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The Darjeeling Limited


I've heard/read completely mixed reviews for this, it's very much a Marmite film with people either loving it or hating it with no in-between. I think that's often the case with Wes Anderson films though and this is instantly recognisable as his work.


I enjoy Andersons stuff myself and Limited was perhaps my favourite yet, absolutely loved it. Andersons familiar, unique style and dry humour are all apparent and i highly enjoyed the chemistry between the three main characters. It can often feel that Wilson plays roles overly similar or lacks range with his delivery which can occasionally grate on me but, he's a perfect fit here.


The film takes you on a wonderful little journey that never once drags, i found myself completely engrossed unlike any of Andersons previous films. Unfortunatly i think it's a film that many will pass on, which is a shame as i recommend it muchly.

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Romford, I don't think anyone has ever put as much thought into Dodgeball as you have.

Well if they did they'd realise that the films message is a shit one! Be lazy, do nothing, and win it all...even the girl! Work hard, apply yourself and attemp to run a successfull business seriously and you get shat on.I used to like the film too...
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Despite what many a review would have you believe, this is not a five star movie in any way, shape or form. What it is, is incredibly unmemorable and really quite dull. The characters aren't likeable or interesting and thus it's impossible to engage emotionally with them. The film wants you to believe that you've seen a tragic, epic, huge romance, but you really haven't, and no amount of frankly cringeworthy scenes in which the male lead stands infront of a cinema screen depicting lovers kissing whilst bowing his head should make you think otherwise. As for the much heralded five minute tracking shot of devastation on the beach of Dunkirk? Sure it's impressive, but it's also in the wrong film. It's placement is odd, it feels like it's there to show off the budget and it fails to serve the story. Some scenes are mindboggingly strange and poorly handed, and the film seems to veer wildly and consistently off the rails as it reaches it's climax.


As for the acting, Keira Knightley proves that she has no range and cannot flesh out a character, James McAvoy is fine but never really makes you care about him, newcomer Saoirse Ronan is good but not as good as some have made her out to be and Romola Garai practically sleepwalks her scenes. Thankfully the great Vanessa Redgrave outacts them all in about four minutes, entering a masterclass in emotion, restraint and subtlety. However, her tacked on inclusion is too late, for the film has faded away and is already leaving your brain, moments before the credits roll.

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AtonementDespite what many a review would have you believe, this is not a five star movie in any way, shape or form. What it is, is incredibly unmemorable and really quite dull. The characters aren't likeable or interesting and thus it's impossible to engage emotionally with them. The film wants you to believe that you've seen a tragic, epic, huge romance, but you really haven't, and no amount of frankly cringeworthy scenes in which the male lead stands infront of a cinema screen depicting lovers kissing whilst bowing his head should make you think otherwise. As for the much heralded five minute tracking shot of devastation on the beach of Dunkirk? Sure it's impressive, but it's also in the wrong film. It's placement is odd, it feels like it's there to show off the budget and it fails to serve the story. Some scenes are mindboggingly strange and poorly handed, and the film seems to veer wildly and consistently off the rails as it reaches it's climax.As for the acting, Keira Knightley proves that she has no range and cannot flesh out a character, James McAvoy is fine but never really makes you care about him, newcomer Saoirse Ronan is good but not as good as some have made her out to be and Romola Garai practically sleepwalks her scenes. Thankfully the great Vanessa Redgrave outacts them all in about four minutes, entering a masterclass in emotion, restraint and subtlety. However, her tacked on inclusion is too late, for the film has faded away and is already leaving your brain, moments before the credits roll.

Just wandering as i find most of your reviews on flims to be close to spot on what 5 flims would you give 5 stars to?
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I watched Futurama's Benders Big score last night and although it's made to be an super-extended show of the series it feels more in place as a film. This is what the Simpsons movie should of been, now I know where Matt Groening and his team put all their effort. It can be quite confusing at times to remember what had previously went on (Unless you watch all the series beforehand.) but the jokes/puns are a laugh a minute, it doesn't let off and has an amazing sequential story to it. I'd highly recommend it to all simpson/family guy/futurama fans.

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I really like it!.. Heard mixed reviews about it before.. but I thought it was really good. The beast ended up being something other than the generic shit that I thought it would have been. The handycam view really added realism to the film. I think the 85 minute length was just about right too. Not too short.. but not too long either.




This one's been getting A+ reviews from everywhere (Rotten Tomatoes have it 92%!.. and they usually give pretty good films shitty marks). Expectations were high.. and it was OK I guess. Its one of those that you watch.. its good.. but you wont watch it again.


Some funny moments.. I thought the girl was great throughout. Shame the guy from Superbad didnt get much of a part.


Overall.. it was a pretty good film.. and ended up being a family version of Knocked Up.

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Didn't really know what to think of it, was a bit jumpy with the different storylines and timelines and a bit gory for me, but I plan on watching Letters form Iwo Jima soon, so may watch this again (watched it ages ago) and so may have a different opinion

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Didn't really know what to think of it, was a bit jumpy with the different storylines and timelines and a bit gory for me, but I plan on watching Letters form Iwo Jima soon, so may watch this again (watched it ages ago) and so may have a different opinion

Yeah I did find the flashbacks distracting but the gore is all there for the realism. I'm thinking of getting Iwo Jima as I'm interested in how Eastwood will portray the enemy perspective of the battle.
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I watched Futurama's Benders Big score last night and although it's made to be an super-extended show of the series it feels more in place as a film. This is what the Simpsons movie should of been, now I know where Matt Groening and his team put all their effort. It can be quite confusing at times to remember what had previously went on (Unless you watch all the series beforehand.) but the jokes/puns are a laugh a minute, it doesn't let off and has an amazing sequential story to it. I'd highly recommend it to all simpson/family guy/futurama fans.

Yeah loved that and can't wait for the next one. Hopefully this will convince comedy central to renew it as a permanent show as out of the Matt Groening portfolio, dare I say Futurama since its debut has surpassed the Simpsons when it comes to general comedy?
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I don't know why, but I really like Nacho Libre.I saw it in the cinema and thought it was shit, but bought the DVD, and thought it was shit. So have recently put it on as I get to bed, ya know, to fall asleep to and stuff, but I always end up watching it and now I love it. Gonna go watch it again now.

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Anyone seen "Reign Over Me"? Stuck it at the top of my rental list after reading some good reviews. Wondered what some of you guys, Mr Seven in particular, thought if you've seen it?Apologies if it popped up earlier in the thread, I haven't read the whole thing.

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