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Did anyone 'Back The Mack'?


White boy landed on his bonce.





Great tune that. They should've played it throughout his matches. I played this over the match above and it sounded ace.

Edited by Shovanist Pig
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WWE Chris Benoit - The Aftermath:


A lazily produced RF "documentary" of talking heads discussing Benoit. The wannabe peado once again shows himself up as the lowlife cunt that peodo's by their very nature are by using the interview with a clearly ill Billy Jack Keynes (Part Six from 07:30 onwards) to give airtime to various conspiracy theories. I don't believe that watching then posting this makes my a hypocrite.


The media's coverage of the double murder is covered which is a fair reflection on the press reporting theory and assumption as fact.


New Jack's comments in Part Four are difficult to argue with.


Part One



Part Two



Part Three



Part Four



Part Five



Part Six



Part Seven - Final Part (in its entirety)





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I'm not that far into part 1 and I hate it already. Not for the content on Benoit, but for the simple fact they've not only spelled Eddie Guerreros name wrong, but they've stuck up a date of his death, but haven't for other guys featured beforehand on the DVD who've passed away too. Bad News Brown & Kanyon for example, and I'm sure there's more to come.

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I love this video but do get upset at the original (YouTube) poster labelling it as WrestleCrap. RD Reynolds and the likes of Maffew from the amazing Botchamania series are fantastic but it seemingly gives others the right to arbitrarily label parts of wrestling as shit without any thoughts on the passage of time, trends or the impact when it was aired. If the Crabrtee's has produced this when I was a kid then I'd have marked the fuck out. I don't post here often but am sure that if I am talking shit then it will be pointed out.

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15-Man Battle Royal entrances at 2010 WWE Tribute to the Troops




Thought this was cool.


WWE really need to do more shows in arenas like this. The Battle Royal looked fucking immense with the camera so far back. Looked like an old early 90's PPV in a good fucking way.

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