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The Song Of The Day Thread

Mr. Seven

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This took forever to upload, so I hope at least one person downloads it:


A Silver Mt. Zion - Blind Blind Blind

A Silver Mt Zion are a Constellation band with Efrim, Sophie and Thierry from Godspeed You! Black Emperor. They started off fairly minimalist with a sound that I guess could be roughly described as 'classical-post rock', but introduced far more prominent vocals and a folk/punk influence on their later albums. This is a live recording from their awesome performance at the Scala a few weeks ago (which I was at) of a new (ish) song that develops on the sound of their last album, Horses In The Sky. They've been playing this song live for a while now but it hasn't been officially released yet, so this is the only version I have of it. I think it's probably one of the best things they've ever done, and I've listened to it almost every day since the gig.

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My song for today is by one of the greatest bands of modern times, and would rank among my favourite songs ever written.The Lawrence Arms - 100 ResolutionsOne of the many reasons I absolutely adore this band is that you can hear the passion oozing out of the music, you can tell every single word is coming straight from the heart. Great musicians too, with some superb vocal harmonies. The track I've chosen is actually from a split EP they did with The Chinkees, but can also be found on their superb B-Sides album "Cocktails and Dreams". If you love this track, I suggest purchasing their entire discography immediately.

Here's a superb cover of an Alkaline trio classic, Hot Water Music - Radio. I'm not sure if I prefer this or the original, both are utterly superb to be totally fair. This is off the split that they did back in 2002 (I think), check it out.

Two good shouts there. I've not heard much Lawrence Arms, but I've always loved this absurdly-titled opener off Fat Music Vol VI - one of those awesome short punk songs that leaves you wanting about five more minutes of it.The Lawrence Arms - presenting: the dancing machine (il robot con la testa di scimmia)
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At the request of Mr. Seven, I'm going to upload several songs by one of the greatest bands of all time, The Ataris. Check earlier in the thread for one or two that I posted back then, and enjoy these classics:


The Ataris - The Last Song I Will Ever Write About A Girl


This song is one that I'm sure a lot of people will relate to. Another fine example of Kris Roe's brutally honest lyrics that strike a chord with everyone who hears them. It also contains one of my favourite lyrics ever: "Why do I never seem to learn that love is wrong and girls are fucking evil?".


The Ataris - Make It Last


Here's one off their first album, more traditional Lookout style pop punk. Still superb lyrically and extremely catchy.


The Ataris - Summer Wind Was Always Our Song


Finally, here's one off their "End Is Forever" record. This one had a video so many people might already be familiar with it, but check it out if you haven't.

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Have recently got round to listening to a load of songs posted on here. Think it's good to give people feedback if you liked something, to encourage more posting. So kudos to whoever posted the following. :-


M. Ward - I have played this constantly for about a week now. I love this song. I'm usually put off by singer-songwriters 9 times out of 10. But this song is simply awesome. The tune, the lyrics, the man's voice. Can whoever posted this recommend an album to get started on?


The Walkmen - never heard any of their stuff before, but really liked this. I'd been put off before, as associated them (thanks to the music press) with the fucking awful Bravery.


M-83 - Such beautiful music made seemingly with a ZX Spectrum. Then did some research and found they're French, so not surprised. Album recommendation anyone?


The Wombats - A great tune. Seems they are unsigned, so don't expect that will last long...

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M. Ward - I have played this constantly for about a week now. I love this song. I'm usually put off by singer-songwriters 9 times out of 10. But this song is simply awesome. The tune, the lyrics, the man's voice. Can whoever posted this recommend an album to get started on?

Always happy to spread the M. Ward love.Try Post-War, his latest. My album of 2006 and probably his most direct and focused album. They're all good though. I've been really digging Transfiguration of Vincent (which the song I posted previously comes from) lately, I'll upload it later on. Edited by Parkamarka
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^ I love that FF song - the whole album/EP is boss, but that's my faveat the risk of offending all the SHOEGAZING and MATHROCK whatever in this thread, my song of the day is...dead prez - Police StateI dunno how to upload it, but it's easy enough to get off limewire.tend to hate rap that gets political and takes itself too seriously (fuck offfffff Nas), but it works here. :thumbsup:

Edited by ghost
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I had to download AND upload it for you lazy fucks :angry:

I feel the spirit of the thread may have passed you by...Heard this from Butter 08 on a music podcast the other day and have since downloaded the album and it's great. I'd never heard of them but apparently they were a collaboration from 1997 between members of Cibo Matta, John Spencer Blues Explosion and some other dudes.Butter 08 - Dick Serious
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Well.. i dont think this would actually count as band whoring seeing as we broke up in March.. But i've been listening to my old bands last recording. I now realize just how much fun i had recording these songs, and i absolutely love them. www.myspace.com/room1bandIts called Forks_And_Knives ....funnily enough.

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