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Guest DJM

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I've seen this film before but was looking through my DVD collection to find a film my kid brother could watch with me, without it being a kids film or a comedy. And I found this. Infact, I think M. Night Shyamalan are great for films to watch with people of all ages, as although they explore fairly gritty and dark ideas they are fairly family friendly.


On second viewing, I liked this film about as much I did the first time round - I like it, but it holds itself back. A lot.


Firstly, the setup is ridicolous, as a 'comic book' film set in reality the concept of Bruce Willis's invincble character seems a little too far fetched to ever be used a relatable figure to the audience, through whom the audience's perceptions are questioned. Unlike Night's other films where the heros tend to be everyday sorta people (such as Gibson in Signs), Willis is a character totally out of place in the viewer's universe.


The climax of the film is under-developed, with the kidnap plot thrown into the film far too late, and so as the 'actiony' finale lacks any really weight or significance which it craves.


However, this film is not all about special powers or Willis's character, if you look carefully it's a film about perception. Using the directive (is that a word? I doubt it) masterfully, Night subetly sprinkles the film with ideas and shots in which the viewer's perception is brought into play. For example in the final scene of reconciliation between Willis and his wife, their son is shown in full shot filling a glass up midway of of orange juice, the camera then focuses in on this glass next to the newspaper with Willis on the headline, a metaphor surely for the films objective of asking is the glass ever really half empty? This is further emphasised by the decent twist (c'mon on its a Night film, of course it has a twist), in which the viewer is left wondering whether the set villian is actually the hero of the film.


I like this film, mainly due to it's direction and thought provoking message, however as a blockbuster or an entertainment flick I can understand why people think it doesn't standup compared to the rest of the blockbusters filling up the local odeons.

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The Hills Have Eyes (2006)


"A suburban American family is being stalked by a group of psychotic people who live in the desert, far away from civilization."


I haven't seen the original so I can't compare the two.


After an eventful first two minutes the film took a more character-focussed direction for the next 40 minutes. It felt like it was dragging a tad, but ultimately it meant more when the family came under attack. Some decent make-up, a few nasty deaths and a rather protective dog make for a decent little film.

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Children of Men - finally got around to watching it, this is a highly origional and strange film...the concept is basic enough, but the world is turned into a depserate, sad and dark world. The documentary style shooting is fantastic and adds an element of danger to the whole thing, the final uprising parts in the city are amongst the best and most realistic battle scenes ive ever seen. Whilst i had read that this had split audiences it was still alot darker than i had expected. I liked it.


The U.S. Vs John Lennon - a documentary about the US trying to silence John Lennon back in the 70's, this a pretty good watch, if you have any kind of interest in music or activist movements, you gotta see it. My only gripe with this was (and it aint really a bad thing), it didnt really show me anything i didnt already know, i mean, i am by no means a John Lennon/Beatles fan, but i pretty much already knew the whole story of this. Still, its well made and theres lots of vintage footage chucked in.

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The U.S. Vs John Lennon - a documentary about the US trying to silence John Lennon back in the 70's, this a pretty good watch, if you have any kind of interest in music or activist movements, you gotta see it. My only gripe with this was (and it aint really a bad thing), it didnt really show me anything i didnt already know, i mean, i am by no means a John Lennon/Beatles fan, but i pretty much already knew the whole story of this. Still, its well made and theres lots of vintage footage chucked in.

I hope you didn't pay for this - it was on BBC2 recently.
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Chill Factor is f'n stupid

Yeah I'll admit it does have some half arsed moments, deffo not a film to be taken seriously but its good to watch now and again I feel. Not my best Cuba movie no way, Boys In The Hood is one of my favs.Regarding ''Sunshine'' after seeing the trailer it looked like a film I would be intrested in seeing but as some have said some odd reviews have not been so good to it. One of my mates said he saw the first 20 mins and hated it, but he's a cunt, well he likes to many over the top hyped up shit movies and hollywood bollocks remakes, I like a movie to also tell a story not just watch everything get blown the fuck up.But the reviews on here seem very positive and am now back on track to wanting to see this again, so thanks.Also wanna see ''28 weeks later'' but the trailer has kinda put me off it a little hopefully its better then I hope. Quite enjoyed the first one very much. Edited by The G
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Still Crazy - a friend of mine recommended this, id never heard of it...but hearing that Jimmy 'Jed Shepperd' Nail was in it, i gave it a shot. It's a movie about a 70's rock band who reform and decide to tour again, its kinda This Is Spinal Tap crossed with Aufedersein Pet. Very funny film, great british cast aswell...standouts being Bill Nighy as the recovering-alcoholic and eccentric singer and Timothy Spall as Beano the drummer. Seriously if your a fan of british comedy this is a must see, a bona-fide forgotten gem of a movie.

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Regarding ''Sunshine'' after seeing the trailer it looked like a film I would be intrested in seeing but as some have said some odd reviews have not been so good to it. One of my mates said he saw the first 20 mins and hated it, but he's a cunt, well he likes to many over the top hyped up shit movies and hollywood bollocks remakes, I like a movie to also tell a story not just watch everything get blown the fuck up.

What a tool, most movies are only setting the scene and introducing the characters at the twenty minute point.
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re: UnbreakableM. Night Shyamalan and subtlety... that some sort of joke?

No joke at all.I'm not a fan of all his films, but the ones I like do use subtlety. They usually have a big theme, and weave subtle themes into the bigger one creating a canvas of ideas.Look out for them next time you watch something like Signs.
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Weaving subtle themes into a canvas of ideas? Are you working on film studies coursework at the moment?

I wish.Nope, I'm soon to be a European Politics student. :sleeping: On a gap year at the mo, just about to go off travelling. :cool: Hopefully I will catch some cool foreign flicks on my travels.
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Still Crazy - a friend of mine recommended this, id never heard of it...but hearing that Jimmy 'Jed Shepperd' Nail was in it, i gave it a shot. It's a movie about a 70's rock band who reform and decide to tour again, its kinda This Is Spinal Tap crossed with Aufedersein Pet. Very funny film, great british cast aswell...standouts being Bill Nighy as the recovering-alcoholic and eccentric singer and Timothy Spall as Beano the drummer. Seriously if your a fan of british comedy this is a must see, a bona-fide forgotten gem of a movie.

Yeah, thats a good 'un. Haven't seen it in ages though. Whatever happened to Jimmy Nail?
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re: UnbreakableM. Night Shyamalan and subtlety... that some sort of joke?

No joke at all.I'm not a fan of all his films, but the ones I like do use subtlety. They usually have a big theme, and weave subtle themes into the bigger one creating a canvas of ideas.Look out for them next time you watch something like Signs.
The only M.Night Shammyman film I like is Unbreakable. The rest have all disapointed me hugely. The village was some sick joke of a film. "huge twist!"~! got real boring fast....
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