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quote the raven

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The guy in white trousers and a green T-Shirt is everything that is wrong with British wrestling

:confused: Er, what, trained by real reputable schools, learned the craft on shows with several feds prior to this, capable and skilled.........Yeah man, right on! :thumbsup:
I was thinking more along the lines of a can't be bothered to even buy a wrestling costume, looks 18, probably lives with his parents, most men could probably beat the shit out of him kind of way :bored: In the spirit of my above Bret post, 14 year old kids in the Hart house were wrestling, trained by LEGENDS, it doesn't mean them showing up in T-Shirts and jogging bottoms to a show with no look, muscles or squat is a good idea though...EDIT: Oh and look at 3:14 in that video. you say capable and skilled? I say backyard... Edited by Roger
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:confused: 3:14? Him taking a bump? Er, ok......Ever thought the comment of "can't be bothered" etc could actually be "can't afford" ? Like due to being a student, trying to get an education so can't actually afford to buy from expensive american gear makers, whereas the Harts were loaded...........Well, never mind me trying to explain that.No disrespects, you are entitled to your opinions as like the rest of us, but as a long time IPW fan (well of the old days) I find the comments (especially when you weren't a regular fan there it seems) I think it a little ignorant to be honest.
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:confused: 3:14? Him taking a bump? Er, ok......Ever thought the comment of "can't be bothered" etc could actually be "can't afford" ? Like due to being a student, trying to get an education so can't actually afford to buy from expensive american gear makers, whereas the Harts were loaded...........Well, never mind me trying to explain that.No disrespects, you are entitled to your opinions as like the rest of us, but as a long time IPW fan (well of the old days) I find the comments (especially when you weren't a regular fan there it seems) I think it a little ignorant to be honest.

3.14 - a "bump" head / neck first into the ropes. There is a reason Keiji Mutoh doesn't do that, but it may very well be found on Best Of Backyardmania! Nope, wrong again, the Hart kids used to wrestle in regular clothes too. Difference is, this was in their home, they were not on shows. As is my point. And the fact you claim he is a student, well, thanks for proving my point again. Who the hell wants to go and see a school kid / college kid wrestle? And going back to my very first comment - this is what's wrong with BritWres.And as for the last bit of your last post, in other words, your biased opinion is blinding you from what is so very obvious? Your right, I am not a fan of this fed, I have not seen any of their stuff. But going by that video, I never will... Edited by Roger
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To be fair, Kris Linnell is pretty shit.Although, yeah, Keiji Mutoh might not take a bump into a turnbuckle like that (not sure why he's the paradigm of wrestling for Roger, I guess it takes all sorts) but plenty of good wrestlers have. Even Japanese ones. And plenty of them in All Japan. Where Mutoh works these days.But yeah. Kris Linnell is not good.

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macho mans debut in memphis



quite a cool Demolition tribute.



dodgy ring music and shades aside, these were a great tag team. Roma had a great dropkick.



Rick Rude in training



why scott steiner is god.

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