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If you like wrestlers who are super intense and kick people really hard then you'll like Davey.Or you can just watch this music video I made of him:http://youtube.com/watch?v=cOl5ZDQMN4U&amp...avey%20richards

Yeah, I saw that a while ago. It's nice work from you, but I try not to judge wrestlers based on music videos because my name isn't Dan Edler ;) Everything I hear about Davey makes him out to be the kind of wrestler I'd really enjoy. All his matches have got good reviews. No-one has had a bad word to say about him. So if he's bad now, I'll be horribly upset.
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Intensity Personified? I think Kenta Kobashi has a teensy weensy edge on Davey in that regard. He's got the moves, though. Should do some cool stuff in ROH.He's a horrible choice to face KENTA, though. If KENTA is on a ROH show it should be near-marquee. I can't imagine Davey will be catapulted up that high that quickly.

Edited by edgecrusher
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ROH appear to have big plans for Davey. They've already had him beat Jimmy Rave twice, gone toe-to-toe with Joe, has match with AJ pretty soon and now the Kenta match is supposed to put him even higher.I don't know how his ROH matches have been but reports have been VERY positive.

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I've finally finished off my review of 'Best in the World' from page 13 after 4 weeks. Here's the main event review, to save you going back:

KENTA and Naomichi Marufuji vs Samoa Joe and Bryan DanielsonBlimey, there's a lot of intrigue running through this. Danielson's title reign is going wonderfully, but while he beat Marufuji at Final Battle 2005, he hasn't tested himself against KENTA. At the same time, he has a tag team partner in Joe who is inevitably going to want a title shot at some point, so can they team together successfully? Then there's the team of Marufuji and KENTA, who had that long, long reign as junior heavyweight tag champs in NOAH where they were practically unbeatable. However, none of that matters to the crowd compared to the possibility of seeing KENTA and Joe lock up. So, that's what the main tease is, from the moment Joe waves KENTA off at the handshakes. Danielson and Marufuji start with some nice basics to polite applause, standard feeling out stuff really. Danielson stays in when KENTA tags in, and they have a smart sequence, then Danielson hilariously teases tagging to Joe then refuses. Remember kids, you can't tell Danielson what to do in a match. Of course, it isn't long until Danielson does tag Joe (on his own terms, so he saves face), and the crowd are rabid as Joe and KENTA batter each other in an electric but ever so short exchange. Marufuji is then tagged back in, and he gets isolated by Danielson and Joe, all of which is much more smooth than anything in the previous match. In a nice twist, when he eventually makes the hot tag to KENTA, Danielson is in for the ROH team. After KENTA charges Joe off the apron and they go at it again on the floor, Danielson then gets isolated, which is probably even better than the isolation of Maru before it. This leaves Joe on the apron steaming, and the crowd gagging for more from KENTA and Joe. At this point, the match looks to be heading towards being really, really great. Then Joe gets the hot tag about 21 minutes into the match and, rather than a finishing sprint, there's another twelve minutes. It's twelve good minutes, don't get me wrong, but it just feels like the 33 minutes overall is five minutes or so too much, and it's definitely not the earlier part of the match that's to blame. Eventually, KENTA pins Danielson after a beautiful top rope falcon arrow and a Go 2 Sleep out of a reversal sequence. ROH continuity should mean that earns him a title shot, but it hasn't happened yet. Really good main event, which sets up plenty of potential future matchups involving Danielson, KENTA and Joe in particular.In a moment of booking genius, the KENTA/Joe teases don't end at the three count. KENTA goes and picks up the ROH title belt, and Joe goes after him in outrage. KENTA then promises to "be back soon", and Joe responds that a tag victory doesn't mean KENTA could beat either Danielson or Joe in singles.

My Dragon Gate Challenge review is right at the bottom of page 14, and I've watched Supercard of Honor, but there's so much on there I really can't be bothered to review it. I don't think I could do justice to Do Fixer vs Blood Gen anyway. I have the last two matches of Better Than Our Best to watch, then that'll be next review.
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I can’t believe your not reviewing ‘Supercard’ because it’s too long! For shame Gadget, for shame…It is a bit long though, I watched up to Ace Steel/Chad Collyer last night and I still have three quarters of the show to go.The best bit of the post match at “Best Of The World” was KENTA telling the crowd he’ll see them again soon, then pissing off Joe when he gets in his face by saying “I don’t understand English” and walking away. What a dickhead.

