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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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This might be worthy of its own thread but ill put here



Im not kidding


thats awesome, what next, london on jeapardy :p


What the hell happened to Drew Carey? I didn't recognise him.

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News report from the WWWF, featuring interviews from then active wrestler Gorilla Monsoon and the evil heel Hulk 'Bobby Charlton' Hogan. The difference between Vince McMahon's version of the WWF and this one must have hit like a brick when he started bringing celebrities and bells and whistles into it. This looks so un-WWF. Great little video though. Its strange to see Hogan so chilled out and uncharismatic.


The worst thing about it is, they did the usual hatchet job on wrestling being fake, yet used a chop (something that connects) as an example for it.

Edited by Ian_hitmanhart
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Edge cashes in MITB on John Cena


This is one of the highlights in all of WWE from the last few years. You forget just how awesome Edge and Lita were as an item, they look cool as fuck coming out of the smoke during their entrance.


I marked out so much for this moment. I think it was made even greater by the fact Cena was left in the chamber with Carlito and Masters so you knew he was going to retain the belt and I was pissed off and then when Vince to announce Edge cashing in, it was awesome. I remember thinking at the time though that Cena would reverse a spear into an FU and retain again. Luckily that didn't happen.

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Then he just went back in red and yellow saying "THE DARKSIDE IS OVER BRTOHER, THE DARKSIDE IS OVER!" and burnt an issue of the Observer on WCW PPV, saying that the Internet was the real place for the best scoops.





Edited by ButchReedMark
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