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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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My Name Is Bruce - My name was bored. I read one line of plot before watching this, which was as follows:


"B Movie Legend Bruce Campbell is mistaken for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy and forced to fight a real monster in a small town in Oregon."


A good idea done badly, and not even in a "So bad it's funny" way. The general feeling was that it was a film for Bruce fans, but for these 90 minutes I wasn't one. I'm all for low-budget films but this was too cheap for my liking, and the monster was arse. I laughed once, I think.


The Midnight Meat Train - Really enjoyed it. Good story, a decent fight or two and some nice gory parts. I don't usually say this about films but I also really liked how some of the scenes were shot. As for Vinnie Jones, he was rather awesome.

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I haven't. It's on the list along with "The Women". And now "Nick and Norah's infinite playlist". It sounds heartwarming. :love:


Dom't waste your time watching The Women, it is truely one of th eworst and most poitless films i have ever seen, they don't even bother to follow a storyline or anything, it's really bad, i usually like rom-coms. I thought 'He's just not that in to you' was a great film, i'm totally disagreeing with everything Mr Seven said about it, it was funny and highly enjoyable

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Just got done watching the big lebowski and I really enjoyed it. I'm fairly certain I've seen it before but it must have been years and years ago. Truly excellent film.


Easrlier in the week I also got round to watching Brazil. I'm been meaning to buy it on dvd for ages and finally spotted it in HMV last weekend. I wasn't disapointed. For starters, any film that features Robert De Nero as a rogue air conditioning repair man gets a thumbs up from me. I'm on a bit kick for 80's futuristic movies an this is a great example. A world that could have only come from the mind of a python. On top of that there's just so many familiar faces scattered throughout. Fantastic film.

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Following my rom-com plunge, I checked out Franklyn. For those who don't know what that is, long story short, it was released earlier this year to fairly average reviews and box office. Anyways, it's essentially about four characters who are lost souls or suffering from some form of loss. Three of these characters live in contemporary London, while the other, a masked vigilante resides in a dystopian future where he intends to assassinate a cult leader. All four are connected somehow.


Suffice to say, this film could very easily have been shit. Eva Green plays a tortured art student who makes videos of her suicide attempts. Sam Riley (of Control fame) plays a recently dumped and therefore heartbroken guy who is desperate to connect with his childhood sweetheart, and some other actor whose name I have forgotten is searching for his lost son. Meanwhile, in the nightmarish Meanwhile City, Ryan Phillippe is donning a mask and attempting to fight crime. On paper, it's a potential recipe for disaster, an apparent mix of arthouse drama and sci-fi fantasy, and yet I was completely won over by it. Anyone who has watched more than a few films and has a brain should quickly figure out what is actually going on, but the story remains quite compelling throughout, and the acting is largely impressive, although Green and Riley are slightly iffy at times. The actor whose name I can't remember is very convincing as a tormented father looking for his son, and Ryan Phillippe, who I think is an extremely underrated actor who often gets little credit because he's stupidly good-looking, is excellent in his role, bringing pathos and energy to a role that veers a little bit too close to Rorschach (Watchmen) and V (V For Vendetta) territory, but manages to make it his own.


Check it out, as it seems nobody has seen it!

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Anyone got any info on a film called Harry Brown? When I went to see Transformers on Saturday they were handing out cards for a free advance screening (possibly a test screening) tomorrow night. I've never heard of it but its got Michael Caine in it, which automatically gets cool points from me. Anyone know much about it? Worth going to? Gotta email the cinema by tomorrow morning to confirm i'm going.

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I watched Franklyn over the weekend. It might have been down to me being shattered and a tad sidetracked, but I didn't think much of it. Liked the idea though.


Sam Riley (of Control fame)

Ah! Knew I'd seen him in something else.

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Last night i watched The Mask again (God, Cameron Diaz was incredibly fit before she got all size 0 and shit) and then The Wedding Singer came on afterwards. The Mask is always great, but i was surprised at the Wedding Singer. Never seen it before but once i watched the opening scenes i was gripped by the story. I really enjoyed it, highlight was Billy Idol attempting to act. Funny film.

