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Guest DJM

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Watched Step Brothers last night and it was far better than I had expected. The plot does take some convenient twists and turns towards the end, but it's consistently funny and still a huge step up from Will Ferrell's last effort, Semi-Pro.

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Elegia, you are an amazing individual. I received my fist donated Rom-com this morning! You didn't tell me it had Jennifer Love Hewitt as the lead, that sweetens the deal immeasurably! Many, many thanks. I will watch it in good time and submit my thoughts. Many, many thanks.

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Elegia, you are an amazing individual. I received my fist donated Rom-com this morning! You didn't tell me it had Jennifer Love Hewitt as the lead, that sweetens the deal immeasurably! Many, many thanks. I will watch it in good time and submit my thoughts. Many, many thanks.

I've, er, had this really good idea for a blog where I review home-made food. Anyone who wants me to review their recipe, please send a sample to



Mort's House



and I'll eat it and stuff. Oh, and I'll do another blog about beer. Send me beer to the same address. Damn you for having the idea first JLM!

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I've, er, had this really good idea for a blog where I review home-made food. Anyone who wants me to review their recipe, please send a sample to



Mort's House



and I'll eat it and stuff. Oh, and I'll do another blog about beer. Send me beer to the same address. Damn you for having the idea first JLM!



...I should use this to point out I'm conducting reviews on porn, home made and amateur acceptable. Address available on request.




On the non porn topic...

...I got Stargate Continuum in the mail the other day. I was quite disappointing as their last DVD was a lot better than I anticipated and this seemed to be a mix of the ten seasons that came before.


The DVD suggests that it was based around the idea of filming in the Arctic and from there a story developed. The story being that Ba'al goes back in time to 1939 to make sure the Gate is lost in transit as it's shipped to the US. Unfortunately it feels the alternate universe angles been done to death, as has time travel and Teal'c being the bad guy. Even though it was a new story it screamed of 'seen it before' all the way through.

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Ping Pong Playa

Marketed (if the trailer's anything to go by) like an Apatow-esque comedy about ping-pong. It's nothing of the sort, it's one-third indie film about Chinese and black culture clashing in modern LA and two-thirds gentle comedy about ping-pong. It's fun, and there's a few laughs there, and it's not a bad way to pass an hour and a half.


The problem is, and I don't throw this accusation around lightly, it's the most anti-white film I've maybe ever seen. The only white characters are either effete villains, simpleton villains or nasty villains, the black best friend of the Chinese main character says to a group of people "we minorities need to stick together" and it's seen as a positive statement! They befriend an Indian guy who helps them set up a business...it's too much to be accidental. Really odd, and spoils what could have been a fun little film.

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I watched Mysterious Skin the other day. It's a great movie and I recommend it although it's not an easy movie to watch by any means. It features peadophilia, lots of gay sex and a brutal rape scene. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt (one of the most underrated actors out there) and all the cast are brilliant. I can't really be arsed to explain the plot (use wikipedia, arseholes) but I've never really seen anything like it before. Give it a go if you see it on Film Four or something, but just don't watch it with a girl you're trying to pull because she probably won't touch you for weeks afterwards.


Is that the rape scene what lasts around 8-10 minutes? if so we had this on, four people walked out and one puked on the balcony/overview in disgust.

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saw Slumdog Millionaire - reviews have been ridiculous for this. Awesome movie, it's just one of them films where you just forget your watching a movie and think it's like some real like documentary. Really original yet clever idea, the story is told through the main characters knowledge of answers to 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire'. Basically a rags-to-riches tail. The movie has one of the best ending's i think i've ever seen. If you ain't beaming/crying feeling anything during the last 15-20mins you are a lost soul.


Cracking film, Danny Boyle confirms himself as one of my favorite directors and puts out the kinda movie which may go down as a classic. I'm just hoping enough people go and check it out.

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I friend of mine, who seems to have an exceptional talent for giving you exactly what you didn't want as a gift, brought me John Cena's The Marine for Christmas. Seeing as I'm a nice chap I didn't immediately batter him to death with it, quite the contrary, I decided to give it a chance. I could waffle on about things like:


The hammy acting.


The daft plot.


The inexplicable moment when Cena decides that instead of beating a bad guy with his fists, like every action movie star in the history of ever, he'll lure him in and then surprise him by sticking a big knife into his chest cavity.


The fact that Cena spends a significant portion of the movie being smashed in the face by anything lying around, thus making him the most punchbagiest hero since Thomas Jane in 2004's The Punisher.


The stereotypical Black man who hates being treated like a criminal despite being, y'know, a criminal. This guy was so stereotypical that I expected him to pull a Bargain Bucket out of nowhere and start chowing down on it at any moment.


In fact, that only good thing about this film was the scene where Cena throws a woman in front of a bus. I laughed my arse off, although I don't think it was supposed to be funny. So to summarise; if you want to see John Cena get beaten up constantly, you're entertained by women getting smacked about and you enjoy hinted-at-but-not-explicitly-stated stories about sexual abuse against children then The Marine is the film for you.

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I watched Pineapple Express the other night and found it distinctly average. The Rogen/Apatow/their mates stable is running out of steam and this really felt like watching a bunch of mates make a bunch of in-jokes to one another onscreen. I think I laughed about once.

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I watched Pineapple Express the other night and found it distinctly average. The Rogen/Apatow/their mates stable is running out of steam and this really felt like watching a bunch of mates make a bunch of in-jokes to one another onscreen. I think I laughed about once.


I actually, surprisingly, agree with you on this. I thought the fight scene in the bathroom was the funniest part of the whole film. But it just didn't tickle me as much as I thought it would. I was impressed with James Franco though, more roles like this please!

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im watching scorsese's "new york new york" which i havent ever seen before. pretty enjoyable so far but hasnt blown me away (which i never expected it to). i watched scorsese's "king of comedy" the otehr day as well and that was much better than i remember it being.

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Just watched Back to the Future 1,2+3. Never seen them before and a mate lent me the DVD. Thought they were pretty awesome films as I'm a big fan of 80's pop culture.


SNAP! Bought the trilogy on dvd during the sale and spent all of today completing it.


Very enjoyable with the first film still being the best of the bunch in my eyes, although 2 runs it pretty close!

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