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Guest DJM

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Went to see 'Rocknrolla' the other day. I'm not the biggest Guy Ritchie fan in the world but I was pleasantly surprised. Great direction, a likeable cast and some decent dialogue meant I enjoyed it far more than I thought I would.Not a classic by any means but more 'Lock, Stock' than 'Revolver'.

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To what extent does Idris Elba feature? I spotted him in the trailer and was tempted to see it on that basis.

If its who I think it is ( the black guy?) he's in the film a fair bit. Not one of the 'Main' characters but definately an upper mid carder to use a wrestling analogy. He's also very good in the film as well.EDIT - just googled him and it was who I was thinking of. Edited by toothless agression
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Have to agree with the RocknRolla comments. If you want an enjoyable 2 hours go see it. Some great comedic moments in this, and the last half an hour of the film is cracking. People will obviously criticise it, but fuck em, its a great popcorn movie.Great soundtrack as well, and I think it will probably 'age' better than lock stock and snatch

Edited by GalaxyV.2
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As a massive fan of the books I found it dissapointing. Open casting for the first few films has come back to bite them in the arse as some of the child performances as absolutely awful (Emma Watson) whilst the whole thing lacks energy and is horribley edited and directed. Also it diverts and cuts from the book to many times.

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Exorcist III - Legion - finally finished watching the Exorcist series. This was the 2nd sequel and was directed by the man who wrote the original (William Peter Blatty), who incidentally despised the original sequel. This movie pretty much has nothing to do with the Exorcist, it's based on Blatty's novel Legion and is basically a serial killer-detective movie, there's a brief mention too the exorcism but that's it (an actual exorcism scene was tagged on at the end after being demanded by the studio and is pretty stupid). This was a very good movie, it's definatly been hurt by the fact that is carries the Exorcism tag. But watch this with an open mind and expect something a little different and you'll probably get a kick out of it.The Exorcist series is probably my favorie series of horror movie, i've said before any horror that involves religion just appeals to me for some reason. It's a pretty diverse series.

I have the Legion novel. It's been a while since I read it but I did find it just as enjoyable as reading the Exorcist. I have all three movies on video and I gotta say I only bought The Heretic out of sheer curiosity to see just how shit a cash-in sequel could be. Strangely I feel like watching it now... either that or Repossessed (90's spoof with Linda Blair & Leslie Neilson which I highly recommend).Speaking of spoofs, I finally got round to watchingSuperhero Movie. What a shitfest that was. I don't know if it's because it's mostly based around Spiderman (which I hate with a passion) or just the fact that... it's just shit! All I can say is it's a sad day when Leslie Neilson fails to be funny. :(
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I have the Legion novel.

How is that scene played out in writing? You know the one. I imagine fifty pages of "yeah, it's a hallway and that. There's a nurse milling about. Nothing happening. Still a hallway. The nurse is OH FUCKING HELLCHRIST"
Oh jesus, I can't remember. As I said its been a while since I read it. About 8 years or so. I'll have a look about my room see if I can find it and I'll get back to you on that one haha ;)On a totally-fucked-over-from-zero-sleep note... I just finished watching The Other Boleyn Girl. Last night after watching BBC's resident pornfest, The Tudors it put me in the mood to watch Elizabeth, which I always found to be enjoyable (can't believe that was made 10 years ago now), but instead I opted for Elizabeth: The Golden Age. It was decent enough, a lot less bloodshed than the first, but still Cate Blanchett was consistant in a tremendous portrayal of the Queen of England. So, today in the early hours and still in the mood for some history (even if it's fictionally tweaked in places) I checked out The Other Boleyn Girl. Hated it. With a passion. I had to force myself to stick it out to the end. Normally if I show no interest within the first 20 mins then that's it, I fuck it off and move on to the next. I think it was the knowledge of Anne Boleyn's fate that kept me going to be honest. Aside from that there wasn't a single thing I liked about this movie.
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