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saw Transformers 2 today and was hugely disappointed :( i just wasn't feeling it. I really liked the first movie as well, this one just didn't have the same kind of charm to it.


The new autobots were shocking, the comedy was awful and it was just too damn long.

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Following my rom-com plunge, I checked out Franklyn. For those who don't know what that is, long story short, it was released earlier this year to fairly average reviews and box office. Anyways, it's essentially about four characters who are lost souls or suffering from some form of loss. Three of these characters live in contemporary London, while the other, a masked vigilante resides in a dystopian future where he intends to assassinate a cult leader. All four are connected somehow.


Suffice to say, this film could very easily have been shit. Eva Green plays a tortured art student who makes videos of her suicide attempts. Sam Riley (of Control fame) plays a recently dumped and therefore heartbroken guy who is desperate to connect with his childhood sweetheart, and some other actor whose name I have forgotten is searching for his lost son. Meanwhile, in the nightmarish Meanwhile City, Ryan Phillippe is donning a mask and attempting to fight crime. On paper, it's a potential recipe for disaster, an apparent mix of arthouse drama and sci-fi fantasy, and yet I was completely won over by it. Anyone who has watched more than a few films and has a brain should quickly figure out what is actually going on, but the story remains quite compelling throughout, and the acting is largely impressive, although Green and Riley are slightly iffy at times. The actor whose name I can't remember is very convincing as a tormented father looking for his son, and Ryan Phillippe, who I think is an extremely underrated actor who often gets little credit because he's stupidly good-looking, is excellent in his role, bringing pathos and energy to a role that veers a little bit too close to Rorschach (Watchmen) and V (V For Vendetta) territory, but manages to make it his own.


Check it out, as it seems nobody has seen it!


I actually will, on that basis. Ryan Philippe is definitely under-rated; I thought he was absolutely perfect and spot-on in Dangerous Liaisons.


Last night i watched The Mask again (God, Cameron Diaz was incredibly fit before she got all size 0 and shit) and then The Wedding Singer came on afterwards. The Mask is always great, but i was surprised at the Wedding Singer. Never seen it before but once i watched the opening scenes i was gripped by the story. I really enjoyed it, highlight was Billy Idol attempting to act. Funny film.


The Mask is the only time I've ever found Cameron Diaz attractive; when she turned size 0, she looked like an ostrich on Prozac. The Wedding Singer is a fun, fun movie, and Billy Idol's acting had me in hysterics - but the bit that had me was "IT AAAAALLL WAS BUUUULLLSHIIITTTT, IT WAAAAS A FUUUCKING JOOOKE!"

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Mummy - Tomb of the dragon emperor for Father's Day. A fun action packed film with excellent special effects. Enjoyed but very fast paced movie.


I enjoyed this also but I did feel that if the film was about 30 minutes longer and elaborated on the Dragon emperors background and special powers would have been excellent.


The oriental thing really worked but seemed to get pushed to the side for comedy and american dribble.

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I saw Sunshine Cleaning last night. What an odd wee film. It has a pretty basic plot (with very little development or resolution), and a subplot that goes nowhere at all (despite being the most interesting and exciting part of the film until it just...stops), but it still ends up being a really entertaining hour and a half. It's almost like a character study than a film. Alan Arkin is outstanding as the crotchety grandfather, the wee boy is great, Winston is a very cool sketch of a character (even if he does look just like the sleazy parking attendant from Ferris Bueller) and Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are really, really excellent. Steve Zahn has a good supporting role and Mary Lynn Rajskub is surprisingly weird and vulnerable in her role.


I would imagine if you want to see it, you'll need to do it quickly as it won't stay in cinemas for long as the summer blockbuster season heats up. Having said that, it's probably even more entertaining with a wee smoke and some pizza at home with your woman.

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