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Guest DJM

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I just finished Dark City. This is a sci-fi classic. Definitely deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as all the other sci-fi classics but it rarely gets any mention. Great performances, insane visual effects and designs and really great story. Highly recommended.

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I watched The Big Lebowski for the first time today and I really don't understand what the fuss is all about.

I think I missed the boat on this one as well, watched it the first time when it came out and thought...ermm..that was a bit crap, and then came the hype and cult status. Saw it for 2 quid in Tescos a few years ago, and decided to buy it and rewatch it to see what I missed, you know something, my first opinion still stands, it also says it all that I cant remember one scene from this movie, at all.

I just finished Dark City. This is a sci-fi classic. Definitely deserves to be mentioned in the same breath as all the other sci-fi classics but it rarely gets any mention. Great performances, insane visual effects and designs and really great story. Highly recommended.

Loved this film, defiantly have to pick it up on DVD, apparently theres a 3 dvd version out, which if true could be a good purchase, whatwith the awesome visuals and story in that film. Time to go investigating for its existence Edited by klown
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Just watched Hellboy 2, thought it was great, awesome set design and look and Del Toro is slowly becoming one of my fav Diretorrs visually. Always good to see actual physical effects instead of CGI (although there is a fair bit of CGI in the film as well) and it makes me sad that computer effects are the norm nowadays (they ruined Indiana Jones and Star Wars with them....but i wont go into a rant :sneaky: )Also stared watching season 6 (

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Funny you should say that because I also saw Do The Ring Thing for the first time the other week and thought it was overrated bollocks. There was really nothing likeable in this film for me at all.It's cool that you've got Clockers line up. Now that is an underrated film. It's fucking ace.

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Funny you should say that because I also saw Do The Ring Thing for the first time the other week and thought it was overrated bollocks. There was really nothing likeable in this film for me at all.It's cool that you've got Clockers line up. Now that is an underrated film. It's fucking ace.

Lol, I actually think that of the two films Do the right thing is a much better film but Clockers is overlooked far too much, DTRT has the awesome Ossie Davis in it, Radio Raheem, amazing performances from Danny Aiello, John Turturro, Bill Nun and Ruby Dee and a truely fantastic soundtrack but I can understand that its the kind of film that can polorize people because its a lot of set up for very little happening and is quite downbeatDon't know if you already have but I suggest you read the book of Clockers if you like the film, its great
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I'm almost 19 thanks, though I don't see what age has got to do with my opinions.

Yeah you do. It's why you've told us how old you 'almost' are instead of being confident enough to just tell us how old you actually are. God I find that habit annoying.Watched Cinderella man last night. Not really much to wrtie home about which is rather sad as you can tell that all involved with it were desperate to make something that would end up being regarded as a bit of a classic. Crowe's performance was also fairly poor, he seems to have fallen into the trap of trying to give a 'performance' in his recent films and is amuch poorer actor as a result.
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Sometimes there's a man. Sometimes, there's a man...


I watched The Orphanage last night. Creepy as hell and yet quite beautiful at times. Some of the shots of the deserted and slightly foggy beach with the lighthouse in the distance were the kind of images I'd want framed on my wall. Like Hage, I saw the ending coming but it didn't matter because it sort of fell into place how you'd want it to. Not quite sure if it's a happy or sad ending.


It helped a little that I watched it with the same people I always watch suspense/thriller/horror movies with, one of whom is a girl who finds any given scary film absolutely terrifying. She was a bit annoying at the beginning though. "OH MY GOD THAT SCARECROW COMES TO LIFE DOESN'T IT?????"


No. No it doesn't. Jesus.




Because it's one of the resonating images from Laura's memories of the place and because it looks really friggin' creepy.


SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Oddly, the only bit of the movie that sent a genuine shiver down my spine was one of those lingering close ups of the roundabout in the garden. It made the most eerie creaking noise at one point and I hated it. CUrse you Del Toro.


Her playing "One, two, three knock on the wall" to coax the kids out of hiding was absolutely inspired. It'd take balls of steel to do that.



Anywyay, thoroughly enjoyed it, watch it if you haven't seen it.


Oh yeah, and my massive TV allowed me to read the subtitles without squinting horribly, so I can finally get around to watching Pan's Labrynth this week. Very much looking forward to it.

Edited by JLM
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Also, season one of Alias.


Lots of nonsense but so much fun. Loved the first 15 episodes especially, and only the FBI holding Sydney because she was mentioned in a prophecy had me contemplating giving up at the absurdity of it all. I decided to roll with it though, because everything else going on is too interesting not to follow. I sympathise massively with Dixon, Sloane and Jack Bristow are terrific characters and I wub Jennifer Garner and anyone who says nasty things about her big forehead is a poop-face. Oh, and the cameos! Bastard lead FBI interviewer is Lost's John Locke! Guy in charge of the SD-6 mole hunt is the amazing Tobin "Jigsaw" Bell! Good stuff, and the box sets are dirt cheap on Play at the minute.

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Also, season one of Alias.Oh, and the cameos! Bastard lead FBI interviewer is Lost's John Locke!

Terry O'Quinn got the role of Locke because he worked with JJ Abrams on Alias, so if it weren't for Alias we'd never have gotten Locke (or at least not one played as well as O'Quinn does). So for that reason I might check Alias out. Plus Jigsaw. :thumbsup:
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SPOILER - Highlight the black box to read

Oddly, the only bit of the movie that sent a genuine shiver down my spine was one of those lingering close ups of the roundabout in the garden. It made the most eerie creaking noise at one point and I hated it. CUrse you Del Toro. Her playing "One, two, three knock on the wall" to coax the kids out of hiding was absolutely inspired. It'd take balls of steel to do that.


Don't wanna be a nit picky git (well I do) but Del Toro didn't actually have anything to do with the film apart from sticking his name on it to help it find a market
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I saw Rocknrolla today.I loved it. A great storyline with loads going on and plenty of twists and turns. It was full of plot holes in the end but these will no doubt be touched upon in the sequels. It gets a huge recommendation from me.

Quick question, and i dont mean to seem ignorant, is thisa) that Guy Ritchie movieb) and if so, is if the same geeeeezzzzerrrr gangstaaaa movie hes made countles times before?dont mean to seem ignorant, and i know I could type it online, just ermm...nows not the best time :)
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