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Hi Guys


Taking longer to get released than Armando Estrada it's part 5 of the Arm Bar Critics Wrestlemania 7 review where we find out how long Ric Flair's been crazy, how far Sensational Sherri is willing to go to secure a title match and what I used to do in front of my bathroom mirror as a teenager.




Great vid!


Enjoyed em all so far.

Can't believe how much efforts gone into just 1 Mania ha

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Hi Guys


Taking longer to get released than Armando Estrada it's part 5 of the Arm Bar Critics Wrestlemania 7 review where we find out how long Ric Flair's been crazy, how far Sensational Sherri is willing to go to secure a title match and what I used to do in front of my bathroom mirror as a teenager.




Great vid!


Enjoyed em all so far.

Can't believe how much efforts gone into just 1 Mania ha


Thanks Boyfriend! (That sounded weird) I really appreciate any feedback, I was starting to wonder if anyone from UKFF had seen the vids. This is the only message board I post on so was interested to get some feedback.


I joined a coule of other boards just to post the links and they were NOT happy about me joining just to promote my project which I can kinda see.


Anyway I'm really glad you like what I'm putting together. I'll be the first to agree that doing a review of a single show this epic was not the original intention and definitely exemplifies my boarder line obessive compulsive nature but I kept thinking of things to include and couldn't possibly bare to leave them out. (Though granted the Bret Hart skit in episode 3 probably didn't need to go on for 2 minutes!)


Once I finally conclude Wrestlemania 7 i'll try to limit myself to one PPV per show. I'm also looking to expand the format with a show based purely on wrestling skits and sketches as well as adding a dramatic narrative to the reviews themselves.


Keep watching and if you like it please share links and post in facebook and anywhere else that might be relevant, I need to get the number of views up in order to justify the insane amount of time I'm spending on these!


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Hi Guys


Taking longer to get released than Armando Estrada it's part 5 of the Arm Bar Critics Wrestlemania 7 review where we find out how long Ric Flair's been crazy, how far Sensational Sherri is willing to go to secure a title match and what I used to do in front of my bathroom mirror as a teenager.



Another one who's enjoying these videos. Mania 7 was the first WWF event I ever saw so it holds a special place in my heart. And even though I've seen it more times than I can count, your videos are making me pick up on little things I'd never realised before. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Savage v Warrior, cos even though the opener really hooked me into wrestling (Rockers v Haku/Barbarian) it was Savage/Warrior that cemented me as a fan for the rest of my childhood, even if I was a bit puzzled at the time with the whole Elizabeth/Sherri/Savage post-match angle (I had no idea who Liz was or why she was getting involved at the end).

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This might be at the same time both the best and stupidest Arm Bar Critic video produced thus far. (The bar is pretty high in both regards)


Taking a break from the Wrestlemania 7 review I present a stand alone sketch featuring everyones favourite mono-toned viper Randy Orton which harkens back to some of the miss chief the young Legend Killer would get himself into early in his career with a little piece I call "The RK-Odd Father"



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