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THAT was not the match to convince me to like the KOW. Same over-elaborate, not actually that impressive tandem moves that pissed me off in the first place. How anyone can complain a Daniels' match looks like a dance and not say the same about those two I don't know.EDIT: Is it just me, or does Colt come across as a completely arrogant scumbag in this angle with Jacobs?

Edited by edgecrusher
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I don't know, I think the better ROH shows are better than most WWE PPV's, but then again I've only seen about 3 ROH shows this year better than Summerslam. The again, I don't consider that this has been a great year for ROH. The best stuff has been awesome, but the shows aren't well rounded enough.They've been hurt by the loss of Punk, Gibson, Spanky, Shelley, Ki, Lethal and a few others, and haven't really replaced them.Yes, an ROH show is pretty much always better than Raw or Smackdown, but I don't watch Raw or Smackdown, and if I did I wouldn't have to pay for it. And they're better than most WWE PPV's.However, there are probably only about 4 or 5 DVD's in the companies history that I'd consider worth paying

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Picked up ROH Throwdown.


The Irish Airborne v Hagadorn/Walker match was a fairly awful way to start the show.The action was average, and to be honest, if the main purpose was to put Irish Airborne over it should have been a lot shorter than this. *


McGuiness/Kennedy was OK. Problem is, nobody knew or cared of Kennedy. The match had no atmosphere, for the time they were given little if anything meaningful happenned, and it didn't hold my attention at all. Must be Nigel's worst match for ages. *1/4


Briscoes v Steele/Cabana was little better. Cabana is sometimes entertaining, but Steele has little of value to offer, and the Briscoes only seem to work well with certain guys. Once again, the action was decent enough, but they did nothing to hold my attention, and basically just put on another boring match. *1/4


Delirious, Rave, Joe and Richards are up next in yet another pointless 4-Corner Survival. Great. A lot has been said about this dreadful match format, so I won't go into that, but to their credit here, the action was solid enough, and in fact they turned it up a gear at a couple of stages and looked like turning it into something good. Sadly, it was not to be, as these bursts of quality rarely lasted, and what we got was another forgettable 4-Way. As a sidenote, I was very impressed once again by Richards. *3/4


If anyone can make me not care about Necro Butcher, it's Adam Pearce. There was little of note in this average brawl, and they just ended up mostly doing the same stuff that I've seen multiple times on the previous shows. Necro is always intruiging to watch, but couldn't bring Pearce to a good match. *3/4


At this point, I'm starting to wonder if this show has been some sort of sick joke. It's awful.


Claudio/Homicide is a better performance. Cide is great as the angry guy looking for revenge, and Claudio is much better at the cowardly, despicable heel, then he ever was as a face. Still, it has its issues. The main one is that the ending goes on for far too long. People shouldn't be hitting and kicking out of multiple finishers in a match like this, and they just take the near falls too far, especially for its position on the card. Too much of the action was predictable as well. But match of the night so far, which isn't saying much. **1/4


Jacobs/Dragon/Whitmer was great though. The Jacobs/Dragon exchanges were so much fun, and I didn't even mind Whitmer much in the bout. It had its slow moments, and a couple of confused patches, but apart from that it was one of the better three ways your likely to see. It had a story behind it, and everybody comes out looking strong. ***1/4


Strong/KENTA blew me away. It was seriously incredible. I didn't expect to like it a whole lot, since Strong is overrated and has zero charisma, and KENTA's match with Low Ki didn't impress me a great deal. This will likely get slept on by a lot of people, but I don't know why. It was stiff, crisp, all the action was enjoyable. While they didn't exactly do anything deep or meaningful, both guys had their roles, and they build the match perfectly, culminating in some brilliant moments. They didn't go overkill with the finishers, and everything they did felt in the right place. Second best ROH match I've seen. ****

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THAT was not the match to convince me to like the KOW. Same over-elaborate, not actually that impressive tandem moves that pissed me off in the first place. How anyone can complain a Daniels' match looks like a dance and not say the same about those two I don't know.

The difference is, the KOW do that over elaborate, faggy offence on purpose to get heel heat. Daniels does the same effeminate forearms and leg lariats in every match and we're supposed to like him.ROH is at it's best when they book the bad wrestlers as heels, see Rave and The Briscoes...
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I thought KENTA vs Strong was great too. I was expecting the KENTA/Aries match the next night to be the better of the two, but the Strong match was unbelievably good.In other news, the Survival of the Fittest tourney looks particularly nice this year...

Survival of the Fittest 2006 Qualifying Match Bryan Danielson vs. Samoa Joe Qualifying Match Christopher Daniels vs. Austin AriesQualifying Match Delirious vs. Jimmy RaveQualifying Match Davey Richards vs. Matt SydalQualifying MatchJay & Mark Briscoe vs. Homicide & Roderick Strong

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If I ever summon the courage to watch Daniels/Whitmer I may one day go on with my project :/

Is the skip button on your DVD remote broken?Mine isn't, I use it to skip through about 50% of my ROH DVDs.
Well, the idea of the project was to watch every show this year and review it, then see if I still liked wrestling. So if I watch the show I have to watch it all and I have to write about it...Which is horrible sometimes :( So at the moment I'm watching loads of old Battlearts tapes to put it off, as I'm a bit bored of the whole thing. Edited by Leicester Lantern
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Well, the idea of the project was to watch every show this year and review it, then see if I still liked wrestling. So if I watch the show I have to watch it all and I have to write about it...Which is horrible sometimes :(

Don't be insane man! Nobody can watch that many pointless fatal four ways and come out anything but a dribbling vegetable. It's suicide!
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