should have been left as a MacGuffin, the film didn't need more details revealing on that.


    Reading what I did of the original story, the ambiguous ending where he didn't cap everyone sounded far better and I like ambiguous endings - then again, I love John Carpenter films. But at the same time, it was fantastically bleak and for a Hollywood film to have an ending that downbeat is genuinely excellent and to be praised, I think. It was genuinely unsettling and I am very rarely unsettled by a film - the last time, I think, was Roman Polanski's Repulsion. And that was years ago.


    Thomas Jane was pretty solid throughout and Laurie Holden was better than she was in The X Files. But Marcia Gay Harden stole this fucking film.


    I think I'll give it 7 tentacles out of 10. But I might think differently if I have a nightmare about it.


    [close spoiler]

  7. You're so wrong.


    Anyways, I'm getting really excited about The Hurt Locker, which is due out next month. I've been waiting a while for this, and it stars the most underrated actor alive; Jeremy Renner as a bomb disposal expert in Iraq. It's directed by Kathryn Bigelow (of Near Dark and Point Break fame) and it has been getting wall to wall excellent reviews, with most critics even talking Oscar for Renner, which would be quite an incredible thing.


    Yeah, I saw the review in Empire, looks a great film. I'd forgotten she'd directed Near Dark actually.

  8. Watched Blade Runner: The Final Cut the other night.


    Must say that the BRAND NEW SPECIAL EFFECTS!!!! didn't really make much of a difference for me but I enjoyed watching the film without the voiceover. Not that I found it especially annoying in the original, but I enjoyed the moments of silence where the Deckard monologues are missing as I thought that they helped add atmosphere to it.

  9. The Day the Earth Stood Still


    Actually 'fairly' enjoyable, amazing Klatuu took small things incredibly seriously and ignored the bg things, plus doing want to spoil it but the 'thing' that makes the save, kinda pathetic. But look past the gaping plot holes and it's fairly enjoyable. Keanu does a decent job being the emotionless Alien (who'd have thunk it?) but I thought Jayden Smith wasn't quite right for the role. It's okay if you can switch off your brain.


    I always found that

    was infinitely better.
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