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Absolutely. KENTA is the man. I hope he beats Joe when they face each other. I've just got the very last match of Supercard to review then it'll be complete, and I'll start on the Weekend of Champions after that.

You missing out "Better Than Our Best" then?
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I can see ROH using the KENTA match to really push Davey up the card.Didn't Matt Hardy beat some top ROH guys before getting beaten by Roderick Strong? I can see them doing very similar thing with KENTA. He can't go through ROH beating everyone including the champion for his whole ROH run can he?Admittedly it seems more likely that Joe or Danielson will end his run but who knows?

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I can see ROH using the KENTA match to really push Davey up the card.Didn't Matt Hardy beat some top ROH guys before getting beaten by Roderick Strong? I can see them doing very similar thing with KENTA. He can't go through ROH beating everyone including the champion for his whole ROH run can he?Admittedly it seems more likely that Joe or Danielson will end his run but who knows?

KENTA = international superstarDavey = newbieKENTA losing to Dave Richards doesn't strike me as sensible booking. The most likely scenario is him getting massacred by Joe. If he faces B.D., obviously he'll lose there, too.And no, I won't be reviewing Better than our Best. I've already seen it. I want to watch my new stuff, dammit! Edited by edgecrusher
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If you like wrestlers who are super intense and kick people really hard then you'll like Davey.Or you can just watch this music video I made of him:http://youtube.com/watch?v=cOl5ZDQMN4U&amp...avey%20richards

Seems like Austin Aries, minus the dodgy facial fuzz, more height, and a balanced centre of gravity. :thumbsup:
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If you like wrestlers who are super intense and kick people really hard then you'll like Davey.Or you can just watch this music video I made of him:http://youtube.com/watch?v=cOl5ZDQMN4U&amp...avey%20richards

Seems like Austin Aries, minus the dodgy facial fuzz, more height, and a balanced centre of gravity. :thumbsup:
He looks a bit like Aries but doesn't particularly wrestle like him...at all.
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And here's my FULL review of Supercard of Honour.




Apparently Low Ki is gone from ROH forever. They’d be dumb to mean it. Cornette does a nice promo about it, though, blaming Ki for bloodying his mouth and costing him his tooth in the aftermath of the Arena Warfare riot (pretty sure it was Arena Warfare).


Nice little vid recap of Danielson/Strong, despite a bloody tedious near-minute of constant chop shots. Yeah, we know, they chop each other a lot. Danielson’s facials on some of these are great, though, and the bit where he just keeps spitting in Strong’s face is great.


Chris Hero is talking at people in his monotone. Does a decent job, one woman takes a swing at him so he’s certainly good at irritating people.


Cima’s Engrish is considerably worse than KENTA’s (that cheeky minx telling Joe he doesn’t understand :)), but at least he makes the effort. Dragon Gate is cutting edge. No fucking shit it is! I’ve already seen this DVD once so I know how awesome that match is going to be. Can’t wait.


Mmmmm, top 5 recap. Why is Yang in it? I thought you were supposed to win matches to get in the top 5? That said, Colt Cabana goes from unlisted to no. 1 as a result of winning a single match with Homicide, so what do I know? You’d have thought that Homicide absolutely CREAMING him for about six months would put Homicide up in the rankings, if that logic follows through. Strong looks about fifteen in his Top 5 pic. The more I see of him the more I realise how lucky he is to be in a tag team with Austin Aries.


And we are......... NOT LIVE from Chicago because we’re watching this on DVD! The fans aren’t happy that Colt can’t wrestle. Fuck knows why, or maybe they’re as enthusiastic about watching Homicide maul him as I am. Oh, wait, he’s a hometown hero. Still a loser.


Cornette’s out to cut another bile-ridden, homophobic anti-CZW promo, though he opens it up putting the promotion over in a fantastic way. “Self-mutilating stupid stinkin’ cretins” is without doubt his best line. It’s when he gets the two ‘hard-core wrestlers’ in the ring that it all goes down hill. He closes this out with another strong bit, and I realise that this is the kind of thing that should make us, as wrestling fans, accept our position as the retards of the entertainment world, because stuff like this proves we deserve it. The tragedy is that if you take out the shitty jokes this promo was fucking awesome. With them in it comes across as petty and hateful, not in a way that helps the feud but in a generally small-minded and bigoted way. Seriously, try and mentally edit out every reference to homosexuality in this promo (I’d estimate about 1/3rd), and tell me if it doesn’t run a million times better in your head.


