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HOLY SHIT! That was perfect execution from all involved for the Steen return and departure angle. Good opening first half, topped with a 5 star angle there. "I...I...I'm Kevin Steen, and...and FUCK RING OF HONOUR!"


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That angle was bloody brilliant. The manical facials on Steen and getting carried out was so good.


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The expected loss of the KOW is a massive kick in the nuts, but it's the usual "Can't begrudge them for wanting to make real money." scenario. I'd love to see what the iPPV rate was.


Indeed. And don't forget that Claudio signed with WWE at the end of 2006, only to change their mind at the last minute. Does this mean Davey will be taking the PWG belt from Claudio at Eight and become a double-champion?

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- Rhino is expected back as part of The Embassy down the line.


Get in bloody love Rhino

He definitely should be back. They sold the Gore like it killed Homicide. I heard he suffered a legit cracked rib - see the previous page - but that's how it should always be sold. Stuff like that really builds for the future rather than just being a narrowminded short term 'this is awesome' midmatch move.

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Couple of other ROH titbits -


They're not running at Wrestlereunion in 2012, on the grounds that Sinclair doesn't broadcast in LA.


The Dayton event which was pusehd back from May 20th to August 12th has been pushed back AGAIN to November 18th. Also, the Plymouth event scheduled for Sept 18th has been postponed indefinitey.

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Back on the DVD trail...


Tag Title Classic II - Plymouth, MA - 17/12/10


Kenny King vs Adam Cole - A solid enough opener to warm the crowd up, but not much more. Cole at least gets the chance to look fairly impressive at points before King catches him coming off the top and plants him with the Royal Flush for the pin at 8:28. The clean finish is quite nice...


Colt Cabana vs Mike Bennett - More acceptable wrestling, mostly courtesy of Cabana wrestling circles around Bennett and Bennett just being in the right place. Unlike the opener the finish isn't up to scratch, as Bob Evans distracts Cabana when he goes for the Billy Goats Curse, and Bennett gets a rollup with a handful of tights for the pin at 8:55. Ugh.


Andy Ridge vs Christopher Daniels - The big finish to Ridge's trial series, complete with a pre-match Ridge promo, and Daniels giving Ridge a lot of control in the match. Daniels does a sterling job of making Ridge look like a credible threat, in fact, before pinning him with the Angels Wings at 10:59. Daniels then puts over Ridge's heart in the post-match. Ridge has done nothing of note since, I believe...


Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Kevin Steen & Steve Corino - A decent mid-card tag bout, with a bunch of brawling early, and then they keep it short enough that they can go all out with a bunch of combo spots without burning out. Surprisingly, Corino pins Mark Briscoe after a low blow and a Steen package piledriver at 11:17. I certainly didn't see that one coming.


El Generico vs Rhett Titus vs Grizzly Redwood vs Ricky Reyes - Well, this has to go down as a completely dreadful Four Corner Survival. Reyes and Grizzly start before almost total silence, and believe it or not, it actually gets worse from there, as Reyes keeps tagging in to increasing levels of X-Pac heat. Generico is the only one to do anything useful, as he's in Loose Cannon mode with one night to go before the Steen feud concludes. Generico wipes out Grizzly with the running Yakuza and brainbuster to finish this at a seemingly endless 12:49.


Before Generico leaves, Steve Corino comes out to stop him making a statement by giving Grizzly a post-match package piledriver, then actually tries to talk Generico into voluntarily giving up his mask so Steen and Corino can stay in the company. Generico actually seems to be considering this when he instead nails Corino with the running Yakuza, then the locker room empties to subdue Generico. This angle was much better than the match, and set up some groundwork for the story of Corino in ROH in 2011. Bring on Steen vs Generico at Final Battle, now...


Kyle O'Reilly vs TJ Perkins - For the most part, this is a compelling, mat-based, MMA-influenced battle, and a long way removed from almost everything else ROH has presented in 2010. It's not perfect, with O'Reilly's rolling butterfly suplexes seemingly thrown in for no reason at all, just for starters, but would be really good as the start of a series between the two designed to get both men over. As it is, Perkins surprisingly goes over the contracted O'Reilly by blocking a La Magistral for a flash pin at 10:43.


Roderick Strong vs Sonjay Dutt - This random Sonjay appearance feels like I've flashed back to the HDNet show in 2009. They mention that he's in at short notice instead of Kenny Omega, but not why, obviously. Early interference from Truth Martini quickly sets Sonjay up as the babyface challenger, a role he actually plays pretty well and certainly better than the generic sneak heel he was on HDNet. Roderick actually plays the heel without the dull for once too. The only problem here is the blatantly obvious result, but this is fun while it lasts. Roderick hits the suplex released into double knees backbreaker thing for the pin at 9:45. Enjoyable if throwaway outing in the semi-main spot for the World Champ.


