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Guest DJM

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Spent last night and tonight watching the 15th Anniversary Raw DVD. Lots of Owen Hart. Awesome.


Although, 18 certificate, and they still censor every f***ing thing.

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Just caught up to watching No Country For Old Men. Didn't enjoy the ending at all, not because I didn't understand it (I did) or because it was ambiguous but rather because it was just a bit lightweight considering what went before. Ultimately, it wasn't really close to being one of my favourite Coen Brothers films as it felt a bit like a 'Best Of' their other films (Fargo, Blood Simple and The Man Who Wasn't There especially) but it was a Coen Brothers film and was still great obviously. Javier Bardem scared the crap out of me - amazing performance.


I shouldn't have watched while I have swine flu (or so my wife thinks) though. I should have watched a Rutger Hauer film or something.

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I personally loved the ending as it only serves to emphasise Sheriff Bell's violent disconnection from a world he no longer understands. But yeah, some early 90's soft-core Hauer flicks are always good.


I dunno, I guess I shouldn't always expect Steve Buscemi shoved in a wood-chipper at the end of a film.


Ever seen Wedlock? That really is a fucking great film.

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:yinyang: Watched the latest Harry Potter last night, for the benefit of those with flash photography who haven't seen it yet i'll post it in spoiler tags.


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I thought it was the worst one yet, it felt really rushed despite being 2 and a half hours long and the ending was such a massive let-down. I was hoping they were rushing through it because they were going to have a fuck-off epic battle at the end between the Death Eaters and The Order Of The Phoenix but they did nothing of the sort. Instead all we have is the Death Eaters trashing the school and then a 10 second confrontation between Snape and Harry which sucked. Also there was no explanation given to who Fenrir Greyback is and they gave away the secret about the vanishing cabinet about halfway through the film which really pissed me off because it's such a key point. I also still don't like the way Michael Gambon plays the part of Albus Dumbledore.

The few things i did enjoy were Luna Lovegood(who is hilarious again), The sequence in the cave where Harry and Dumbledore track down the Horcrux and of course Alan Rickman and Helena Bonham-Carter both acting their arses off as Snape and Bellatrix LeStrange.


Overall i'd give it 2*


[close spoiler]

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Happy Potter and the Half Arsed Pile of Wank


What a crock of shit. Such a terrible movie. David Yates and Warner have completely ruined the franchise. I was looking on Wiki and critics are actually praising that piss poor attempt at a movie. Yates is directing style is awful. Anyone with a shred of credibility should of turned down appearing in something with that piss poor attempt at a script. Conveys nothing from the book at all. Really truely awful. Ginny, Hermione, Fred, George, all played by shit actors once again. And I agree alot with what Insert_Name_ Here said. Worst of lot really. Worse than 5 and thats saying something. Yate's directing style is truely awful. Piss poor. dissapointing.

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I personally loved the ending as it only serves to emphasise Sheriff Bell's violent disconnection from a world he no longer understands.


Couldn't agree more. Loved the ending.


Last night I watched Quarantine and Very Bad Things, both for the first time. Regarding Quarantine, supposedly [REC], the film it's based on, is better, but I did enjoy it. And Very Bad Things was just outstanding. Christian Slater owned the show as usual, but I'm starting to believe Jon Favreau is incapable of sucking. Even in shit films, he's enjoyable.

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Happy Potter and the Half Arsed Pile of Wank


What a crock of shit. Such a terrible movie. David Yates and Warner have completely ruined the franchise. I was looking on Wiki and critics are actually praising that piss poor attempt at a movie. Yates is directing style is awful. Anyone with a shred of credibility should of turned down appearing in something with that piss poor attempt at a script. Conveys nothing from the book at all. Really truely awful. Ginny, Hermione, Fred, George, all played by shit actors once again. And I agree alot with what Insert_Name_ Here said. Worst of lot really. Worse than 5 and thats saying something. Yate's directing style is truely awful. Piss poor. dissapointing.


Are you trying to imply that it was a flaw on the director's part that he did not cast new actors to play these characters even though they've already appeared in FIVE films?

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Happy Potter and the Half Arsed Pile of Wank


What a crock of shit. Such a terrible movie. David Yates and Warner have completely ruined the franchise. I was looking on Wiki and critics are actually praising that piss poor attempt at a movie. Yates is directing style is awful. Anyone with a shred of credibility should of turned down appearing in something with that piss poor attempt at a script. Conveys nothing from the book at all. Really truely awful. Ginny, Hermione, Fred, George, all played by shit actors once again. And I agree alot with what Insert_Name_ Here said. Worst of lot really. Worse than 5 and thats saying something. Yate's directing style is truely awful. Piss poor. dissapointing.


Are you trying to imply that it was a flaw on the director's part that he did not cast new actors to play these characters even though they've already appeared in FIVE films?

When one of his arguments is essentially "it's nothing like the book" you know there's no point addressing it.

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Just want to add my support for Very Bad Things - great fun, and a great cast as well.


I also watched Outland last night, cracking little sci-fi thriller from the 80s with Sean Connery. Basically High Noon in space, but really good fun. Nice drug-addled cameo from Steven Berkoff too.

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Saw Bruno today and it certainly lived up to expectations. Just as funny as Borat in most parts and the finale is outstanding. The best moments are when he's in the focus group for his new tv show, and where he tries to make a sex video. The reactions from people are just amazing.

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