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Guest DJM

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Last night I treated myself to 28 Weeks Later. I thought the first one was enjoyable enough, in a low budget, out in the fields, Brit movie kinda way, and only really bothered with the sequel as it was

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I haven't! I do love Nic Cage though, he's so bad he's great. I've seen fuck all films this year due to being a poor student, but TS is definitely on the worst list. Benjamin Button might be #1 actually now I think of it.

Watch Knowing and then tell me TS is the worst film of the year so far.

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Just watched Se7en tonight for the second time. The first time I watched it was about 9 years ago, a few days after some cunt cousin of mine told me the fucking ending. But remarkably for a film that has such a twist ending, it really does reward repeat viewings. And it really is fantastically bleak from start to finish. Ace!

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I really enjoyed the origional Fist of the North Star series. Its really daft violent fun. Every episode is essentially the same structure but i happen to like that structure. The only trouble is the UK Manga box is very much not the complete series. Its the 1st 40 or so. There are another 100 from what i can remember reading. I thought the 3 episode remake had promise but was abit dull over all.


The original Japanese manga, including the second saga, was only 27 volumes long. Did you read a set of individual episodes, or actual volumes?

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I haven't! I do love Nic Cage though, he's so bad he's great. I've seen fuck all films this year due to being a poor student, but TS is definitely on the worst list. Benjamin Button might be #1 actually now I think of it.

Watch Knowing and then tell me TS is the worst film of the year so far.


Nah. The thing is, I would expect Knowing to be absolute tosh whereas I wanted to enjoy Terminator. I'm sure Knowing is absolute tosh but at the same time, I know I would find Nicholas Cage running around hamming it up more enjoyable than the fucking dreadful Terminator film.

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I know I would find Nicholas Cage running around hamming it up more enjoyable than the fucking dreadful Terminator film.


As long as he is Caging it up, there can be no bad Nick Cage films. I'm not even enjoying him in an ironic way, I genuinely love Nick Cage is Nick Cage movies. The combination of a wildly Caging Cage and Werner FUCKING Herzog for Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans is the most exciting thing I can think of.

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A great night in consists of a bunch of mates, a rake of beer and the one-two-three punch trifecta of excellence that is:


Con Air

The Rock



It's hard to find a better triple bill. It's just a shame Cage wasn't in Broken Arrow, which is another mid-90's action classic.

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A great night in consists of a bunch of mates, a rake of beer and the one-two-three punch trifecta of excellence that is:


Con Air

The Rock



It's hard to find a better triple bill. It's just a shame Cage wasn't in Broken Arrow, which is another mid-90's action classic.


If anyone on the internet doesn't think Con Air is the greatest action movie ever made, I will fucking fight them. That movie has everything. I could write a 100,000 word essay about it.

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