World Tag Team Titles: The Kings of Wrestling vs The American Wolves - A good epic battle here, but I just get the feeling that if I went back and watched the first Tag Title Classic (available as part of the Double Feature II DVD set from April 2009) and compared, I'd find the original completely smokes this one. They start slow if watchable enough, and start teasing going into the long sprint finish from about the fifteen minute mark, only for the KOW to settle back into command for awhile longer. I don't like the fact that there's one or two nearfalls in that middle period that would probably have been three if the referee didn't know that wasn't the finish. It wouldn't be so bad, but the kick outs are perfectly good close twos in the actual finishing minutes, so the lazy kickouts in the middle look worse. In the end, none of the trademark double teams get the job done, and it's down to Chris Hero to pin hometown boy Eddie Edwards after three consecutive rolling elbows at the 35:17 mark.


Overall - Ah, Boston shows, what can I say about thee? ROH certainly drew a lot more people here than DGUSA did a couple of months prior, but only half filled a pretty big building by their standards, so the atmosphere wasn't brilliant. I'd say I enjoyed five out of the eight matches on offer here, which probably makes it a decent B show, but at the same time a B show is very much what's on offer here. Nothing is really of any consequence in the long run, and the main event didn't quite reach the level that meant you had to buy this one regardless of everything else. So: yet another solid house show to add to the many...

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Ridge has done nothing of note since, I believe


Another great piece of Delirious booking...


Roderick hits the suplex released into double knees backbreaker thing


Aka All The Landslides Birds Have Ever Seen :D

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Dragon Gate USA: Freedom Fight 2010 - Rahway, NJ - 30/10/10


Amasis vs Ophidian vs Sami Callihan vs Silas Young vs Cheech vs Caleb Konley - This six way freestyle is the pre-show match and found in the extras. It's fun for what it is, a bonus crowd warmer, but no particular wrestler or spots really stood out, with the possible exception of Caleb Konley for not being very good. Bad Spanky Lookalike is forced to submit to Sami Callihan's Stretch Muffler at 11:55.


Before I get into the PPV show proper, I should mention that the arena is set up differently to any JAPW or EVOLVE shows I've ever seen in the Rahway venue, with black draping and an entranceway that looks nice enough, and presumably also reduces the size down so it looks full (which it does, and the crowd are pretty hot).


Jimmy Jacobs vs Arik Cannon - An opener that started solidly and really got good towards the end. Saying that though, it's a bit weird that Jacobs controls much of the match against the larger Cannon, and so when Cannon starts to get some offense going the crowd get behind him as an underdog. Jacobs is officially beginning his quest to put Jon Moxley and co behind him and get into Open The Freedom Gate title picture however, so kicks out of all Cannon's big moves and then submits him with the End Time at 11:47. Weird storytelling aside, the action here built well.


Akebono vs Brodie Lee - Eek. Akebono gets some offense, Bryce Remsburg gets squashed in the corner, Brodie Lee uses a chair, then hits a corner clothesline-corner avelanche-running boot in the corner combo twice in a row. Bryce counts three at 2:46 even though Akebono kicks at two, and Lenny Leonard on commentary barely has time to say "Brodie Lee is unstoppable!" when they cut away. Understandably cut away, that is, as this was nonsense...


BxB Hulk & Homicide vs Jon Moxley & Akira Tozawa - Some comparisons can be made between this and the Briscoes vs Steen & Corino match I just watched in ROH. There's a brawling flavour to proceedings, mostly courtesy of 'Cide and Moxley, and some good in-ring exchanges between Hulk and Tozawa, though Tozawa is dominated by the World-1 duo for the most part. The crowd are hot, and overall it's not too long. A good mid-card tag match, then, finishing with Hulk pinning Tozawa after a First Flash and the FTX at 13:30. Moxley gets on the mic afterwards, which distracts Hulk long enough for YAMATO to attack him, then Mox resumes brawling with 'Cide, getting the upper hand and bashing 'Cide's arm repeatedly with a chair.


CIMA vs SHINGO - This is a good match for sure, though it could perhaps be targetted with the criticism the recent Undertaker WrestleMania matches have got sometimes, in that after awhile it seems to be two guys trading all their big signature moves and then kicking out of them all, with not much else besides. It's not as long or epic as those matches of course, but the feeling is kinda similar. CIMA eventually pins SHINGO with the Meteora at 17:09, then announces the Open The United Gate tournament for January 2011...