Out come Joe and Pearce. Fake wrestlers die. The end.


1st Match: Shane Hagadorn vs. Flash Flanagan vs. Delirious vs. Ricky Reyes


Delirious is over. Shane is not. Reyes is over. Flanagan is not. Julius Smokes could get anyone over. For some reason, I believe him when he keeps saying ‘we’re the best in the world’. I guess it’s the fact you can tell he believes it, or at least he sounds like he believes it. Delirious is a fucking genius, running around like a batshit crack addict, grabbing people’s hats and tossing them into the air as high as he can... you know, for all people say ‘if blah blah wrestler blah touched me I’d knock their heads blah’, not one person in the audience seemed to care. Delirious lets them feel a little bit more like part of the show here, and I think fans appreciate that. Or maybe I’m too naive, and all fans really want is to be half as over as the wrestlers.


Flash and Reyes wrestle, then Delirious performs the most unique pin break in history by not touching anyone and just running laps around the ring, distracting the participants. Delirious is possibly more awesome than ever here, acting so utterly loopy that he really doesn’t seem to have a clue what’s going on, but there’s some brilliant comedy in here until ALL THREE of the other participants (all heels) get pissed off with him and attack him as one. Delirious gets a slight “Please don’t tap” chant when Reyes gets the sleeper, and Reyes gets some major heat for winning.


Reyes then cuts a promo on Delirious while beating him up even more, setting up their match the next night. Smokes as a great rant at a fan here.






Video for Chad Collyer/Ace Steel. Ace bled A LOT in that build up match. I like Ace Steel. Anyone who willing calls himself an ‘angry troll (pronounced ‘trole’)’ gets my respect. Don’t like Collyer much. Ace puts this match over really very well.



2nd Match: Jimmy Rave/Alex Shelley vs. Yang/Claudio Castagnoli


Daizee Haze adds more than you’d think to the Embassy. Proof that women valets have a definite place. She just fits the whole look and feel, and she’s actually a much better heel than a face, IMO. I still don’t really gel with her in SHIMMER. The fans are brandishing the toilet paper on the way to the ring... sweet bit as they go around the ringpost and you can clearly hear Alex say “Jimmy I see a lot of toilet paper” with this look on his face that suggests he really quite enjoys this whole business. He then goes on to prove it by hilariously SELLING every time he gets hit by a loo roll, including taking a back bump when one hits him in the head and acting like he’s taken a heart punch when he gets hit in the chest. These guys have one of the most entertaining entrances ever, and it’s entirely because the group throw themselves into it completely. Best of all, you can tell (certainly in Shelley’s case) that they’re having a ball on the way.


Jimmy Yang does look fucking cool. Totally Andy Lau circa Matrix. Performances only so-so, though. You can’t get away with that in ROH, at least not very often. I know everyone has their favourites, but for me Alex Shelley is by far and away the best member of the Embassy. Everything he does looks so natural, he’s such a good wrestler and he just seems to gel perfectly with whoever he’s in the ring with. Here, while Claudio’s doing his stupid comedy Alex just has this ‘whatever’ look on his face, like he knows he’s getting the piss taken out of him and he doesn’t appreciate it.


The match itself’s a mix of silly, homosexual-themed comedy (which makes sense if you take one look at the Embassy, Shelley in particular), Castagnoli’s always silly ‘HEY’ spots, and some pretty good wrestling. As a result it sticks out brightly on a card full of good to great matches with people mostly trying to impress by doing the best looking moves or having the best matches: No problem with that, but sorry, Danielson’s already won unless you’re truly inspired (Hi, Cima and co.). These guys here just go out to entertain, and it works wonders. Once they’ve finished having a laugh, they settle down and also have an excellent tag match as well. On any other card it would be a crime for them to be booked so low down, as it is there’s lots of good to come!


Yang seems to really like the ring post/shoulder block spot. Embassy eventually win with a random Rave rollup on Claudio.






Here comes Chris Hero! He cuts a promo. He is angry at Claudio. He shouldn’t try to say his full name as part of a promo; it’s too long. He eventually gets ejected by students.




3rd match: Ace Steel vs Chad Collyer First Blood


Ace Steel is fucking awesome here. Collyer less so. Ace running about ranting ‘You’re a dead man!’ gets this over very well, very quickly. That’s how you put over hate. Unfortunately the match doesn’t quite add up. Bit of chair duelling, some moves on barricades, brawling, but the energy isn’t there. It would have been better hardcore, so they could just go all out on each other a la Homicide/Cabana a few DVDs down the line.


