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I... will... catch... up..., if I can somehow get out of the mire which is 2010...


ROH Bluegrass Brawl (22 July 2010)




ROH kicks off its Kentucky-Illinois triple-header weekend with it's first event since the excellent 'Death Before Dishonor VIII' iPPV. This is ROH's debut taping from Ohio Valley Wrestling's 'Davis Arena' base in Louisville, and features OVW's studio set-up with entranceway and yellow ring ropes. I believe I'm correct in remembering the 'Bluegrass Brawl' name itself came from one of Smokey Mountain Wrestling's old big cards in the area. Quite noticeably, this is also the first ROH 'B' show DVD release to be presented in widescreen. It's letterbox widescreen, but it's a start.


The key attractions on this DVD are a big tag rematch between The Briscoes and The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) and a non-title clash with ROH champ Tyler Black taking on tag strap holder Claudio Castagnoli. The latter is a really top-notch singles encounter and another world class solo performance from the Swiss. The match is paced in such a way that your interest is drawn to it from start to finish and by the time they head towards the finish they've got you hooked completely for the fantastic action. I loved this contest, which is easily one of the best ROH 'B' show singles bouts in some time. The tag tilt, rematching both 'Final Battle 2009' and one of the 2010 WrestleMania weekend shows, takes the main event position and is another fabulous effort. A sterling job is done by all in a thrilling example of ROH's tag division at its best.


Sadly, the rest of 'Bluegrass Brawl' is nowhere near as satisfactory.


The OVW connection is felt strongly on the undercard, as the home promotion presents a guest match of Beef Wellington vs. Paradyse and a Southern Tag Team Championship bout of The Elite vs. Sucio & Fang. These attractions aren't of particular importance to ROH, and the first is pretty crap, but the tag match is decent throwaway fun. In addition to these, OVW's Mike Mondo (a seriously jacked-up non-cheerleading 'Mikey' from The Spirit Squad) takes on Delirious in a match that just isn't very interesting.


The rest of the show is made up of an unremarkable Sara Del Rey vs. Daizee Haze bout, Chris Hero vs. Colt Cabana in the same match these two always have, and an enjoyable but rather pointless all-heel 6-man tag team match pitting Roderick Strong and his House of Truth buddies Josh Raymond & Christian Abel against Austin Aries, Rhett Titus & Kenny King.


With the main feature only taking up 2-and-a-quarter hours, there is room left on the disc for bonus matches of Samoa Joe vs. James Gibson for the Pure Title and Austin Aries vs. Spanky for the World Title, both from 'New Frontiers' in 2005. Aside from the completely bizarre randomness of their inclusion, these are both solid offerings from the middle of ROH's hottest period and do add value to the overall package.


So, then, it would be hard to recommend 'Bluegrass Brawl' as an essential DVD release as being a fantastic top-to-bottom show, since the undercard is beyond nondescript. The top two matches do deliver in a big way and are definitely worthwhile checking out, but do they justify the price of a full DVD? I don't think so...


Full show results:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Beef Wellington beat Paradyse with a roll-up


The Elite (Ted McNaylor & Adam Revolver) beat Sucio & Fang to retain the OVW Southern Tag Team Titles


Daizee Haze pinned Sara Del Rey


Delirious beat Mike Mondo with Shadows Over Hell


Colt Cabana pinned Chris Hero


The House of Truth (Roderick Strong{W, Sick Kick}, Josh Raymond & Christian Abel) beat Austin Aries, Rhett Titus{L} & Kenny King


Tyler Black beat Claudio Castagnoli with a superkick


The Briscoes beat The American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards{L}) with a Spike Jaydriller


[close spoiler]



Up Next: Part Two of the triple-header, 'Hate: Chapter II', featuring the Steen vs. Generico grudge rematch from DBD8...

Edited by Big Benny HG
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ROH has just released The Best Of Chris Hero:


From an unwanted outsider to an athletic marvel to a King of Wrestling, Chris Hero has come so far during his tenure in Ring of Honor and this is where it all started. This compilation includes over 20 of Hero's best matches & moments starting from his debut against Bryan Danielson that kicked off a 7 month war with CZW, his first tag title reign with Claudio Castagnoli, Chris' days with Sweet

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ROH Hate: Chapter II (23 July 2010)




Ring of Honor hit's Collinsville, Illinois (just outside St Louis, MO) for the 2nd night of it's triple-header, following the unremarkable 'Bluegrass Brawl' the previous evening in Kentucky. The show's title refers to a number of ongoing grudges which are rematched up and down the card in some form or another, the most notable of which is the latest chapter in the fantastic El Generico vs. Kevin Steen feud. The bitter enemies here face off in another singles encounter which reprises their brilliant battle at 'Death Before Dishonor VIII'. While it doesn't reach the heights of their corking contest at the iPPV, this is still a fantastic hate-fuelled example of how grudge matches are supposed to be done. It is mainly fought out over punches, kicks and chokes, with the more spectacular high spots only coming into play much, much later when they get desperate to put away their arch rival. Once again, you never get any other feeling than these two hate each other's guts. In fact, the closing bell is merely a distraction in the overall battle. Of course, nothing is settled on this 'B' show but this is a great part of the story.


The slot of the night's main event, though, goes to the continuing Briscoes vs. Kings Of Wrestling feud, which has already seen stunning matches at 'Big Bang' and 'Death Before Dishonor'. This time, it's an inter-gender six-person tag, with Hero & Castagnoli teaming with their stablemate Sara Del Rey and Jay & Mark forming a fantastically odd combination with Amazing Kong. This is another top quality offering and had me absolutely engrossed in what they were doing. I don't think it's possible for the Kings and the Briscoes to have a bad match against each other, and the addition of the 'Women of Honor' creates a further interesting dynamic. It stays true to established traditional tag team principles and utilises them to maximum effectiveness. A super-fun, majorly enjoyable main event that just works.


