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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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James Bond - Casino Royale is the first Bond movie that came out ever since id really consider myself a 'movie fan', and since i loved that movie i decided id go back an check out the other movies (i probably saw em all as a kid, but other than a few bits and pieces i dont remember any of them). So i finally started buying the 2 Disk Ultimate Edition dvd's, so far i've watched Dr. No, Goldfinger, Live And Let Die & Die Another Day...loved em so far, Bond is is just pure fun entertainment. It's quite interesting to see the contrasts between the actors playing Bond though, i always heard arguments of who's better but i could never really have a say, so far i'm liking them all, Connery is by far the smoothest though. It's also weird to see how bare bones Dr. No was compared to the later films in terms of the gadgets and whatever, that stuff came in heavier after time.


As for my favorite, has to be Live And Let Die so far, what a crazy film that is. The boat chase and crocodile scenes blew my mind, fucking fantastic.


Id also like to give some props to the restoration process that went on for the films, they look pretty much like new movies (albeit set in the 60's/70's), it's pretty amazing what they do through that whole digital cleanup thing, excellent.




just an example ^ :)

Edited by Ebb
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Redbelt - this movie is kind of unique, it's a martial arts film but it's very serious. There's no over-the-top action or crazy characters, just a straight character driven martial arts movie. I really enjoyed it, i'd def. recommend it to fans of mixed martial arts, it doesn't really represent the sport well, but there's a lot of references and fighters appearing in the movie. I wouldn't recommend it anyone after a Bloodsport like experience, but this is a refreshing take on the genre.

I really wasn't that fussed about Redbelt. My line manager was going on about it for ages and burnt me a copy which I eventually got around to watching a few weeks ago. I appreciate what it's trying to do, it's essentially a samurai movie, Westernised and set in the modern day. It just didn't really click with me, though and the decisions made by the lead character were frustrating at times. And what the hell was that ending all about?




Mammoth - I was hanging out at a mates house the day after a massive house party, we were all pretty ruined from the night before and just watching trash. We considered going to rent a DVD but thought we'd see what was on TV for free first and for some reason we thought it'd be a good idea to watch this. We knew going in it was going to be made-for-TV/b-movie sci-fi schlock but we looked it up online and saw it had been nominated for an Emmy for visual effects. This we seriously drawn into question on watching the film though as the effects were terrible and the mammoth didn't even look like a mammoth. It did, however, have Summer Glau in it so all was not lost.


The Exorcism Of Emily Rose - Never got around to seeing this but after getting into Dexter I read that the girl who played Emily went on to play Dexter's sister Debra and as I'd wanted to see it anyway, decided to check it out. I'd say it's fairly misleading about being based on true events because reading up on the case it was based on, there was a fair amount of embellishment going on. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it's not too dissimilar to The Exorcist at times but there's more character development when it comes to Emily so you do feel for her. Not a terrible film by any means.


Talladega Nights - Another film I never got around to watching but one I've actually owned for about a year. Finally watched it on Sunday with a massive hangover and I think it's exactly what I needed at the time. It's just out and out silly but it keeps you entertained. Seemed kinda like Happy Gilmore only with NASCAR instead of golf.

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Painfully average. I can understand why the critics were calling this a "return to form" for Guy Ritchie, because a home movie of his kid's birthday party would have probably been more engaging than Swept Away and Revolver, but I don't understand why this film has been so highly praised. It seems people tacked on an extra star because Ritchie re-embraced his oh-so-English gangstah movie side, despite this film ripping off countless other films, including his own work! It's like a Guy Ritchie Greatest Hits in places, and in others it's just blatant theft.


Howard Wilkinson is clearly Harold Shand and his whole plot is clearly The Long Good Friday. Karel Roden is obviously Roman Abramovich and the painting McGuffin that supposedly holds the movie together is clearly the briefcase from Pulp Fiction. Add Toby Kebbel doing his best Russell Brand meets Pete Doherty impression and you've got a large mix of unoriginality and plagiarism, and that's before you factor in the callbacks to Lock Stock and Snatch, of which there are many. It's just lazy behaviour from a director who really doesn't have anything to say. It plods along with not much happening, truly unlikeable characters and dull set-pieces, before leaving the door open for a sequel. Depressing.


