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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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If you want to see a truly fantastic Sandler performance, check out Punch Drunk Love.

I will do, cheers. When you say "truly fantastic", do you mean as opposed to Reign over me or as well as? Edited by tiger_rick
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I haven't seen Reign Over Me.

Ah right, OK. Couldn't say whether you'd like it or not but I reckon it's well worth a couple of hours of your time.How many films do you watch a week, out of interest? You watch DVD's or do you go to the flicks a lot?
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Since I've had my Cineworld Unlimited card this is how many films I've seen. I'm not sure when exactly but I think I got it in late Feb or Early March 06. The first film I used it to see was Date Movie (urgh) and I've traced it back from that monstrosity's release. I put it all in spoilers as its a long ass list and theres no point in it taking up an entire page of the thread.

20061. Date Movie2. Lucky Number Slevin3. The Hills Have Eyes (remake)4. V for Vendetta5. Hostel6. Inside Man7. The Ringer8. Basic instinct 29. The Shaggy Dog10. Alien Autopsy11. Ice Age 2

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I haven't seen Reign Over Me.

Ah right, OK. Couldn't say whether you'd like it or not but I reckon it's well worth a couple of hours of your time.How many films do you watch a week, out of interest? You watch DVD's or do you go to the flicks a lot?
It depends. Sometimes I won't watch one for weeks, but I've watched a lot lately. Since January I've seen:The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford No Country For Old MenCloverfieldSweeney ToddAtonementMichael ClaytonEastern PromisesRamboMaybe one or two more, I can't remember. Half on dvd, half in the cinema. My local cinema sucks, they only get mainstream shit. If I lived in Dublin I'd probably go to a lot more films. I happened to be there to catch Jesse James and I saw a screener of No Country. There Will Be Blood comes out here Friday and I guarentee my local won't get it.
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Saw Vantage Point and 27 Dresses on Monday. 27 Dresses was a decent chick flick if thats your thing. Katherine Heigl was loverly as ever in it. Vantage Point was excellent until the last 5 minutes when the script went to hell with some of the worst dialogue in a movie for a while. Very good Rashomon type of movie brought bang up to date. Worth a look for sure.

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isnt it called Book of Secrets? Is it basically The Mummy/Mummy Returns?
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Watched Blade Runner last night again.My indifference to it when we were doing the whole Film Club, or whatever it was called, has all but disappeared now, as I'm realising just how great it is. Everything about it just gets more and more impressive to see, right down to the brilliant scenery of the future LA. Highlight is still Rutger though.

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Just finished watching Reign Over Me and i cant really sat it was all that good. Maybe my expectations were a little bit higher than they should have been but it just didn't strike me as a memorable film whatsoever. Don't get me wrong, it was ok but as a drama it lacked any real depth and wasn't really all that subtle. I enjoyed Don Cheadle in the film and i think he was the only character that came across as believable. I am a fan of Adam Sandler and i think he is probably a better actor in his straight stuff than he is in his goofy films but he just didn't seem right in this. He did his job sufficiently but i did find myself thinking how much better he'd have been if he didn't have that stupid wig on. Its as if the director told him to play somewhere between Punch Drunk Love and Happy Gilmore. If your after a watchable non thought provoking drama then you'll probably enjoy this but if you prefer a little more grit and realism then dont bother.


Also, wtf was up with that stalker lady, the man is consumed by grief and is a complete mess but its ok because he'll probably get it on with a hot woman in the near future so he'll be ok. The film would have worked better had it ended on him telling his story.

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I liked Spanglish. Thought it was a really strong effort. Really well cast and well acted and tells a decent story. Particularly about the mexican mother who tries to teach her daughter respect and principle in tough circumstances.

Did you not find it contrieved and bloated in it's running length (and themes) though?
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