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Guest DJM

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Just got back from seeing the Tenacious D movie.It's absolutely hilarious, Jack Black deserves the Best Actor oscar and Dave Grohl damn sure deserves best supporting actor.The rock-off scene at the end overtook the nude-fighting scene in Borat as the funniest scene I've seen in a film this year. Too many awesome lyrics to remember so the soundtrack is a must-buy.I just kept thinking how knackered Jack Black must be after each take, because the shear effort and passion put in to his expressions and yelling and running about is great.I know a lot of people think he over-acts and isn't all that funny but it definitely works for me.If you like their music, you WILL love their film.

How about if you don't love the film, but like Jack Black?I can't make my mind up about whether to see it or not.
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If you like their music, you WILL love their film.

How about if you don't love the film, but like Jack Black?I can't make my mind up about whether to see it or not.
If you like Jack Black's comedy stuff, in particular his performances in "School of Rock" and "Orange County", you will like the film. :thumbsup:
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The Ordeal - and now for something completely fucked up! This was is a Belgian movie about a dude getting stranded in the woods when he van breaks down. He chills for a few nights at a creepy little hotel, then it all goes comptletely off the rails. Can't say too much more cause you'll ruin the surprises (cause when stuff happens you're just thinking 'what the fuck!?'), odd odd film.

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Does anyone know why Vue cinemas...despite having 100+ cinemas throughout the country is only showing Pans Labyrinth in six of them? Fucking bullshit, I wanna' see this movie so badly but can't find anywhere nearby to see it without having to go all the way into central London...on my own...at the weeked.

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Casino Royale


I really like Daniel Craig as Bond, but I didn't think the film itself was anything special.


Craig has summed up the dark side of Bond better than any predeccesor, and really looked the part. He's done himself a lot of justice, and is the perfect evolution of the character from Brosnan.


However, I thought the film plot was lacklustre, not structrually (sp?) engrossing and a wee bit too long.


The concept and motive is convincing, yet I just felt that it was a bit too self-aware and contrieved to be anything outstanding.




Happy Gilmore


I have seen this film so many times, but I thought I would just share my thoughts on it since I saw it the other day.


I used to be a big Adam Sandler fan (who plays the title character), and so the story of Gilmore transforming from Hockey loser to Champion Golfer with attitude was always appealing. And it still is.


Despite a limited plot, the charasma of the two major characters Happy and Shooter (Christopher McDonald, who is super in this - if you like him check out Requiem For A Dream where he also shines) keep things interesting and very funny. The delievery of some of the lines are superb and the supporting cast keep their end of things.


A nice rounded up 'feel good' ending ensure that fuzzy feeling as the credits roll, and despite its lack of artistic merit, intelligence or critically appeal you will have laughed a lot in the last 90 minutes.



Edited by ukedge87
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Watched the worst film ever last night "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" with a young Renee (cute first name) Zellweger and Matthew McConaghey. Basically a very cheap remake of the first one.A horrible, steaming turd.(*/*****)

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