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DVD's and Films You Have Watched Recently

Guest DJM

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I rewatched Scum last night. Its just as harrowing and shocking on second viewing, with the violent and horrorific scenes being some of the worse that I have ever seen. But as a film its beautiful, painting the bloody backdrop to the argument against the incarceration system, highend by the dialogue, especailly Archer's conversation with the guard during the church service he refuses to attend. One of the most over-looked pieces of British cinema in the last 30 years.

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The Legend Of 1900


Id not heard of this film before, and was a bit aprihensive about watching it, but the missus is a piano player so she realy wanted to see it.

The story's about a guy who was found as a baby abandoned on a ship in the year 1900, and follows his life thereafter. The hook is that even though he doesn't technicaly exists in any documents, and he's never set foot on dry land in his life, he's the greatest piano player the world has ever seen. The film's nothing amazing (although I guess if your a musicial or jazz fan it's probably a great film) it's very entertaining, and it realy draws you in. It's almost like Titanic, but replaces the whole love story with this mans love for music.

Some of the actings a little off, but for Tim Roths character having him only show emotion when he's in front of a piano realy works. Pruitt Taylor Vince's eyes bugged me, and distracted me in a lot of scenes, but his character still worked.

I'd recommend it, but it's definately one of those films you have to be in the mood for.

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Shoot 'Em Up - completely fucking ridiculous...dont go in expecting anything resembling tension or decent story telling, just go in expecting shitty one liners and lots of stupid ott action. I really enjoyed it, it's non-stop and real easy viewing. Don't expect a John Woo knock off (like the reviews have been saying), it's much stupider than that.

Just got back from seeing this at the Odeon. What a completely over the top, ridiculous film, I loved it! :)If you like loud music, Monica Bellucci, guns and carrots, this is unmissable.
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Shanghai Kiss


Reminds me alot like Lost in Translation just with more juice in it, to get people more into it. It leads Hayden Panettiere (Heroes) & Ken Leung (not many big time movie or shows). Ken acts this older guy then Hayden charactor, he likes her as a friend, but thats about it. She feels they are more then that. He takes to Shanghai for a couple days and finds a chinese girl, so he wants to move there and try something new. Few month later he gets into some trouble with this girl and wants to move back to the states to find his friend. Ken Leung is an great actor and really gets into the charactor, makes its so complex that you really care for the two.


I think? it went straight to DVD, but im not so sure. Very surprised by this one. :thumbsup:

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Perfume - The Story Of A Murderer


Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, born in the stench of eighteenth century Paris, develops a superior olfactory sense, which he uses to create the world's finest perfumes. His work, however, takes a dark turn as he tries to preserve scents in the search for the ultimate perfume.


If you read this film, its cinematic adaption is somewhat limited by the fact it is based around smell, the one sense that the screen can't protray. However, the flick chooses not to make an issue of this, but by heightening the other sense (the soundtrack and use of colour blew me away) but actually heightens all your sense, and makes you imagine what Jean-Baptiste is smelling.


A powerful performance by Ben Whishaw (check out his transformation from Pingu in Nathan Barley), supported by a great Rickman and Hoffman (although Hoffman's accent is embarassingly patchy, switching from crappy Italian to North American within sentences).


Sadly, the film does go on for too long, and feels like an adapted novel just a tinsy bit too much, if you know what I mean, i.e. the narrator although used sparringly always seems like a 'get out of jail free' card.


However, overall, performance was a pleasure to watch, even if it's subject is very odd and set in a very naturalistic setting, and is well worth checking out, if not for anything else, then Whishaw's performance.

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Guest Josh Jenkins

go see 3:10 To Yuma if your into Western's, i aint seen it yet but im looking forward to it.

I'm not a fan of western films, but this looks pretty good. You can't go wrong with Christian Bale.
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Superaverage more like. Had it's moments, the two lead characters were lovable enough to give a shit about and Jonah Hill is one to watch, but overall it was nowhere near as funny as the hype machine suggested. And McLovin was annoying as fuck.

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