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Devon Malcolm

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Posts posted by Devon Malcolm

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Watched I Saw The TV Glow last night and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. Laser targeted at kids who grew up queer (especially trans) in the '90's, I love when what's on-screen feels like the director opening their own heart up to you and this one wormed it's way into me from the beginning - several times a character would do or say something and my wife & housemate would both point at me and say "That's you"

    Justice Smith in particular is electric in this, delivers a really quiet, affecting performance. Will be a while before I stop thinking about this one.

    Hugely recommend We're All Going to the World's Fair from the same director as it touches on similar themes. Very excited to see this at the cinema next month.

  2. 3 minutes ago, hallicks said:

    Beautiful looking theatre! What was the picture quality like? Was it film or digital? 

    Film. Picture quality was lovely, sound could have been a bit better but still decent enough. Soundtrack was incredible to hear in a theatre built for that sort of thing. They played some Pathé news reel footage before it started!

  3. The Watchers (cinema)

    Absolute shite. Walked out after an hour. Somebody stop the Shyamalans, they can't keep getting away with this.

    Hit Man (Netflix)

    Not too disappointed I missed this at the cinema. Enjoyable and quite funny but not much to it and its tone doesn't work after a while. The usual overrated Linklater stuff.

    North by Northwest (cinema!)

    Still obviously one of the greatest movies ever made. And one of the funniest too.

    The Big Combo (YouTube)

    Arguably the best American noir that isn't as well as known as it should be. Gorgeous to look at and Richard Conte is one of the best character actors of all time.


    Its reputation for being total fucking nonsense is well earned. It's alright for the first half but then disappears up its own arse. Even Jason Statham can't save it, that's how shit it is.

    Bull (Film 4)

    Neil Maskell as a violent criminal again but unlike Kill List, this isn't directed by a total drongo. Horribly violent and even though the ending is terrible, a pleasingly nasty crime thriller.

    Serial Mom

    Gloriously daft and hilarious satire of suburbia. I really need to watch more John Waters. One of the best things I've watched this year.

    The Kid Detective 

    Wasn't sure about this first time round, absolutely get it now. Black comedy crime films are notoriously hard to get right but this does it. Adam Brody should be a huge star 


    Really stupid and tons of fun. Matthew Lillard is the best.

  4. 51 minutes ago, Jazzy G said:

    Picked up Rain On Your Parade in my Switch. I've finished it, but there's now a new game plus mode that I'll take a look at. It's heaps of fun, there are some decent gags through the story. There's DLC available as well, but I'm going to wait a while before I give that a look. 

    Put this on my Steam wishlist the other day, looks very funny indeed.

  5. Screenshot2024-06-1309_29_21.png.7d7a0a4abb7ab6e276b9c01fe7765cfd.png

    That's who's standing in our neck of the woods. Mishra can fuck off since he left the Socialist Campaign Group and Workers Party / Galloway have shown their transphobic colours lately so they can fuck off too. So I'm probably going to vote Green because I actually know and am friends with Helena Mellish, she runs the meatball and arancini stall on Heaton Moor market so she gets my vote for the food alone.

  6. So, you know howI said I wasn't going to even try doing 750,000+ on Peggle / Peggle Nights? Well I'm annoyed because I just got this score trying to get all the Ace / 100% certificates, but! It does give me hope for the future if I do attempt it.

    (And yes, "Shoot name, brother!" and all that.)


  7. 12 minutes ago, gmoney said:

    Crank. Somehow never got around to seeing this. Great fun, obviously, but I was struck by how shit this looks. Filmed with digital HD cameras, sometimes it looks like a student film. I don't think I knew this was a fairly low budget hit, so fair play. They more than made up for in the fun and invention stakes.

    The sequel's even better!


  8. 41 minutes ago, hallicks said:

    Scratched my every-few-years itch for Mario 64 recently. It’s such a beautiful game, a total comfort blanket, but still bags of fun. Decided to do it “in order”, for no good reason other than I hate having to go back to otherwise completed courses just for the 100 coins. This was the moment prior to getting the 120th star, 8 red coins on Bowser in the sky:


    I've been replaying it recently. Getting 100 coins on Tick Tock Clock is my worst nightmare. Flying around in the clouds getting those 8 red coins is in equal first place. Wonderful game.

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