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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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For one of my assignments I've got to review Munich...Here's what I thought of Munich when I saw it at the cinemaMunichI was very excited about seeing this film but unfortunately it didn't live up to expectations, I didn't quite understand what was going on. I wasn't up on the whole Munich thing before I watched the film and I thought that it would be explained during the film without sacrifice to story (being Spielberg) but it wasn't and I was bored throughout a lot of the film. I think I'd like it a lot more if I was more clued up on the subject but for right now, not for me.5/10I need to do some reading for this one.PLUS, Mark Kermode next week! I'll just ask him some questions about Munich.

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For one of my assignments I've got to review Munich...Here's what I thought of Munich when I saw it at the cinemaMunichI was very excited about seeing this film but unfortunately it didn't live up to expectations, I didn't quite understand what was going on. I wasn't up on the whole Munich thing before I watched the film and I thought that it would be explained during the film without sacrifice to story (being Spielberg) but it wasn't and I was bored throughout a lot of the film. I think I'd like it a lot more if I was more clued up on the subject but for right now, not for me.5/10I need to do some reading for this one.PLUS, Mark Kermode next week! I'll just ask him some questions about Munich.

I really liked Munich. I thought it was Spielberg's best film for years, and was a thinking film (i.e. you couldn't just sit back and watch, but you have to make a conscious effort to think about it whilst watching). I didn't know much about the Munich thing but I knew quite a lot about the whole Israel / Palestine thing so it wasn't too bad for me, but I can understand why you might have struggled.Send Kermode my love.South Park The MovieGod, if I had to sum this movie up in one sentence it would be: 'Not as funny as when I was 14'.When I was younger and I saw this film I thought it was one of the funniest films ever, fuck Mel Brooks and the Marx Brothers, Southpark was the shit.So I picked it up for cheap when I saw it combined with Kevin And Perry Go Large. However the film really did not stand the test of time (or maturity).The fart and fuck jokes aren't as funny when you realise the satire behind them is basic and blunt, and nearly all of the dialogue and narrative is irrelevent and interchangable.The musical numbers are clever, but no better than any other average animation cartoon trying to appeal to the masses.The worst thing about the film is that it feels no different than to the TV show, which begs the question, if it just an uncensored episode of the tv show, why would anyone be daft enough to pay to see it when its on TV for free. I wouldn't bother with this if I was you. We all know Trey Parker and Matt Stone are very capable, but this is not the greatest thing they have done. at all.
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I never liked South Park The Movie, I remember watching it on Box Office way back when and being intensely bored. I tried to force myself to laugh but, alas.I did make an effort with Munich, I really tried because I really wanted to enjoy it, but everything just seemed to get muddled up. I was so confused when I came out of the cinema. Who was that guy? Why did he do such and such? What was that about? And just being an idiot.The good doctor will cure me though.

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"Gang Related" with James Belushi and, in his last film role, Tupac Shakur.


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Both play cops who shoot dead an undercover D.E.A. officer thinking he was a drug dealer. Both fit up this hobbo for the crime. Belushi turns heel and kills Tupac and everybody connected with the crime. Tupac is decent enough playing the face cop. The suprise when Belushi finds out 2Pac is wearing a wire is tremendous.


Decent enough film. (***/*****)

Edited by bAzTNM
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"Gang Related" with James Belushi and, in his last film role, Tupac Shakur.Both play cops who shoot dead an undercover D.E.A. officer thinking he was a drug dealer. Both fit up this hobbo for the crime. Belushi turns heel and kills Tupac and everybody connected with the crime. Tupac is decent enough playing the face cop. The suprise when Belushi finds out 2Pac is wearing a wire is tremendous.Decent enough film. (***/*****)

The title of the thread is "DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently" not "DVD's and Films You Have Spoiled For People Who Haven't Seen Them recently".
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Das Boot: The Directors Cut


This is a mammoth film - running at 200 minutes at length (and thats been shortened by 94 mins!) and so I was quite apprehensive to watch it. However, I'm glad I did. The film is very very good, with some superb performances from the all-German cast, and a chilling soundtrack.


The boredom of the submarine life is conveyed slightly too effectively, however that aides the stark contrast with the super violent battle scenes which happen randomly, and convey the unpredictable nature of the life style so well.


The film is too long. There I've said it. At the 2 hr mark I was starting to loose my concentration, however a brillant and fast paced last hour plus the startling conclusion (I won't spoil it) leave you unable to divert your eyes from the screen.


This is also great as it conveys the Nazis as humans stuck in the grasp of an evil hand with no choice but to follow orders and really humanises the 'enemy' for a Western audience, something that very few WWII films are able to achieve.


This film is great, but you have to know what your getting youself into before you watch it, if you know you won't be able to watch it for 200 minutes your not going to enjoy it.


Oh yeh, and don't make the mistake I made and get the dubbed version (I did it by accident), get the subtitled version.

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BoratA 'chuckle' film. not one I really belly laughed at apart from in a few places. It's okay but for some reason I was expecting a lot more. I'm still trying to work out if the ending was 'staged' or not... if not it is one of the greatest things I've ever seen, if it was then it wasn't funny at all.....Anyway, the bit in the hotel room when they are fighting is one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen whilst being funny.... the 'black mark' gets all the credit.

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BoratA 'chuckle' film. not one I really belly laughed at apart from in a few places. It's okay but for some reason I was expecting a lot more. I'm still trying to work out if the ending was 'staged' or not... if not it is one of the greatest things I've ever seen, if it was then it wasn't funny at all.....

Surely if, by that stage, you can't tell one way or the other then they have done their job?
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The Royle Family: The Queen of SheebaWas on tv recently but only caught half because my son wouldn't go to sleep so I bought it on DVD on tuesday.Quality... hasn't been a piece of compelling comedy/drama/soap since the last episode of this, had me in stitches and her in tears.Extras were non-existant but listening to some of the cast describe the get back together makes me miss this show even more.

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