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Is the whole mobile phone in a garage/leg on fire phenomenon true, or a myth? And can somebody give me an idiots guide to the science of the whole thing? I got a stern look of the bloke in the shop just for playing snake earlier on. Dick.

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Afternoon all, got a quandry here.


I have been having problems recently connecting to wireless access points that aren't at my home. I was in the press box at a cricket ground, and in a hotel where I have the correct password to connect to the internet.


However, once it 'connects' to local and internet and everything seems fine, it isn't and I can't look at the net/messenger/anything that requires an internet connection. However, I can still do local tasks like sharing files and stuff with other computers on the network.


Now I've no idea what I'm doing wrong or what. I have googled my problem, and tried a few solutions, but they didn't seem to help it. The only thing I can work out is that the routers I have problems with appear to be protected by WPA passwords, but the ones I have previously connected to fine (including my own) have been WEP. Maybe that's where my error lies, I don't really know.


Any help would be much appreciated.



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I'm currently on the Dole, and have been for 2 weeks (not too happy about it if truth be known). But have been offered a day's work for Friday. My question is, what should I do now? I appreciate my dole money for one week won't be paid, as i'll get

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Do murder holidays really exist?


After talking about teh film Hostel with work colleagues, I went on IMDB to do some geeking out over the film, which lead me to this tasty little piece of trivia....


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

The trailers bill the movie as "inspired by true events". Director Eli Roth says that he found a Thai website that advertised itself as a "murder vacation," offering users the chance to torture and kill someone for the price of $10,000. Roth later showed the site to Quentin Tarantino and the two developed the idea for the film. Tarantino and Roth said later on an Icelandic talk show that they have no idea if the website was real or not.



[close spoiler]



So, what do you think? And also I would do a bit of researching myself however if I got caught at work I don't know how I would explain it, and I'm very impatient...

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Nah, just typical "based on true events" movie bluster. It got brought up in a lot of interviews, and he just happened to never find the site again or report it to the police or anything.


I guess it's true in the sense that it fits in with all the other urban legends about tourists having their kidneys stolen or being abducted and sold into sex slavery and whatnot. It's not black and white enough that you could disprove it, and with the healthy air of "them evil foreign types and the dark things that lurk in the alleyways abroad" people buy into it at the drop of a hat.

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It's like snuff movies. I've never seen one, or known anyone who's seen a genuine one first-hand. They're basically an urban myth.

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It's right there, literally the 4th line down. "How do I add a new title?"

I took that the mean new new title not as in old new title.


Will get sorted Thanks!


Kendal, pain meds.. not today, might explain things Blonde moments in the extreme

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Basically you (normally) would have two teams, a Mafia team and a Town team. With the idea being for town to attempt to lynch the mafia players through discussion. While the Mafia attempt to not be found out, and kill off the town players during the night phase.


It sounds less fun just saying it like that, but if you read the Mutiny On The High Seas thread you'll see how fun the game can be (especially when you see the aftermath ^_^)


There's also a flash guide that gives you a better run down of it than I can here - http://cataldo.freeshell.org/mafia/mafiascum04.swf

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