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*Official* Youtube.com cool finds thread

quote the raven

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Itn03A0jvBUMickie Knuckles vs Mike Levy Highlights... It's a bit stiff.

Way too many damn replays of that light tube shot near the start, but the stomp onto the ladder at the end was way too fucking stiff.
Full Match plus aftermathHere's the whole match.I should say, probably best avoided if you have even a hint of pride in being a wrestling fan. Ian Rotten shows again why he is a pathetic, scumbag bully. You hire a fucking backyarder, then beat the piss out of him because "he can't work". What do you expect??
Removed, but I'm uploading the new video as we speak. They don't deserve the attention but IWA:MS went too far this time.Knuckles is also on Jerry Springer, of all shows.
Edited by Seratonin
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The Rockers vs Fabulous Rougeaus (from London Arena 1989). One of the top 10 WWF matches of the 80s IMO.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

In particular the first part should be required viewing for any aspiring indy wrestler (ie how to work for nearly 9 minutes, barely touching your opponent, keeping the crowd on their feet for the duration. THAT is working. Not dropping people on their heads for 9 minutes for 10% of the reaction.

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WOW, that WWP promotion looks to have great production values...... and a female comentator! The stage layout reminds me somewhat of WSX... Glad Joe is in the promotion, he is a great guy so I hope they pay well!

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