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Posts posted by JakeRobertsParoleOfficer

  1. 1. A 24 hr shoot interview with Vince on truth serum

    2. All the classic wcw wrestlers came over for a proper 3 year invasion angle  with all our dream matches and alliances played out in 2001

    3. All the tragic deaths, suicides and unhappiness to be undone. 

  2. Nash, save the grey hair looks virtually identical to his mid 90s run 25 years ago.

    Add in he still looks good physically (deceiving I know) and can still do his main moves and there really is no difference as he want Lou Thesz to begin with. 



  3. 20 hours ago, Ricc1PW said:

    It was when he was over for a 1PW show. he arrived a day before most of the other imports, I was charged with taking him somewhere for dinner. As I recall, the night turned into the next morning, monged on the floor of Scorpio's hotel room. I was a write off for about 3 days. he just kept going.

    I assume he was rocking the old Peruvian marching powder then! 


  4. Was the deal with Sunny that her porno was so bad the company didn't pursue any further vids. 

    Sick as it is Chynas ones were far better. 

    Sunnys one was so sad coz u basically had an overweight rough looking bird who used to be hot, out of it on downers being mauled by some guy (who looks disinterested) in quite possibly the least erotic, sexy or turn on porno by a star there's ever been. 

  5. So what is the deal with the nutter? 

    About 10 years ago didnt he say he suffered a Brain injury (jumping out his house window)  and had to learn to walk, then saw an interview where he said he was basically losing his motor skills due to something like motorneurones (a horrific thing to say and a horrific disease), 10 years on he's still wrestling and  now he's saying he's got parkinsons and alzheimers and wants money for a stem cell treatment that will cure it? 

    His shoots & what he comes out with is fascinatingly insane. 

    He does seem to inhabit some weird plane of existence where I'm sure all this makes sense



  6. Goldberg has such star power that all he needs to do is monster someone with 2 moves and everyone goes home happy.

    Still has that monster aura and size to him which if he could keep that size up he could do this to 55

  7. Its the ones who turn up to events wearing replica belts, that does me, some of them swagger like they're Flair circa 1982. 

    I luvs a replica belt, for the wall or as piece of 'art', however the thought of wandering through a city centre wearing one for  show just screams 'dork' to me. 

  8. Always enjoyed  the Sid/Hogan vs Flaor and Undi match on SNM. 

    This was after Hogan's act of cuntiness in eliminating Sid at the RR 92.

    Sid just basically becomes the definition of the bad tag team partner and let's him take a kicking as he fucks off

    Special mention must also go to Duggan as since when is it ok, post win.....for a face  to beat someone with a 2x4???






  9. The definition of the 'hard looking' bastard with an aura and authenticity that's so lacking in the last 15-20 years of wrestlers coming off the conveyor belt. 

    I mean here's a guy who gets injured, needs a colostomy bag fitted and then returns wearing a singlet so he can cover it up and carry on!!!! - this was the 80s ffs when that surgery isn't as advanced as it is now.

    He then takes a few months off and returns and still wrestles off and on for another 5 years. 

    They don't make them like this anymore!! 





  10. 15 hours ago, IANdrewDiceClay said:

    Hogan and Savage were on all the big promotion vehicles of the time (Big Breakfast, Live and Kicking etc.) and Savage was so far ahead of Hogan as a presence, it was actually frightening. I attribute that tour to promote Nitro as one of the reasons Hogan probably thought "this red and yellow shit is finished." Savage was this witty, tour de force of energy and charisma, and Hogan looked like an old bloke who was promoting a one man show where he reads about his novel a shop assistant who finds love. I think the Big Breakfast was the one where all Macho's jokes were homeruns and Hogan looked like a tosser yellow cowboy boots. When Hogan isnt on the gas, he isnt half the presence.

    Christ Ian your right, just watched p1 and 2. Savage owns Hogan here.

    Was Hogan 'clean' of everything here?? Normal voice, obviously off the 'juice', lacking that "ahem" wild eyed promo look?? 

    So unusual to see Hogan so off his game and tbh, lacking in charisma

    Looking back Hogan so needed that Wcw nWo  run to freshen his character up in 96. 

  11. 2019 wwe, has there ever been less stars in the company than there are now. 

    I used to base my life around catching the programme and ppv in the days before  SKY Q and Tivo. But now if I ever catch anything these days its on YouTube. 

    They just don't have any stars at all or anyone who looks like they can ellicit an emotional reaction. 

    Today's product makes wwf 94 look like 1987.

    No one is even 1/4 the level of

    Hogan, rock, warrior, flair, sting, road warriors, razor, Bret, Andre, piper, jake, Austin, michaels, Graham, taker, Goldberg, savage, rude, dusty, road warriors etc

    Even if we look at the 00s you had edge, punk, batista, angle, cena

    The product is just so vanilla, and boring now. 

    The best thing they've done in last 10 years was Goldberg vs brock. That whole angle, and Goldbergs quick win was just so memorable (ironically probably by necessity due to Goldbergs limitations). It was a genuine wtf moment, and felt special which wrestling used to be













  12. Andre, maybe.... Though he was more of an attraction enough without it. 

    In the 80s its virtually impossible to list anyone not named Hogan, savage or warrior is it. As has been said no one was getting a look in there. 

    Nowadays anyone from that era would be a multi time world champion.


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