Match is average, really. Slow in places, bit boring. Ace Steel gets the win with one motherfucker of a chair shot. Then does it again for value.






4th match: AJ Styles and Matt Sydal vs. Austin Aries and Jack Evans


Jack does his little breakdance thing that everyone loves. Yay. Entrances over, down to the wrestling. Jack definitely knows how to work the crowd with his mannerisms and attitude, ad I’ve always been impressed with that much.


Now, I like my spot matches when they’re done right. This one’s definitely done right. Some nice ground stuff based on Sydal/Evans’ athleticism, building up to a little sequence based on being unable to knock Sydal off his feet until he IS knocked off his feet, when Sydal tags out and Styles bitch slaps Evans, ‘cause he wants Aries... who is much more over than him. Styles promptly tags out and Sydal’s in for the fun. Aries generically bitch slaps him, Sydal gets some good moves in, though. Some fun with the handstand leg scissors counters, and Aries owns Sydal again. Great sequence between Aries and Styles when he comes in, and the duelling chants kick in. I don’t mind, personally, because it’s pretty clear that both men have their fans in the crowd, and for once it seems they’re genuniely split. Not too long before Sydal’s in. Sydal has the sweetest standing moonsault I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately he lands on the knees and gets panel beaten. Evans seems to concentrate on having the most unique moveset he can, which is just fine by me because he has some beautiful stuff. Unfortunately I don’t think he uses it well. A standing Phoenix Splash you would think would be a tag team finisher, not a random move to bust out. But I guess he doesn’t do any damage, since he does 450s all the time and his partner in this match still uses it as a believable finisher. I love Austin Aries’ Powerdrive Elbow. A genuinely different approach to an elbow drop instead of the legion of ‘funny walk’ variants. Sydal gets back in with a sick german suplex, and Evans promptly gets hammered with one of the sickest military press spinebusters I’ve ever seen. Styles hits him with a move that wouldn’t have looked out of place in GOLDBERG’s moveset. Just great stuff. Evans takes offence incredibly well. Evans makes the hot tag in a unique and stylish way (it’s SO much better when they don’t do the crappy ‘crawl to the corner’ spot), and we’re into a hot closing stretch full of good stuff, ending with Evans doing a Sasuke special on AJ, only to get pancaked with a Styles Clash onto the concrete. Austin suicide dives as AJ tosses Evans in, allowing Sydal to hit the winning shooting star press. Good stuff. I think Evans might have broken Sydal’s nose, as well, as it’s pissing blood by the end of this match, about as bad as Austin Aries’ a few shows later. I love the crucifix bomb.


Aries sells Jack’s Clash on the floor brilliantly, he looks like he doesn’t know what to do, and genuinely worried for a few seconds. Sydal can be heard asking for a towel for his nose post-match. He looks like he’s in a lot of pain. Ouch.





Daniels does an interview. Pretty good one, about whether he’ll shake someone’s hand or not. Good stuff, well delivered.




Blood Generation vs. Do Fixer


Oh. My. God. This match is so much awesome it’s hard to put it across like it deserves. It’s so hard to pick out any particular good bits and nearly impossible to do play-by-play (the announcers are a step behind. Joey Styles on this match would have been hilarious). The first time when Yoshino runs the ropes and you HEAR the rope as he hits it due to the speed he’s going is pretty impressive on its own, but the exchanges are just so crisp and quick with so many moves of little and large variety that I find it hard to believe that anyone who disagrees with the star rating won’t at least enjoy it.


Ends with an INSANE closing stretch that has been raved about plenty in this thread already. Just watch this fucking match. Doi’s senton in the corner looks fucking sick. As do almost all of Blood Generations triple teams. They alone are worth watching this match for. Ironically, the end is barely a minute away from the point where the match has earned a heartfelt ‘PLEASE DON’T STOP’ from the crowd.


Post match, CIMA pisses off his partners by shaking hands with the Do Fixer guys.





Nigel McGuinness cuts a pretty cool promo hyping himself as the ‘true’ world champion because he, like, defends his title all over the world. Makes sense to me. Of course this feeds into the McGuinness/Danielson match that occurs four shows later, but WE didn’t know that at the time, did we?




