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Egg Shen

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i think may have been posted a few pages back but i cant find it, Paul Williams' first video interview since the motorbike accident



I dunno if he's just putting on a brave face for the camera's but he's in unbelievably good spirits despite the situation he's in, props to him.

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Yeah he was even saying he might be able to box again so I think he's in denial about it. Poor fucker. I hope he is able to walk again somehow one day.


I'll catch Burns vs Mitchell and Frampton vs Molitor tomorrow because I won't be in until about 11ish. Looking forward to both. Got a good feeling Burns vs Mitchell could be something a bit special. Has the potential to end up being the domestic fight of the year I think.

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really sad news :(


made the mistake of watching the Burns/Mitchell fight last night after i got in from a night on the beer. I remember the finish and that's about it, stupid beer. I don't think anyone expected Burns to put Mitchell away like that.

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"They were planning to commit an armed robbery. Then in the armed robbery they shot randomly. Corrie was shot in the hand and also the stomach. They fled with a digital camera and also a handbag of one of the people who was in the restaurant."



A camera and a hand bag... How utterly senseless.



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made the mistake of watching the Burns/Mitchell fight last night after i got in from a night on the beer. I remember the finish and that's about it, stupid beer. I don't think anyone expected Burns to put Mitchell away like that.

Ricky Burns is still vastly under-rated, especially by the English boxing media. The commentary from the fight was verging on ridiculous, even to the point of them using Mitchell's name every time Burns did something.


Burns doesn't live far away from me, and a few of the lads I used to train with know him well and fully believed he'd stop Mitchell in the later rounds.


On another note, Carl Frampton looks like the real deal, doesn't he? I wonder where both Burns and Frampton go from here?


I'd like to see Burns accomplish his dream of winning the definitive lightweight world title in The Ring belt, facing either Antonio DeMarco or Miguel Vazquez. I also feel the time has come for him to make his US debut and start making some serious cash. Here's hoping it works out for him.

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Only just got around to watching Burns vs Mitchell, really enjoyed it. And I fully agree David on the biased commentary. And also that it's time for him to try and crack America.


I've liked Burns for a while, and his great fight and win over Katsidis last year should have convinced the Boxing media. He's ready for the US now I reckon. There's nowt really left for him domestically right now and there's big coin to be made going to America right now while he's got momentum.


I'd love to see Burns vs DeMarco.

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its sad that Burns is so under-appreciated by the UK sports press, he's like perfect embassador for the sport, when you wanna talk about a guy flying the flag for the country (in this, the most patriotic of years) there's no one doing it with such humble grace as Ricky Burns.


its sad that Burns is so under-appreciated by the UK sports press, he's like perfect embassador for the sport, when you wanna talk about a guy flying the flag for the country (in this, the most patriotic of years) there's no one doing it with such humble grace as Ricky Burns.

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A superb Joe Frazier tribute video that I found today. Worth a watch if you were a fan of his.


Nice find, without being a big drama queen that actually choked me up a bit if I'm honest. Gotta love Smoke.


Anyone seen that 'When The Smoke Clears' documentary yet? It was on ESPN Classic a month or two back but I missed it. Is it any good?

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