Sami Callihan vs Shane Smalls - He may be attired and wrestle differently, but Smalls reminds me physically of the mostly retired UK wrestler Majik. This is basically a squash for Callihan, who forces Smalls to submit to an awkwardly applied Stretch Muffler at just 2:34. Next...


Austin Aries, Genki Horiguchi & Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann - A six man tag of two halves, but both of them good, the latter very good. The first half is loads of character work to establish the new Ronin trio as cocky, full of attitude upstarts. The opposing team of Warriors International and affiliates show them who's boss, with Aries and Genki showing their experience and Ricocet showing some flashes of his athleticism. Genki outshining Rich Swann with dance moves is a highlight of all this. The tide then turns when Ronin blast Genki with a smart triple team, and we swing into trademark Dragon Gate six-man style for the second half of the match. Impressively, this doesn't look out of place at all up against most DGUSA six-mans, and Ronin logically get the big win in their first match as a unit with a great triple team combo on Ricochet based on all Gargano's solo trademarks, ending in the Hurts Donut at 21:14. Loads of fun, almost like a condensed version of that 8 man tag from when Generation Next formed in ROH in 2004.


Masato Yoshino vs YAMATO - A solid main event, with a greater amount of actual wrestling than the CIMA vs SHINGO match earlier on the card, but for some reason it fails to capture the imagination of the live crowd and falls kinda flat. I'm not even sure why really, it could be the fact it's non-title I guess. Yoshino forces YAMATO to submit to Sol Naciente at 23:41, cuts the traditional end of show speech, and we're done for Dragon Gate USA in 2010.


Overall - A solid show, this cable PPV taping comes across much better from a production standpoint than the iPPV debut the previous night. If the main event had delivered as strongly here this would have been the better show altogether, but as it is, they're pretty close. DVD run time is 2 hours 15 minutes on this one, but whereas the previous night had almost half an hour extra content, much of the extra wasn't up to scratch, so that doesn't help much either. The debut match of Ronin was better than the angle where they formed the previous night, and a plus for this show.


So DGUSA closes out 2010 with a bit of a mixed bag. After something of a wow factor about the first couple of shows back in 2009, they lost some of that as the year went along. Switching to weekenders from single shows resulted in a couple of pretty obvious B shows earlier in the year, though that wasn't a problem with the September and October double shots. There's also been the problem of certain talent being pulled from the shows, resulting in some lesser American guys being brought in and diluting the appeal of "Look! It's Dragon Gate in the USA!" somewhat.


It then becomes all about the booking, and there's been some good - the push of Ricochet into Warriors International has worked pretty well, and Ronin's formation has been good so far - some bad, and some indifferent. Having to switch plans around due to title and unit changes in Japan is always going to be a problem as DGUSA moves forward into 2011. I saw this for myself in Atlanta, as Blood Warriors vs a face Ronin (or so it seemed?) just felt weird and much of a show I was looking forward to just fell flat. Still, before I think about shows from Atlanta, the United Gate tournament shows are probably going to get a purchase from me, though it hasn't happened yet...

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Ten matches to see from Dragon Gate USA in 2010


DGUSA ran ten live events in 2010, so (with an attempt to provide some variety) here's 10 matches worth a look, in chronological order...


BxB Hulk, Naruki Doi & Masato Yoshino vs CIMA, Gamma & Dragon Kid - Mercury Rising - 27/3/10


CIMA & Dragon Kid vs YAMATO & Shingo - Uprising - 8/5/10


Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor vs Adam Cole vs Arik Cannon - Enter The Dragon - 24/7/10


Bryan Danielson vs SHINGO - Enter The Dragon - 24/7/10


Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs CIMA & Ricochet - Untouchable 2010 - 25/9/10


Bryan Danielson vs YAMATO - Untouchable 2010 - 25/9/10


BxB Hulk, Masato Yoshino & Naruki Doi vs SHINGO, YAMATO & Akira Tozawa - Way of the Ronin - 26/9/10


Jimmy Jacobs vs Jon Moxley (I Quit match) - Bushido : Code of the Warrior - 29/10/10


BxB Hulk vs SHINGO (Open The Freedom Gate title) - Bushido : Code of the Warrior - 29/10/10


Austin Aries, Genki Horiguchi & Ricochet vs Chuck Taylor, Johnny Gargano & Rich Swann - Freedom Fight 2010 - 30/10/10


The match in bold is probably my favourite of the year...

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Davey Richards' first ROH World Title defence took place on July 3 in Barcelona Spain. His opponent was Hollands Tommy End, who is known throughout Europe for his matches in wXw. Richards won the match with an amrbar.

Edited by LWOLeN
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