Lacey vs. Daizee Haze vs. Allison Danger vs. MsChif vs. Rain vs. Cheerleader Melissa


It’s a SHIMMER invitational, and the girls are really fired up for this one, probably their biggest stage ever. Great to see them getting exposure. Lacey is Lacey, as always. I am of the opinion that she’s frighteningly overrated, but that’s me. Rain does the same gimmick without being so annoyingly over the top. Ah, MsChif, my tormentor. Looking fine and scary as always. Then there’s Daizee Haze, peculiar because she’s a heel in ROH while being an uber face in SHIMMER. Cheerleader Melissa’s her usual Stew-baiting self, just walking to the ring and looking professional. And finally Alison Danger to completely send Leicester mad.


This starts out awkward, with a series of nonsensical rollups (which should logically be broken up in split seconds since all 6 women are in the ring), but calms down into a decent SHIMMER-style match, though I don’t think these women are used to having so many bodies in the ring at once. They distinctly ‘ROH-up’ their usual antics, going for some super-ridiculous spots including the most complicated submission spot I’ve ever seen. MsChif gets some wonderful action, mostly interacting with Cheerleader Melissa, while Alison Danger and Daizee Haze both pull some good stuff as well. Best of all, Melissa gets the green mist from MsChif after doing the inverted cloverleaf kick-in-the-head spot (which MsChif has confided over her yahoogroup is the most painful situation she’s ever been in in a wrestling ring. Funny that! SIDE NOTE: :) @ Stew), and MsChif eventually wraps things up with a well-taken Desecrator on Rain. Lots of good stuff in here, though not as good as it could have been. They impressed the Chicago crowd, certainly, and I hope a few people in there were wise enough to pick up some SHIMMER DVDs to see the women in their own element. Ironically, ROH isn’t so good for them; it’s actually too flashy.





Homicide vs. Mitch Franklin


Yeah. Not really. Homicide kills the little bitch in amusing style before Colt Cabana comes out and the actual match happens.


Homicide vs. Colt Cabana


Jesus Colt’s annoying. I SO wish Homicide would finish him off properly. Colt’s all fired up, with his flying butt attacks and grimaces. This match is kinda... lame. Until Homicide takes over and proceeds to MURDER Colt Cabana in the way that has proven so entertaining throughout this feud. Julius Smokes throws a bunch of good punches, while Homicide prepares to murderise Colt with a ladder again. A DDT on the edge of the latter kills him. Repeated shots to the ladder with a chair with Colt’s head and shoulders trapped in it adds to the death. Short and fun. Julius Smokes calls somebody ‘Mr. Potato Head’ which automatically earns this match a snowflake. I fucking love Julius Smokes. The Rottweilers should be so much bigger than they are.





Hero and Necro charge the ring, Hero cuts the usual promo, and violence ensues. Brawling in the ring and around, with Necro taking on Adam Pearce. Necro Butcher completely no-sells about fifteen successive chair shots during the crowd brawl. Yay for no-selling. Hero gets involved, allowing Necro to side russian legsweep Pearce through a table off the apron. Hero tries to escape when Joe gets involved, but Whitmer leads him into a Pearce chairshot. He then takes a Whitmer shot to finish this section of the war.



Samoa Joe/Daniels/Jacobs


Another part of the Joe/Daniels series. Jacobs is in there... because, really. Wonder if he’ll ever get to win a match with his current gimmick? In some ways it’s good this way, though, as it gets over how much of a hapless loser he is. The previous night, Daniels beat Joe, so obviously Joe is looking forward to killing him. Lacey tries to pump Jacobs up, being her usual bitchy, using self. She’s a good manager. Again, way better than most in WWE. How come the Indies book women so much better than WWE? No Danger with Daniels, I imagine because she’s cooling off from her match earlier in the evening. Starts off with Jacobs being ignored in amusing fashion, until he grabs his opponents’ attention by literally jumping on their feet. I like Jacobs. But there’s no doubt what’s going to happen here. Lots of good stuff and more hilarity from Jacobs/Lacey, with the amusing spot of her getting knocked off the apron by him, only for him to be all apologetic while she’s screaming at him “GET... BACK... IN... THE RING!” And the bloody muppet just stands around looking mortified at her. Brilliant stuff. Meanwhile Daniels and Joe kill each other in said ring. In the end Joe makes Jacobs tap in the rear naked choke. No surprise.




Bryan Danielson vs. Roderick Strong


Roderick is incredibly bland. I’ve realised this after seeing other matches involving him. He’s a good wrestler, but that’s it. Hopefully he’ll go the way of Danielson and get some character. As it is I get the impression Strong is carried by his partner (who is far more entertaining) and in this match is totally carried by Danielson, who gives the match all of its character and drama. I haven’t seen the previous two encounters between these two, so I don’t know how well they build on previous matches.