Tropic Thunder


Nowhere near as funny as it should have been. Jack Black is utterly pointless, Ben Stiller is Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr is obviously the only reason to watch this. The blackface thing is still questionable and weird, but RDJ is a wonderful comedic actor (Still not seen Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang? Shame on you) and makes it work. The Tom Cruise thing is overblown too. It's just a dull film to be honest, and instantly forgettable.

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Painfully average. I can understand why the critics were calling this a "return to form" for Guy Ritchie, because a home movie of his kid's birthday party would have probably been more engaging than Swept Away and Revolver, but I don't understand why this film has been so highly praised. It seems people tacked on an extra star because Ritchie re-embraced his oh-so-English gangstah movie side, despite this film ripping off countless other films, including his own work! It's like a Guy Ritchie Greatest Hits in places, and in others it's just blatant theft.


Howard Wilkinson is clearly Harold Shand and his whole plot is clearly The Long Good Friday. Karel Roden is obviously Roman Abramovich and the painting McGuffin that supposedly holds the movie together is clearly the briefcase from Pulp Fiction. Add Toby Kebbel doing his best Russell Brand meets Pete Doherty impression and you've got a large mix of unoriginality and plagiarism, and that's before you factor in the callbacks to Lock Stock and Snatch, of which there are many. It's just lazy behaviour from a director who really doesn't have anything to say. It plods along with not much happening, truly unlikeable characters and dull set-pieces, before leaving the door open for a sequel. Depressing.


I quite liked it :(

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I watched both 28 Days and 28 weeks later tonight.


28 Days Later was an excellent film, I really enjoyed it. The gritty camerwork really made it seem almost real.


The sequel was again very good, I particularly liked the ending, it looks as though a decent little franchise could start up.

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Ha, I watched Rocknrolla last night and I completely agree with Seven, almost to the word in some cases. However, I will say that it kept me reasonably entertained for 2 hours and whilst everything Seven says is true and all things I thought whilst watching it, it wasn't enough to get me worked up to the point of not enjoying the movie for what it was, Guy Ritchie by numbers.

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Tropic Thunder


Nowhere near as funny as it should have been. Jack Black is utterly pointless, Ben Stiller is Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr is obviously the only reason to watch this. The blackface thing is still questionable and weird, but RDJ is a wonderful comedic actor (Still not seen Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang? Shame on you) and makes it work. The Tom Cruise thing is overblown too. It's just a dull film to be honest, and instantly forgettable.


The only film I have ever turned off half way through.

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Painfully average. I can understand why the critics were calling this a "return to form" for Guy Ritchie, because a home movie of his kid's birthday party would have probably been more engaging than Swept Away and Revolver, but I don't understand why this film has been so highly praised. It seems people tacked on an extra star because Ritchie re-embraced his oh-so-English gangstah movie side, despite this film ripping off countless other films, including his own work! It's like a Guy Ritchie Greatest Hits in places, and in others it's just blatant theft.


Howard Wilkinson is clearly Harold Shand and his whole plot is clearly The Long Good Friday. Karel Roden is obviously Roman Abramovich and the painting McGuffin that supposedly holds the movie together is clearly the briefcase from Pulp Fiction. Add Toby Kebbel doing his best Russell Brand meets Pete Doherty impression and you've got a large mix of unoriginality and plagiarism, and that's before you factor in the callbacks to Lock Stock and Snatch, of which there are many. It's just lazy behaviour from a director who really doesn't have anything to say. It plods along with not much happening, truly unlikeable characters and dull set-pieces, before leaving the door open for a sequel. Depressing.


I quite liked it :(


So did I, but still totally agree with Seven for the most part. The best way to view this film is that it's better than Revolver. He has NOT returned to form, it's just better than his last effort. He will never make a film better than Snatch imo, even Lock Stock comes second behind that for me.


I watched both 28 Days and 28 weeks later tonight.


28 Days Later was an excellent film, I really enjoyed it. The gritty camerwork really made it seem almost real.


The sequel was again very good, I particularly liked the ending, it looks as though a decent little franchise could start up.


28 Days Later is a great horror flick, despite the questionable acting. 28 Weeks Later is Americanized and forgetable.

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Schindler's List


Don't know why I haven't watched it before.


