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Guest DJM

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Yeah, I watched all the extras on the DVD a while back. Would have liked to see the Wooden Planet idea on the screen, sounded interesting.


Really wish the film could have been made properly, because I really love most of it. Some of the effects are a bit shit, but I think for the most part it looks amazing. And the score is wonderful, too. I think it could have easily been the best of the series.

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I don't think it would have ever been the best of the series, simply due to the first two being of such a high standard, and Fincher not having the experience of either Scott or Cameron.

Luckily the fourth stopped it from being the worst.


It was interesting to hear that the movie cost $18 million. I know that that was still a decent whack in the 80s, but considering the size of the sets, the number of props, prosthetics, effect shots, etc.. Waterworld has no excuse.


I don't think Bishop was going to literally exorcise the alien from Ripley. The premise was that the monks saw Ripley as being sent from God, to test their ability to resist temptation, and so saw everything spiritually.

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I don't think it would have ever been the best of the series, simply due to the first two being of such a high standard, and Fincher not having the experience of either Scott or Cameron.

Luckily the fourth stopped it from being the worst.


It was interesting to hear that the movie cost $18 million. I know that that was still a decent whack in the 80s, but considering the size of the sets, the number of props, prosthetics, effect shots, etc.. Waterworld has no excuse.


I don't think Bishop was going to literally exorcise the alien from Ripley. The premise was that the monks saw Ripley as being sent from God, to test their ability to resist temptation, and so saw everything spiritually.

Maybe thats one of those myths that snowballed over years, but I'm pretty certain there are early drafts of scripts for the monastery version of Alien 3, and an exorcism was in there, which is one of the things that gets ridiculed heavily to this day. I'll see if I can dig it up - but I'm not 100% on it, like I said, it could be just one of those urban legends.


I did like the premise of them looking at everything spiritually, viewing the Alien as a demon being sent to punish them for coveting a woman and so forth, but I do prefer the prison approach.

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My friend cannot watch Ghostbusters 2. Every time he has tried, he has received devastatingly bad news before the end.

Not the worst thing to have happen - the ending is easily the weakest part. Still very intriguing though, what was the severity of the news like? As in, is it a humorous thing s/he mentions in passing or is it a case of "Never speak of that film"?


I am nosey.

The news has ranged from "sorry, my cat's just shit in your shoe" to "deaths of friends and family" bad. The movie is cursed for him and he won't go near it.


Jumping into the "Alien Cubed" discussion, grab a copy of the book "The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made" for the full lowdown of the "wooden planet/monastery" versions.

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Jumping into the "Alien Cubed" discussion, grab a copy of the book "The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made" for the full lowdown of the "wooden planet/monastery" versions.


I came in here to post this. From memory, the exorcism concept is mentioned in there.

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Just got back from watching Wolverine. Absolutely hated it. Rubbish story, zero characterisation, shockingly bad CGI, no sense of consistent tone, some awfully cliched moments - it was just a massive waste of potential. I mean, what bugs me most is that they have a wealth of awesome stories (and interpretations) at their disposal already. It would have been so easy to pick one and make a cool movie. Instead, they make the same mistake that X-Men 3 made and tried to fit too much in; leaving no room to explore anything and disappointing with absolutely everything. Awful, awful, awful. I'm so genuinely disappointed...and I only went in expecting an average, three-star type blockbuster.

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I had The Mask recorded on Sky and decided to give it a watch last night and still love it. Haven't seen it for a good few years but surprised by how much of it I remembered. Jim Carrey is utterly brilliant and Cameron Diaz is just shockingly beautiful in it.

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It was interesting to see the different bits, but I don't think it changed anything enough to be a "This is so much better than the regular version" like with Aliens.

This week I discovered that the woman that plays John Connor's foster mother in Terminator 2 is the same woman that plays Vasquez in Aliens. They obviously took their budget contraints into consideration by casting a pale skinned, blonde haired, blue eyed woman to play a hispanic character.


Anyhow, today I watched Airplane. Lolz, etc..

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I watched The Uninvited having never seen A Tale of Two Sisters, going on the "well, it can't pale in comparison this way" theory. Turns out that it doesn't make a difference. Because this movie is absolutely shite. I went onto watch 100 Feet soon after, which didn't help matters, although it does have a hilarious beatdown involving a ghost and some poor kid. It's pretty brutal.


I think I might be put off watching horror movies for a while though. I've got Mamma Mia and Pineapple Express to watch instead.

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Finally watched Righteous kill and am really happy I did. Exactley what it said on the tin "The two greatest actors alive back on form". I thought it was a brilliant movie and seeing De Niro kicking 50 cent in was worth the 14.99 alone. Cool little twist at the end wont spoil it, just watch it its awesome. As for Mumma mia my girlfriend made me watch it after I fucked up royally so was in the sorry process so didnt argue when we got there and she ordered the tickets for it I never want to see that shit again

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Finally watched Righteous kill and am really happy I did. Exactley what it said on the tin "The two greatest actors alive back on form". I thought it was a brilliant movie and seeing De Niro kicking 50 cent in was worth the 14.99 alone. Cool little twist at the end wont spoil it, just watch it its awesome. As for Mumma mia my girlfriend made me watch it after I fucked up royally so was in the sorry process so didnt argue when we got there and she ordered the tickets for it I never want to see that shit again
I enjoyed Righteous Kill too but expect people to tell you how wrong you are for liking the film.


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I haven't seen anything other than the release versions of any Aliens film. I will have to investigate this...


As for todays movie experience - I watched Iron Man with a hangover. I kept staring at Jeff Bridges wondering if he was Jesse Ventura (could have something to do with the hangover) and quite like Downey's performance and some little comedy moments but overall it was alright. Nothing special. But good hangover movie.

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