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Posts posted by JakeRobertsParoleOfficer

  1. Where does the time go? 

    Eddie's death was 13 yrs ago, it still feels recent. 13yrs ago in wrestling used to be HUGE(think of the different in wwf from 84-97) now not so much. 

    Can't believe warrior has been gone for nearly 5. It doesn't seem that long away I was watching those 'injection' bids. 


  2. You can see why the UK embraced American wrestling the way it did. 

    Up until the wwe hitting mainstream all the UK knew wrestling as was middle aged fat hairy men in speedo's.

    We had BIG daddy


    WWF had 


    Real life marvel esque looking superheros. 

    No wonder UK became I think WWfs 2nd biggest market 


  3. 2 hours ago, Your Fight Site said:

    I’m the poster formerly known as Khemical. I’ve never had a wrestling match, let alone one dressed as a Road Warrior 😂

    No idea where you’ve gotten that idea from! 

    Sorry Knightmare is the one I'm thinking of. That was Ricky Knight wasn't it? 

  4. Ultimate chipendale was definitely Mcdonald I remember seeing him. 

    Johnny South was LOD. To be fair he was spitting image of Hawk and had great looking gear so looked legit. 

    Dynamite deffo was around that time and on cards with South as I attended a fair few shows 91-94 and remember them tagging at 1 point along with Johnny smith

  5. Always made me chuckle during the 00s where Edge, Randy etc were shrinking and WWE were all about the 'no gear' and there's Vince In his 60s the most jacked dude on the roster....... 10 years after the steroid trial.

    Dudes in their 60s with his work schedule just don't look like that. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Statto said:

    That’s what got him fired from WWE/Performance Centre job, IIRC. Someone found out he’d tested positive at a powerlifting event (several months after it happened) and that was that.

    Love the fact that in wwe you can lose your job due to PED use in a comp in an unrelated industry??

  7. Money does talk and I think alot of wrestlers in the modern age would like to experience the Monday night wars for themselves. 

    For me it all depends on how much they can throw at this at a loss

    Think I read years ago it'd take upwards of 500m to start a fed that could compete with wwe

    Thing is as posted above the lack of stars created now means that there isn't a plethora of stars to pinch. 

    Any new fee has to avoid trying to wheel out hogan, flair  etc. Its been done to death and wouldnt make a dent. 

    Wrestling is a business and if they had the dosh when stars when available to do silly money offers e.g 15m a year guarantees who wouldn't go? 

    Only way I could see it making a massive impact is to offer Cena and Rock silly money (30m) and cart them out. 

    Either that or create excellent production values, scour the indies and get the cream and market them great. 

    It'd have to be so good though so as not to just a quick 5 minute interest though that I dont think it'd be possible unless they unearthed a Hogan/Rock'esque level of charismatic talent??? 







  8. Wasn't wwf in 92  bigger in Europe at that point than the US?  I seem to remember the UK tabloids were all over WWF back then.

    Bret was HUGE in Germany if I remember + factor in Daveys massive popularity and Warriors (think I read Warrior merch outside Hulks over here) & I think it was a no brainer. 

    I was 11 in 92 and didn't have Sky so had to rely on: wwf magazine, Silvervision releases and my m8 who had (knocked off nynex) cable taping it on VHS for me. To keep upto date. SS coming to the UK felt Massive at the time. Think its easy to miss just how over Davey was in the UK at this point and how as the only UK guy in WWF he got exposure for it over here. 

    Davey winning the IC belt got National media coverage over here in the only 2 outlets we had tv and newspaper!

    This boom also massively boosted the domestic scene here (often to the exploitation of the punter by All 'We'll Advertise an American star and then say at the event that their was an issue' Star) 


  9. 2 hours ago, Your Fight Site said:

    It’s mad to think that, had Hellwig signed that contract, that five years would have took him into the first brand split and probably in the main events of RAW with Evolution, Kane, RVD etc.

    Thing is it could have skewed the attitude era massively, centering around Warrior and not Austin. 

    Wwe could have floundered with Warrior not drawing and Wcw could have beaten them. 



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