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Guest DJM

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Girls on the other hand seem to the same ridiculously tired plot reiterated to them over and over again. Of course this has varying degree's of success but more often than not they at best mediocre. Its just not fair on them.

Perhaps if women stopped fawning over pandering recycled shit like Mamma Mia and Bridget Jones then the studios would stop making it.
True but I sort of specifically mean girls rather than fully grown women. Women generally have limited amount of films but its much wider than that of the younger girls audience. The other thing is that departing from convention may actually be detrimental to profits for the older lady audience. The fact is every women who was in the cinema (which was sold out) with me when I saw Mamma Mia loved it. Where as the colossal lack of creativity for girls is astonishing. In fairness as you mentioned for women, it doesn't even have to be creative to have variety.
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Didnt even know that film existed. Hogan must be pissed!Can they use the WWE eagle belt without permission?Edit - Obviously Hogan admitted in court that he used steroids, but being front and centre of the poster must be a big kick in the balls.

I would be more worried about all the old wwf footage they actually used in the film!
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Definately gonna give 'bigger, stronger, faster' a watch. Its actually wrestling related as one of the dudes actually got into WWE.

Mike Bell, shows quite a bit of footage of him been jobbed out as well as recent footage of him wrestling. The film also shows some of the Shiek/Hacksaw arrest. Definatly worth a watch
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Just finished watching it. I thought it was pretty decent seeing as I can relate with it alot. Not the steroid part but the physique and bodybuilding aspects of it.

You're a bodybuilder?
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Just finished watching it. I thought it was pretty decent seeing as I can relate with it alot. Not the steroid part but the physique and bodybuilding aspects of it.

You're a bodybuilder?
I wouldnt really say I'm a bodybuilder per se. I'm not trying to get big Im just looking for defined muscles. Im basically working to more of a bruce lee physique rather than Hulk Hogan.
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Definately gonna give 'bigger, stronger, faster' a watch. Its actually wrestling related as one of the dudes actually got into WWE.

Mike Bell, shows quite a bit of footage of him been jobbed out as well as recent footage of him wrestling.
Thats the one that Perry Saturn roughed up, right?
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Definately gonna give 'bigger, stronger, faster' a watch. Its actually wrestling related as one of the dudes actually got into WWE.

Mike Bell, shows quite a bit of footage of him been jobbed out as well as recent footage of him wrestling. The film also shows some of the Shiek/Hacksaw arrest. Definatly worth a watch
Is that the dude who Saturn layed into on Metal/Jakked a good few years back?Alas i didn't mange to see it last night ended up having to watch Universal Soldier which wasn't a bad fallback but ultimately a bit of a pisser having been set up to see this and looking forward to it.
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"The Simpsons Movie" is the premiere tomorrow on Sky Premiere. Any thoughts?

Its an hour and 20 min episode of the Simpsons.Great if you love it. Poor if you don't :DI thought it was fun, they went for 'big scale' but honestly it's nothing over and above what they've done on TV but it's fun enough.
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