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Egg Shen

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Great posts Taylor Slade,

Watched a really good programme on Jack Johnson the other day on ESPN Classics, a coupe of things which suprised me in there, was he went for 2 years without defending the title during his reign and another thing was because the yanks were so outraged he was dating white women, they made mixed race marriages illegal.


With the top 4 heavyweights thing, i think it's so hard to do a ranking of the greatest heavywieghts as it has evolved so much. I mean the 2 you have mentioned were dominant in their era. Then again so was Ali, Tyson, The K bro's, Larry Holmes - didnt he get to 48 and 0 then lost to Spinks?

For me though someone like the Klitchko's would beat all of the above just through their shear size.


Personally i think if Lennox Lewis in his prime was to fight any heavyweight from any era in their prime he would beat them. For me he had everything a heavyweight needs. Size, speed, his overhand right was a savage punch, good jab when he used it and although a few people question his chin because he was knocked out by Mccall and Rahman, he was still able to take a good punch and did so in many fights.

His fights against Ruddock, Tyson, Rahman 2, Golota, the other bloke he knocked through the ropes - blond hair, can't think of his name showcased alot of his skills, then his more cautious fights against Mercer and Tua showed he was a clever fighter. Chess player in and ot of the ring.


Alot of people think he wouldnt stand up against the K bro's today but i believe he would. In His last fight against Vitali, he was ot of shape and hadnt fought in over a year i think and although behind on pts he still was able to pick him off quite easily and mashed his eye up big time. Lewis was knackered but so was Vitali. If an out of shape Lewis could do that to him i believe an in shape Lewis would have even stopped him earlier. I think Lewis lost the eye of the tiger after beating Tyson and was not motivated for the fight, Vitali was a replacement as well so he had little time to prepare.


Taylor Slade, when you get the time you should do middle/super middle weight top 5 or 10 just for british fighters, that would be a great read.

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on the BoxNation coverage...fight wise you can't complain, they showed a whole nights worth of fights, i didn't watch many but still to have the option there is great. Other than that though i thought the presentation was naff. Richard Keys clearly doesn't know much about boxing, why is there? The graphics and overall feel is very 90's it didn't look like a modern boxing event at all, and lastly, get Enzo Macarinelli out of the commentary booth he's dreadful.


Its early days so i'll give the channel a pass, but still...

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on the BoxNation coverage...fight wise you can't complain, they showed a whole nights worth of fights, i didn't watch many but still to have the option there is great. Other than that though i thought the presentation was naff. Richard Keys clearly doesn't know much about boxing, why is there? The graphics and overall feel is very 90's it didn't look like a modern boxing event at all, and lastly, get Enzo Macarinelli out of the commentary booth he's dreadful.


Its early days so i'll give the channel a pass, but still...


Fight wise- fantastic.


However I agree with presentation. It reminded me of watching ITV boxing coverage in the 90's.


Why pay Richard Keys to present the show ? He clearly knows nothing about boxing and it showed.


I'd like to think BoxNation are simply learning as they go and bigger changes and improvements will be made in time.


Frank Warren's got a good opportunity to think outside the box and try new ways and ideas of presenting the product and giving it a new modern lift.


Enzo wasn't as bad as I thought he would be. Ritchie Woodhall should of taken his place mind.

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Boxing has so many weird nights like the Hopkins/Dawson debacle, for such a manly, macho sport there's so much weird shit going on. Apparently Hopkins legit. seperated his shoulder but past instances lead people to believe he's faking. Dawson was irrate, the Shaws were pissed. Until the reports came backt he really hurt his shoulder i thought Hopkins' gamesmanship backfired on him, i thought he was playing it up but then was shocked when the TKO was called you could see Hopkins' mood switch in the ring.


If i'd paid to see that i'd have been pissed.


Hopkins built up so much steam in terms of popularity after the Pascal fights, everyone loved him again, now this happens it's crazy.

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Cleverly-Bellew was a quality fight though, nice to see a fight live upto the hype. Both guys left it all out there, it was a vicious, unforgiving fight. I think the right man won though.


James DeGale showed he has some bottle too, he got shaken up a few times and gutted it out. It was one of them fights where a fighter proves he belongs.

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Yeah DeGale's fight did his image more good than all his previous fights imo. He's still a tosser but credit to him for that fight. Cleverly vs Bellew was a much better and more evenly matched fight than I expected going in. I don't know if I didn't give Bellew enough credit or if I overrated Cleverly a tad or what. I was rooting for Cleverly so maybe I let it cloud my judgement a bit. Loved the fight though.


On the presentation, it is very 90s like but I dunno, I don't mind it all that much. It could be spiced up for sure but it's early days yet, I'm sure what we're seeing now isn't the finished product.


I like Brock Goldberg's call for Ritchie Woodhall replacing Enzo. Always liked Woodhall's commentary.

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This looks like it is going to be great. I believe that it is getting its world premier in Philly this Saturday.


Joe Frazier: When the Smoke Clears







Was it just me, or did Enzo sound like he'd taken a few too many hard shots to the head? :(


Yeah. And he has sadly.


Has Enzo retired yet? Or is there another comeback fight on the cards?

Edited by nfc90210
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This looks like it is going to be great. I believe that it is getting its world premier in Philly this Saturday.


Joe Frazier: When the Smoke Clears



That looks great. Although Ali always get's the plaudits, I always respected Frazier more for the way he dealt with Ali's racial treatment of him back in the day (a treatment that gets whitewashed today to be honest).


Some would say that karma is a real bitch though, as Frazier is still relatively healthy whilst Ali hasn't been for years.

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They were on about that Frazier film last night on Bunce's Boxing Hour. Looks like a must see.


That looks great. Although Ali always get's the plaudits, I always respected Frazier more for the way he dealt with Ali's racial treatment of him back in the day (a treatment that gets whitewashed today to be honest).


Some would say that karma is a real bitch though, as Frazier is still relatively healthy whilst Ali hasn't been for years.


You'll be glad to hear this isn't gonna be dominated by Ali. They were making the point on Buncey last night that although they will obviously have to cover the Ali rivalry, this film is about Joe Frazier first and foremost. It's great to see him getting some recognition still.

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This looks like it is going to be great. I believe that it is getting its world premier in Philly this Saturday.


Joe Frazier: When the Smoke Clears



That looks great. Although Ali always get's the plaudits, I always respected Frazier more for the way he dealt with Ali's racial treatment of him back in the day (a treatment that gets whitewashed today to be honest).


Some would say that karma is a real bitch though, as Frazier is still relatively healthy whilst Ali hasn't been for years.


Is Frazier still quite healthy? I saw that Thrilla in Manilla doc that was on More4 a few years back, and he didn't seem all that great. The whole situation with his gym seemed quite sad as well.


I am looking forward to that film nfc said about, the trailer looked really good last night.

Edited by Sergio Bellend
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