Continuing with the theme of the evening, numerous past and present grudges are combined into another 6-man tag further down the card, as Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn & Delirious take on Austin Aries & Rhett Titus & Kenny King. This feels like it would be a fitting main event to one of ROH's HDNet TV episodes. I found this to be good, solid bout which provides plenty of easy-watching entertainment.


Yet another top notch presentation comes right in the middle of the disc. What with their TNA commitments, The Young Bucks/GenerationMe (Matt & Nick Jackson) are no longer a regular part of the ROH tag division at the moment, but return this weekend to face the American Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) in what the DVD packaging heralds as a "Must See Tag Team Match". Does it live up to this lofty billing? Well, "Must See" is a bit sensationalist, but that doesn't mean this isn't a truly excellent contest, full of thrills, spills and spectacular tag team exchanges. A match that would have been worthy of one of ROH's major annual iPPVs, this is better than the Wolves' great bout against the Briscoes the previous evening.


Thankfully, the rest of the DVD doesn't feature too much pap either. World Title number one contender Roderick Strong vs. Colt Cabana and the opening tag of The House of Truth vs. The Bravado Brothers aren't anything special, but could never be classed as offensive. Grizzly Redwood vs. The Embassy's Erick Stevens isn't much of a match, though, and ends early when Necro Butcher interferes on Stevens' behalf. You see, the big payoff to the long, useless, boring, drawn out year-long Necro Butcher vs. The Embassy feud (as shown in the VideoWire a month or so ago) was.... NECRO BUTCHER JOINING THE EMBASSY. What the fuck?!? What was the point of everything they've made me watch for AN ENTIRE YEAR?!? Anyway, all of this then leads directly into 'treating' us some spectacularly abysmal exchanges between Butcher and 'Skullcrusher' Rasche Brown before it all goes to hell. A complete and utter waste of time.


Overall, this is a rare example these days of one of the minor ROH events being really, really good and delivering in a big way. Alongside the strong main feature, the DVD also contains a bonus in the form of the AJ Styles & Matt Sydal vs. The Briscoes tag match from ROH's 100th Show, part of the Milestone Series of events from back in 2006. A DVD that comes with my recommendation, and an encouraging sign that ROH 'B' shows in 2010 aren't completely worthless.


Full show results:

<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

The House of Truth (Josh Raymond & Christian Able) beat The Bravado Brothers (Lance & Harlem)


Grizzly Redwood beat Erick Stevens by DQ due to interference from Necro Butcher


Rasche Brown & Necro Butcher fought to a no-contest


Roderick Strong beat Colt Cabana in a Pick 6 Series match with the Sick Kick


American Wolves (Eddie Edwards{W, Achilles Lock} & Davey Richards) beat GenerationMe (Matt & Nick{L} Jackson)


Tyler Black & Jerry Lynn & Delirious{W, small package} beat Austin Aries{L} & Rhett Titus & Kenny King


El Generico beat Kevin Steen by disqualification when Steen used a steel chair


Amazing Kong & Jay{W, roll-up} & Mark Briscoe beat Sara Del Rey & Chris Hero{L} & Claudio Castagnoli


[close spoiler]

Edited by Big Benny HG
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it'll be fun, they're much better wrestlers than CZW was (Bar Hero) so it should produce some brilliant matches.


I don't see it as an invasion, judging by pictures it's all Chikara technicos so it seems more like a 'who's better' of the two, don't see this getting heated or anything, it's just adding to both fed's ideas of competition.


Hoping it ends in a Cibernetico, kinda how CZW ended in a cage of death.

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Long-time Ring of Honor office staffer Sid Eick was released from the company after ROH's house show in Philadelphia, Pa. Friday night, according to multiple sources. Eick is the first staffer from the old regime to be released following Sinclair's purchase of ROH in May.


Before this was announced, Austin Aries tweeted this:

@ScrapDaddyAP @BookItGabe @rohcary Just heard some #GREAT news. About damn time someone got smart. #SeeYaPal #CutTheCancerOut


I love A Double so much. He's a card.

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Reading some of the things about him, why was he employed for so long? According to the reports coming out about him, he was hated by everyone in ROH, made Adam Pearce's job difficult during his time as a booker and ruined business opportunities that would have helped Ring of Honor's growth. Sounds like a complete moron. Saying that, those are usually the types who keep jobs in wrestling.


Here he is. He was also in the Wrestler film. He was the ticket seller.



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i've had a fair few experiences with him. he was basically robbing roh of money selling tickets. i would be there collecting my front row seats and hes telling people who are walking off the street, i'll give you front row tickets for this price of you promise to sit there for the full tv taping lol. where i paid 30 bucks for my front row seats hes giving it to people for 20. i can understand trying to get the first couple rows filled to look good on the hdnet tapings, but the people that actually wanna sit front row and are fans of roh would have paid that 30 dollars to sit there.



also one time sold seats that i already was sat in to people walking in off of the street. they came and were ready to argue with me about it when i was there in the seat first and had ordered my tickets a month before online lol

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Must agree. Not a big ROH fan, but Ultramantis Black on Eastenders would make me watch it. On the downside, someone like Finlay says he hates Chikara with a sickening passion. Wonder how Cornette feels about it. Chikara dont exactly scream "MMA, PURE SPORTS BUILD, 80 MINUTE MATCHES!!!" do they?


They bring a bit of colour to the program at least.


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