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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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After seeing the great bazTNM pimp it on these fine forums on many occasions, I finally watched Scum last night. It is one hell of a movie and it hasn't dated one iota. The final few scenes are truly shocking and it makes for a terrific ending. A very obvious message was told during the film and they sure as fuck convinced me.

Does it matter which version of Scum you watch? Is one better than the other?
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I recently watched "City Of God" and "Freddie got Fingered" on DVD. Two completely differnet films, but both brilliant.Aslong as you don't take Freddie got Fingered seriously, it is absolutely hilarious and fucked up, so many laugh out loud moments.I'm not sure if anyone else has seen City Of God, but it is the most succesful Brazilian film to date, exposing the life in the slums of Rio De Janeira, and is based on a true story, fantastic stuff.

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I watched the DVD version of Scum which at the top of the cover states it is 'the uncut, uncensored version'. I'd imagine watching an edited copy would probably take the edge off the film but I haven't seen the other version to actually know.

Edited by Pegasus Kid
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Guest Refuse Matt M

The last film I saw in the cinema was 'Walk The Line'.Very good, Reece Witherspoon fully deserves her Oscar. DVD wise I've been steadily watching the entire X-Files series. I'm up to season 7 now. When it was on originally I lost interest in series 3, but I recently bought all the series and have ploughed through them.Did the same thing with 'Millenium'. Such an underrated show that.

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It was great how you never understood why, what and when about his character, Sy, but you ended up feeling sorry for him anyway.

*spoiler*It's pretty strongly hinted at that he was sexually abused as a child and it involved photos being taken. I think that explains the why, what and when of his character completely.
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After seeing the great bazTNM pimp it on these fine forums on many occasions, I finally watched Scum last night. It is one hell of a movie and it hasn't dated one iota. The final few scenes are truly shocking and it makes for a terrific ending. A very obvious message was told during the film and they sure as fuck convinced me.

Does it matter which version of Scum you watch? Is one better than the other?
Thanks for calling me great by the way.No real change between the version on DVD and the one Channel 4 always shows. However now that I think of it on the DVD version all three of the rapists get a turn but on the old VHS version I seen many moons ago only one of them had a turn. I remember mentioning this on chat when "Scum" was last on TV.Great film.
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I went to see V For Vendetta earlier today. It is somewhat entertaining with some nice visuals, but the visuals alone doesn't make a good film. I cannot remember the last time a movie was so over-rated (7.9 on IMDB, 75% on RottenTomatoes). V For Vendetta is not a bad film, but it sure isn't a good one either. It is dull, the acting is sub-standard (I like Natalie Portman, but she really should not have been cast as Evey when she couldn't grasp the English accent), it is too long, it is without any real flow, there are no characters to really get into or get behind, and when a domino effect is the highlight of a film then you know you have a problem! The V character is also not transfered over from the comic at all well, and he never has the presence he really should have. As I say, it is not a bad film, but not the "film of the year" many seem to want to make it out to be either.


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After seeing the great bazTNM pimp it on these fine forums on many occasions, I finally watched Scum last night. It is one hell of a movie and it hasn't dated one iota. The final few scenes are truly shocking and it makes for a terrific ending. A very obvious message was told during the film and they sure as fuck convinced me.

Does it matter which version of Scum you watch? Is one better than the other?
Thanks for calling me great by the way.No real change between the version on DVD and the one Channel 4 always shows. However now that I think of it on the DVD version all three of the rapists get a turn but on the old VHS version I seen many moons ago only one of them had a turn. I remember mentioning this on chat when "Scum" was last on TV.Great film.
aint there like a 25 minute difference in em?
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Out of Time

A good film, which is entertaining, enjoyable and exciting, and has some good emotion. There is also an interesting story, some good humour, good plots twists, and good tension. The movie is somewhat predictable on the whole though, but it didn

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"The Hole" on just now on CH4 ain't it? I hope you didn't pay a lot for the DVD then.Just finished watching "Nightmare on Elm Street 2". Probably the worst one of the series. Onto "Dream Warriors" next.

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DJM's star ratings are insane. The Hole is better than V For Vendetta? Sweet jesus.

I was very unimpressed by V for Vendetta. Given the hype and great reviews you would come to expect something special from the film, but instead it ended up being unspectacular and dull for the most part. The Hole is not a great film, but I found it more interesting than V.
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