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Guest DJM

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I watched the 1978 remake of Nosferatu today, i've had it for a while, but kept putting off watching it because I love the original so much and was afraid this may somehow tarnish it. Pleased to say this wasn't the case, the first thing that's noticeable is the use of the names from Bram Stokers novel so Count Orlock is Dracula and Hutter is Jonathan Harker. Klaus Kinski does really, really well as Dracula, but I don't think another person alive could possible be as creepy as Max Schreck was in certain scenes. A REALLY good thing is Bruno Ganz (who was masterful as Hitler in 'Downfall') takes Harker/Hutters part and he's utterly mesmorising, as far away from the horrendous actor portraying that role in the original as possible. The ending is slightly different, but I enjoyed it. The direction and visual shots are breath-taking and there's a macabre dream sequence, which I had to rewind and watch again immediately. If you're a fan of the original, i'd highly recommend this.

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I watched the 1978 remake of Nosferatu today, i've had it for a while, but kept putting off watching it because I love the original so much and was afraid this may somehow tarnish it. Pleased to say this wasn't the case, the first thing that's noticeable is the use of the names from Bram Stokers novel so Count Orlock is Dracula and Hutter is Jonathan Harker. Klaus Kinski does really, really well as Dracula, but I don't think another person alive could possible be as creepy as Max Schreck was in certain scenes. A REALLY good thing is Bruno Ganz (who was masterful as Hitler in 'Downfall') takes Harker/Hutters part and he's utterly mesmorising, as far away from the horrendous actor portraying that role in the original as possible. The ending is slightly different, but I enjoyed it. The direction and visual shots are breath-taking and there's a macabre dream sequence, which I had to rewind and watch again immediately. If you're a fan of the original, i'd highly recommend this.


The direction and visual shots are breath-taking

HERZOG~~~~! Greatest director of all time, absolutely no question about it. Roland Topor's Renfield is one of my all time favourite performances. That laugh, my God. My favourite scene has to be when Lucy wanders through the market, backed by the incredibly haunting and beautiful Bavarian choral score. Kinski, of course, is fucking fabulous, he completely inhabits the role, right down the the fingers. Seriously, watch his hands the next time you rewatch it. Dracula has been done to death in adaptations, but Kinski's is by far the best portrayal, and without question the saddest.The song from that scene is here - http://www.goear.com/listen.php?v=50a25a8
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God, that song is beautiful and so emotional I want it :(. I agree Kinski's portrayal is unlike anything else. For creepiness, Schreck surpasses him, but Kinskis's Dracula is a far more developed character and his death scene is amazing.

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Just watched Sid and Nancy Pretty good film but is very historically unaccurate. Also the guy who plays Johnny Rotten is really annoying and looks nothing like him.

Delicious irony aside...1. It's a dramatisation, not a documentary.2. That's Gary fucking Oldman you're talking about. And anyway, how can you call him "really annoying" when he spends the entire film in character? Surely what you intended to say was that you found the character annoying, not the actor.3. Despite dismissing the movie for its lack of factual accuracy and negative portrayal of several key characters in the story John Lydon has had nothing but good things to say about Oldman's portrayal of Sid.
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Just watched Sid and Nancy Pretty good film but is very historically unaccurate. Also the guy who plays Johnny Rotten is really annoying and looks nothing like him.

Delicious irony aside...1. It's a dramatisation, not a documentary.2. That's Gary fucking Oldman you're talking about. And anyway, how can you call him "really annoying" when he spends the entire film in character? Surely what you intended to say was that you found the character annoying, not the actor.3. Despite dismissing the movie for its lack of factual accuracy and negative portrayal of several key characters in the story John Lydon has had nothing but good things to say about Oldman's portrayal of Sid.
So Oldman was pulling an Eddie Murphy in that film? ;)
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Just watched Sid and Nancy Pretty good film but is very historically unaccurate. Also the guy who plays Johnny Rotten is really annoying and looks nothing like him.

Delicious irony aside...1. It's a dramatisation, not a documentary.2. That's Gary fucking Oldman you're talking about. And anyway, how can you call him "really annoying" when he spends the entire film in character?
Edited by Joe_the_Lion
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I've got to ask...The Dark Knight is currently sitting at #1 in the imdb Top 250 with 26,000 votes.So it's considered to be the best film of all time according to that website.The question is - is it really that good? Or are people voting for it because the Lead Supporting Actor is now dead?

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Pink Floyd The WallI think my brain is still pouring out my fucking nose, so I will be brief. Fuck Roger Waters. Fuck him for being a facist prick who destroyed Pink Floyd. Fuck him for making two whole albums, a feature film, and a stage show about his dead father. And fuck this film along with it.Dark Side Of The Moon, Animals, Wish You Were Here. All those albums were fantastic because you could create your own story and draw your own conclusions. The lyrics applied to the masses. Then we hit The Wall, and its feature film.And whats it like? Its like being tied to a chair. Its like having bassist extrodanaire Roger Waters shout his biography word for word at you for over an hour. Its like being told ''Im Roger, and this is no longer Pink Floyd, now shut the fuck up and listen to me while I talk about my dad. He died in World War II, you know''.Seriously, what did I just watch? Thank god for Gerald Scarfe. His animation sequences saved the film [almost]. And fair play to Bob Geldof. He played his part well, which was the biggest surprise of the film. And fair play to David Gilmour. Comftorably Numb, his composition, still kicks ass, despite it being in the context of this overbloated nostalgia fuckfest.

Don't forget Meddle.
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Some scary box office figures from Yahoo News

The Dark Knight chased Spider-Man 3 from the record books with a $155.3 opening weekend gross, per Exhibitor Relations Co. estimates today.The figure capped three days of eye-popping figures for the Christopher Nolan film. The highlights:

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I've got to ask...The Dark Knight is currently sitting at #1 in the imdb Top 250 with 26,000 votes.So it's considered to be the best film of all time according to that website.The question is - is it really that good? Or are people voting for it because the Lead Supporting Actor is now dead?

Well to start with the imdb is a complete joke and always will be. Nothing from that site apart from cast lists should be paid attention to.In the real world I havnt seen a bad review for The Dark Knight yet. Respected american critic Richard Roeper gave a good video review. Concluding that it is "maybe the best superhero movie ever made" and that Heath deserves an Oscar nomination which isnt a sympathy vote. "He creates a Joker which is one of the most memorable screen characters of the decade."The only thing missing from Batman Begins (imo) to make it a grade A film was a strong, dominant villian. The Dark Knight should be awesome.
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Ive been hearing alot of good about Dark Night too.One question though, is it hard to follow if you havent seen any other Batman movies? I've never seen any before but this Dark Night is interesting me, but I can't be arsed to go watching all the others to at the minute, so would it be a waste of time watching this?

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