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Just got done watching Unified. My thoughts:1) The 4 corner survival was a great way to start. Colt was over as fuck. Decent little 13 minute opener which I really enjoyed. **1/22) Richards v Rave was amazing. I really got into the match and it held my attention for the full 20 minutes. An underated match IMO. Only downside being having to listen to those annoyin little bastards on the balcony. The crowd were taken away from the match by having to shout at them. That spoiled this match from being something special. ***1/4 3) Claudio v Whitmer was a decent brawl. Not really that exciting though *1/24) Hero V Colt was also just general run of the mill stuff. **5) Suwa/Shiozaki v Williams and Fleich was really good fun to watch. Dragged a tiny bit at 23 minutes but the finishing sequences were hot. ***6) Brookside v Collyer was well.....rubbish. Again those little cunts did my head in. *7) Briscoes v Aries/Strong was THE best tag team match I have seen in my lifetime. Simply breathtaking for the full 25 minutes with the most amazing closing sequence I've seen. Genuine MOTYC. ****3/48) Danielson v McGuiness was intense. Up there with the best of Danielson's title defences no doubt. The ringpost shots were sick as was the bump on McGuiness' head. Good closing sequence. ****With 3 amazing contests this show has to be recommended. You owe it to yourself as a wrestling fan to own it.

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Briscoes v Aries/Strong was THE best tag team match I have seen in my lifetime.

You seriously need to watch more wrestling.The best tag match you've ever seen? I can probably name 10 this year better than it.It wasn't a bad match, and was in fact well above average, but don't getr caught up in the 'this is awesome' chants and Gabe putting it over as 'state-of-the-art tag wrestling', a statement which couldn't be firther from the truth.The first 15 minutes or so were really average. It lacks any structure, it seems to be my turn-your turn stuff. Finally the Briscoes take over at the 15 minute mark, something that should have happened 10 minutes ago, and the bout picks up. The FIP section was nothing that good, and then they go into the spots, some of which are new, some I've seen before, some are good, some are not so good. Yes, they no a nice finish, but apart from that there isn't much to set this apart from many other ROH tags I've seen. Three 'this is awesome' chants, but it wouldn't get three stars.
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Briscoes v Aries/Strong was THE best tag team match I have seen in my lifetime.

You seriously need to watch more wrestling.The best tag match you've ever seen? I can probably name 10 this year better than it.It wasn't a bad match, and was in fact well above average, but don't getr caught up in the 'this is awesome' chants and Gabe putting it over as 'state-of-the-art tag wrestling', a statement which couldn't be firther from the truth.The first 15 minutes or so were really average. It lacks any structure, it seems to be my turn-your turn stuff. Finally the Briscoes take over at the 15 minute mark, something that should have happened 10 minutes ago, and the bout picks up. The FIP section was nothing that good, and then they go into the spots, some of which are new, some I've seen before, some are good, some are not so good. Yes, they no a nice finish, but apart from that there isn't much to set this apart from many other ROH tags I've seen. Three 'this is awesome' chants, but it wouldn't get three stars.
IMO that match just was awesome. Everyone will have their own opinion on it I suppose. I only watch WWE, TNA and ROH so I haven't seen any New Japan or FIP stuff. To meit's my favourite 2 on 2 tag match of 2006 no end. I suppose I will have to see if it stand up on a few watches but I was amazed by both that and Danielson/McGuiness on the card. Do you think it's the best out the Briscoes v Aries and Strong matches?Out of interest whats your favourite tag match of the year (2 on 2)?
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I only watch WWE, TNA and ROH so I haven't seen any New Japan or FIP stuff.

Yeah, that does make your opinion a bit more feasible. But take FIP out of that list, it's a poor man's ROH, I haven't seen any match from there called great.AJPW or AJW, or NOAH these days, are the best if you want quality tag action.My favourite tag ever would have to be Toyota/Yamada v Ozaki/Kansai from Dreamrush. if you want to see great tag action, watch that or Kawada/Taue v Misawa/Kobasi, though you need a bit more back story with that one to fully appreciate it.

Do you think it's the best out the Briscoes v Aries and Strong matches?

Probably, but I don't think the teams mix together that well. They can both have better matches with other opponents.

Out of interest whats your favourite tag match of the year (2 on 2)?

My favourite tag match this year is either Briscoes v Sydal/Styles from The 100th Show, or Taue/Shiozaki v KENTA/Shibata from the 09/09 NOAH show. I wouldn't call either a classic though.There hasn't been a lot of great 2 on 2 action this year. There's a good few multi-mans I'd put above the level of those two matches though, especially Shelley/Rave/Yoshino v Dragon/Horiguchi/Saito from 'Better Than Our Best' and Hase/Kojima/Nakajima v Suwama/YASSHI/TARU from the 27/08 All Japan show.But then again, I haven't seen much wrestling at all from this year, aside from ROH, so there's probably a lot of great tags that I haven't seen.
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Watching it live, the Aries/Strong-Briscoes match was very good and felt better than the main event. But I was sitting in the lower balcony and that DID NOT help with some of the detail of Danielson-McGuinness. On video, the main event is better. As much as I like the workrate in the tag match (they hit so damn HARD and it's crisp), there's one aspect of the story that bothers me. Legal tags. Yes. I am a nerd. But to illustrate my point (in the hope of making me seem somewhat less of a nerd), there was a moment when Strong was hurled out of the ring by a Briscoe. This Briscoe (I can't remember which one) was going to dive on Strong but Aries cut him off with a springboard clothesline. I am CERTAIN (from watching it back) that there was no tag, not even a blind tag. Aries then continued attacking this Briscoe before TAGGING OUT. First you have to TAG IN. If I missed a tag or they were fighting under Dragon Gate rules or something, I apologise. This wouldn't bother me as much in TNA but an ROH selling point is 'pure wrestling'. Therefore, they must have credibility in the rules as well as the wrestling. Of course, the match totally broke down into a wild finish where tags apparently stopped being necessary. This was VERY fun but totally against the 'rules'. Again, if I missed that all ROH tags are under special rules or something, I apologise and will review the match differently. It's a good-really good match and I enjoyed it loads. But the aspect of the story that I've mentioned will always prevent it from reaching a full 10-rating. At present, I'd rate it 8.5-9 (which is 3.75-4.25 stars, by my reckoning).

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