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Chris Benoit dead


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According to Wikipedia, on the Wrestlemania Anthology match listing for Wrestlemania XX, the main event is listed as Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Am I the only one that finds it ridiculous that WWE are removing such important aspects from its history?

What are you suggesting they do instead? Continue to advertise Benoit in match listings and in photos on both WWE.com and DVD covers, potentially opening themselves up to the criticism that they're using the likeness and/or name of a CHILD MURDERER to make money? I'm fucking blown away by the amount people calling it, "stupid," "crazy," or, "ridiculous," of the WWE to do this, because it's actually the most logical and sensible thing they could do considering the circumstances. By a mile.
But, if the DVD continues to show the event in its entirety, then who is it benefitting to omit him from the match listings? If, say, a mum buys a copy of WrestleMania XX for her son on the back of promises that Benoit isn't on the tape, everyone involved is going to have a bit of a shock later on. It's false advertising by omission.By all means give the cover of, say, Backlash 2004 a rework, but the cover blurb has to reflect what's actually contained on the DVD.I was quite surprised in picking up my copy of WM23 that they kept the Benoit/MVP match on board, to be honest. Perhaps they didn't have time to take it out.

No it isn't. Unless they're going to cut every MATCH involving Benoit out of the DVDs as well, changing the match listing is completely pointless.What they should do is remove all of his matches, if they're going to go that route.

I imagine completely cutting his matches when and where it's possible will be the next step they take, but as a short term solution you can't fault them for removing his name and likeness in every way possible. It's certainly what I would have done. They're easy tagets as it is without continuing to profit from the promoting of a murderer. Edited by Supremo
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from what its been reported, dont know if its been metioned here , but this weeks WWE 24/7 had an unedited International Flag match between Benoit and Malenko

Edited by klown
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I'm thinking more along the lines of Regal, HHH (gotta protect the missus' inheritance after all) and a few others.

What about JBL? *Thinking from WWE's point of view here*He can talk, has a world of media experience, is known for being loyal to the company and was friends with Benoit (so much like Jericho he could give the human picture of Benoit, whilst at the same time he'd tow the company line on drug testing). Also unlike Cena or Hunter if/when the host asks him if he'd used steroids and he denied it the viewing public wouldn't be as suspicious. I agree Regal would be good as well for much the same reasons.

Finlay's not a bad choice for those reasons above. He knew Benoit for years and it helps move the talk away from everyone looks like a roided-up cartoon character. Maybe WWE are going to allow more of their workers to appear on shows after all.People like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Dean Malenko, JBL, Paul Heyman, Jim Ross, Eric Bischoff and Tazz all worked with Benoit extensively and could do a good job of explaining just who Benoit was in the ring and out (which is what Jericho and Bret were praised for doing, as opposed to the guys who'd only met him a couple of times) as well as the current drug testing policy / Wellness Program since all of them currently work for WWE. Steve Austin, Mick Foley and Jerry Lawler would probably be good as well.Really there are a number of people in WWE who could hold their own in a panel type interview but what I'd really like is to see them getting asked the tough questions regarding the policy and get their response to John Lister and Marc Mero's death lists. Edited by TheBigBoot
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Here's a question: Is it possible to go back and watch a PPV from the 1980s up to 2004 and not come across at least one wrestler who has since died?

King Of The Ring 1999. What do I win?
Nothing.Mideon & Viscera beat The Big Bossman (1:47) in a "handicap" match when Mideon pinned Bossman.
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Here's a question: Is it possible to go back and watch a PPV from the 1980s up to 2004 and not come across at least one wrestler who has since died?

King Of The Ring 1999. What do I win?
Nothing.Mideon & Viscera beat The Big Bossman (1:47) in a "handicap" match when Mideon pinned Bossman.
That was a Sunday Night Heat match, he said PPV!
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:laugh::laugh::laugh: That's brilliant. He spends five minutes reciting the company line of nobody taking steroids anymore, then ends the whole thing with "uhh, I dunno" when asked if Benoit's tests will come back positive for steroids.
It's absolutely fascinating watching him contradict himself."There's a strict, fully-effective drug testing policy which means nobody does steroids anymore....even though they found steroids in Benoit's home.....yet he still passed our test....erm...he must have done them the day before he died! The toxicology reports won't prove anything!"I wish they'd continued the interview for another minute or so because if the last thirty seconds are anything to go by he would have ended up sitting in silence, having completely debunked all of his own points.
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