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Chris Benoit dead


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Just saw the report on Sky Sports News on it, there's gonna be a press conference later where hopefully they'll give the details of what actually happened.

Do you know what time it's going to be at?
sorry nope they didnt say. they were talking to a guy from fox news and he said the police plan to leave the house later today after spending the last 24 hours there and before they do there will be some sort of press conference.
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Or just disturbed. Or someone who just didn't know what to do, so did nothing for a while.

Exactly. Think about it for a minute. Perhaps he killed his wife by accident, then realised the enormity of what he'd done, then came to the conclusion that he couldn't go on living any more after all that's happened, and decided to take his son with him. So he sits down on the sofa to spend one last night with his son, watching on the TV all those people he's known for years, all those he called colleagues and friends, texting them because he knew they'd realise something was wrong from the emotion in his voice. And when it finished, he put his son to bed, waited for him to go to sleep, smothered him, wrote the note to the rest of his family, and hanged himself.Complete hypothesis, I know, but given that it's something you could imagine any ordinary person doing, I'd say it's the closest idea.
This will be turned in to a film.
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i don't know maybe its me watching too many csi,, ncis shows, i think benoit may have been set up.but then again thats just me.

To be absolutely honest, the first thing that went through my head when I heard this was that it could have been a mob hit - perhaps Benoit had run into money troubles, borrowed from some shady people, and ended up on the business end of a "repossession".I've written it off as incredibly unlikely, but I'm thinking that it's still possible, however minutely.
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The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, while updating their coverage of the Benoit family tragedy, reported that Nancy Benoit filed for divorce and an order of protection in May 2003. In the divorce petition, Nancy Benoit alleged that Chris Benoit, "lost his temper and threatened to strike the petitioner and cause extensive damage to the home and personal belongings of the parties, including furniture and furnishings. Petitioner is in reasonable fear for petitioner's own safety and that of the minor child." A judge issued a restraining order against Benoit and barred him from entering the family home. Nancy Benoit asked the court to dismiss the petition in August of that year. The couple later reconciled, celebrating together in the ring following Benoit's WWE World championship win at Wrestlemania XX. Autopsies in the deaths of The Benoits and their seven year old son Daniel are scheduled for today in Decatur, Georgia.

Anyone heard this before?
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Seriously........what? So you think someone has been using his mobile phone to text his WWE mates??

Yeah man, ANYONE can send a text, make it look like he's still alive and acting oddly, make the suicide thing look more feasable.
Read the link submitted in the post by GIB.
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Same story from FOX is running on CNN:

ATLANTA (AP) -- Pro wrestler Chris Benoit strangled his wife and smothered his son before hanging himself in his weight room, a law enforcement official close to the investigation told The Associated Press Tuesday.The official spoke on the condition of anonymity.Authorities also said they are investigating whether steroids may have been a factor in the deaths of Benoit, his wife and their 7-year-old son who were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide.

Associated Press don't run anything unless they are completely convinced it's credible. This is as official as it gets.The shit's really about to hit the fan if any media figure out how meaningless the 'wellness policy' is.
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http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,286737,00.htmlFucking hell. There are no words. That's kind of official...

Fuck, that's tragic :(On a side note, not really discussing this situation, something I've always wondered, when someone hangs themself, how do the police actually know it was suicide, as opposed to someone else hanging them (maybe after having drugged them or something)? I think I partially know the answer, and it's probably relating to if there was an obvious struggle etc., but it's just something that goes through my mind when stuff like this is reported.
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Or just disturbed. Or someone who just didn't know what to do, so did nothing for a while.

Exactly. Think about it for a minute. Perhaps he killed his wife by accident, then realised the enormity of what he'd done, then came to the conclusion that he couldn't go on living any more after all that's happened, and decided to take his son with him. So he sits down on the sofa to spend one last night with his son, watching on the TV all those people he's known for years, all those he called colleagues and friends, texting them because he knew they'd realise something was wrong from the emotion in his voice. And when it finished, he put his son to bed, waited for him to go to sleep, smothered him, wrote the note to the rest of his family, and hanged himself.Complete hypothesis, I know, but given that it's something you could imagine any ordinary person doing, I'd say it's the closest idea.
This will be turned in to a film.
I know, it seems really cheesy, like something out of a movie, but that's partly because some cliches have a root in reality. Either way, I'm not going to start painting Benoit like some utter, evil monster based on this. Murder is inexcusable, and I hope that, if there is such thing as divine vengeance, that he'll be in Purgatory for this, but given what so many people have said about him, I find it incredibly distasteful and presumptuous to write off a whole person's life purely on one, however shocking, deed. If he'd done several evil things, and destroyed the lives of many, I'd think he was a monster. But a man pushed over the edge, surrounded by a world collapsing around him, killing his family after a lifetime of good notices, and then himself, doesn't scream "sick, twisted, psychotic, deranged, depraved monstrosity" - it says to me that something truly tragic happened.There have been enough stories about the "hero who fell from grace" to tell us that this is not the only time it's happened. I'm not calling Benoit a hero, but I don't think he deserves to be lumped in with people like Huntley and Dahmer either.
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