There’s a lot of play around the ridiculous strength of Roderick’s chops here, as after the first ones there shortly comes a long break where Danielson just stalks around the ring looking pissed off with a massive handprint on his chest. There’s a brilliant spot where Danielson bridges up off the ground while supporting Roderick’s entire weight. Very impressive. The chop-based early structure works very well, actually, with plays on early dominance being punctuated by a chop every time. Essentially, Roderick’s slightly ahead. Danielson, naturally, starts working over Roderick’s chopping hand.


Danielson walks to the back after a fan pisses him off, which unfortunately results in Roderick Strong picking up the mic. He sounds really, really lame. This man should never be allowed to speak ever again. He has a crappy voice.


Once they’re in the match’s prime body they’re both equal, with Danielson probably getting slightly more offense mixed in with long periods where they just exchange little flurries of stuff before one or other counters and takes brief control. Danielson free-standing on the side of Roderick Strong’s head is nasty to look at. On rewatching, it becomes really obvious how heavily Danielson is carrying this match. Strong’s selling is awful, Danielson’s is brilliant. Unless Strong is either in or in the period immediately after a submission hold he shows no sign of inconvenience at all. It’s like after an extended period of work on his knee, Roderick manages to kick Danielson off a boston crab, then immediately pops up to do a flash counter into cattle mutilation.


Some twat tries to start a ‘JOE, JOE, JOE’ chant, and it delights me to hear the entire arena turn on them with a ‘SHUT THE FUCK UP’ chant. Good stuff. I know the ROH fans get bad press on this forum, but they at least have respect for the wrestlers, in the majority.


Tragically, the announcers talking about how Strong’s knee is giving him problems only underlines the fact that he’s quite happily toddling along after Danielson at ringside to chop his chest open. Oops. Roderick chops the steel ring post and Danielson then does a rather innovative move which looks hideous to further damage it, which is sold nicely. Yay. Back in the ring, Danielson cries out “TAP OUT TO A WRISTLOCK, RODERICK! TAP OUT TO A WRISTLOCK!” Which is ace. Danielson hits a nice dive into the crowd a little bit later, too. He also hits a beautiful missile dropkick directly into a nip up.


Sadly, the commentary lets things down here. You can tell what Prazak’s aiming for, but it has little to do with the match in front of us. He wonders if Danielson’s dive is ‘out of desperation’ and points out that Danielson has ‘neutralized the chop and the knees to take out the backbreakers, but Strong has not been defeated’ and ponders if ‘this is Strong’s night, he will not go down’... except it’s obvious that Bryan isn’t even close to entering his endgame yet. He’s tried Cattle Mutilation once up to this point, and it wasn’t a serious effort. He’s gone for few covers, and has quite clearly just been methodically taking Strong apart. Prazak’s calling the endgame of a match... when the endgame’s about ten minutes away. I don’t normally pick apart commentary et al, but this is the second time I’ve watched the match and I tend to become more analytical on a rewatching; and this just really jarred for me.


Thankfully, when the match gets going again, Strong remembers the knee work for a second or two, selling it after doing his signature fireman’s carry to lungblower. I think it’s called a lungblower. Nothing comes of said remembrance, however, as Strong immediately goes into fast runs off the ropes into hard kicks to the face. Word to the wise: Bad knees do not for fast running make. Stuff happens, we reach the endgame, it is all good, and Danielson eventually puts the talented but colourless muppet away with a clever counter to his finisher. Bloody good main event, but Strong dragged it down a little. 56 minutes is a long time, and in fairness they both pull it off well. Danielson feints not shaking Strong’s hand, fetching some crowd heat, before finally shaking and getting his time in the glory light while Strong plays dead and staggers out. Funnily, he’s suddenly developed a limp, which just feels really odd since he wasn’t doing that while his leg was getting dropkicked on a regular basis during the match.




Couple of interviews at the end. One from Lance Storm where he says he’s got more for Danielson than Strong (HINT: He’s wrong), decent enough. Brief one from Dave Prazak, I think, talking to that gibbering loser Colt Cabana. Yes, Colt, we know the feud’s got to end. I am merely saddened that it doesn’t end with your head on a spike.


And that concludes this rather exhaustive review of Supercard of Honour. It’s brilliant. Buy it. There. Simple sum up.

Edited by edgecrusher
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