This film starts straight off with one mad scene after another though at a fairly slow pace, Schindler comes in and is a completly OTT party guy, as he says later "I'm about the presentation" he pretty much greases his way into the German aristocracy while using Jewish money to get his factory off and running, when Amon makes his entrance it goes from the surreal to the horrific and no punches are pulled in showing it. Watching Schindler go from a scheming businessman out for parties and making money to someone who actually gives a damn about the people working for him is quite, well words fail me but just how far do you have to be pushed before you realise something is wrong?


Amon obviously has no limits, the balcony scene for example, Schindler has his but to a point he's just using cheap labor and not really caring about those around him, but he eventually lears the error of his ways, he has Stern sitting on his shoulder as his guide and neither actually being able to 100% know what the other is thinking/doing until the end for fear of saying/doing something that would get them killed so their relationship is an uneasy one.


Observing the behavior of the german troops is horrifying, some of them just don't give a shit and happily blast away while others are happy to scavange dead bodies of rings, teeth or anything to fund the war effort. The Jewish in part just accepting what is happening to them and living in utter misery doing what they can to survive never knowing if they'll see tomorrow, it's pretty heartbreaking.


Hard to watch yet essential viewing for everyone, had me in tears more than once and in stunned silence more than I can count. Compelling movie. At 3 hours long it doesn't really slow down mutch at all, halfway through you get a bit of background as Schindlers wife shows up, at one point he gets thrown in prison, he teaches Amon to be 'forgiving' for a very short timeframe, so much happens that when you get to the end it doesn't feel like a 3 hour movie.

Edited by DJ Stevie C
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Coffee and Cigarettes


A series of short stories where people sit and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. It's hit and miss, but generally very funny. The best scenes:

- Iggy Pop and Tom Waits

- Cate Blanchett and Cate Blanchett playing her non-famous cousin (Blanchett is awesomely hot as a bogan, great acting too)

- Alfred Molina and Steve Coogan

- GZA, RZA and Bill Murray


It's worth watching, but is not for everyone.

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Coffee and Cigarettes


A series of short stories where people sit and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes. It's hit and miss, but generally very funny. The best scenes:

- Iggy Pop and Tom Waits

- Cate Blanchett and Cate Blanchett playing her non-famous cousin (Blanchett is awesomely hot as a bogan, great acting too)

- Alfred Molina and Steve Coogan

- GZA, RZA and Bill Murray


It's worth watching, but is not for everyone.

As said over on TWCF, I agree with you. I really enjoyed it myself but it has to be said that Iggy Pop and Tom Waits steal the show.

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Tropic Thunder


Nowhere near as funny as it should have been. Jack Black is utterly pointless, Ben Stiller is Ben Stiller and Robert Downey Jr is obviously the only reason to watch this. The blackface thing is still questionable and weird, but RDJ is a wonderful comedic actor (Still not seen Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang? Shame on you) and makes it work. The Tom Cruise thing is overblown too. It's just a dull film to be honest, and instantly forgettable.


The only film I have ever turned off half way through.


Yes, keep pimping Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, everyone should watch it. Great film.


Agreed entirely on Tropic Thunder too. I think what made RDJ's character work is that the black-face thing wasn't the entire basis of the joke, it was more a means of conveying just how obsessive and pretentious a method actor Lazarus is. "Don't read scripts, scripts read me!". Heh.

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A genuinely astonishing film and next to Gia I would say is one of Angelina's best acting performances. Clint Eastwood is an extremely talented all rounder and his directing cababilities are displayed to the fullest.


The story places Angelina Jolie playing Christine Collins a woman who one day when returned home from work discovers her son is missing. Roughly 5 weeks later the LAPD claim to have found her son but she claims it is not her son who they have found. To avoid embarassment the LAPD resort to having her locked up in a mental institute to prevent her from exposing their mistakes and corruption.


Apart from Jolie, I'm not very familiar with any of the supporting actors in the film (apart from malkovich) so I was quite surprised at how drawn into the picture I was and just how powerful Jolie's performance was. There were moments when her emotional pleadings sent a shiver down my spine and I absolutely loved it.

Edited by Steveo2007
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