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Guest DJM

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Ghost RiderChrist, Nic Cage is fuckin' old. Seriously he seems to have aged ten years since Wicker Man. Dodgy hairplugs and fake teeth too. Oh yeah there was a film. It sucked. You might like it if you're into movies that are way too long, incredibly slow, mindnumbingly boring and feature terrible acting and worse dialogue. I wondered what happened to Wes Bentley since American Beauty. Sadly he's still "acting" and he's definitely still being hilariously miscast. I was never into the Ghost Rider comics but I doubt Blackheart is supposed to resemble the singer from My Chemical Romance pre-peroxide. Shit villain too, and as for the elemental demon that flame-boy defeats with ease? Less said the better. Sam Elliot must have watched Blade to prepare for his role as he's basically Whistler 2.0. What's the point in establishing that if Ghost Rider gets stabbed, he'll wake up with a knife wound that needs treatment, and then having him get shot about 800 times and he's fine and dandy the next morning? Lazy writing. I'm trying to think of highlights, and apart from Eva Mendes' spectacular cleavage, I can't think of anything. 3 months into 2007, and I already have 3 films for the Worst of the Year list.

I actually thought it was Kris Kristofferson. Everything else you said rings true too, silly film.But Epic Movie is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY worse than any of the three films you mentioned.
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High Hopes


Released in 1988, this is Mike Leigh's (director of Vera Drake) sublime comedy which examines the social climate of 1980s London.


I really liked this film, it centres on one extended family living in London during the Thatcher years. Cyril is a Marxist, who does despite his strong values and views chooses not to act on them, giving the world up for a hopless cause. His partner, Shirley, desperately wants a baby, despite Cyril's strong views that the world is already "over-populated". Living in the last council house on a now yuppie infested road is Cyril's mum. A member of the generation who has been forgotten, she is slowly losing her marbles, much to the distaste of her neighbours. And as for Cyril's sister, Valerie, who lives in the social climbing climate of the middle class, she has seemingly to forgotten her roots and family ties, no doubt due to her excessive drinking of cheap champange and her leeching husband.


This film is a brillant gem of 1980s British cinema, despite its clear socialist values (it's cartoonish protrayl of the rich and yuppie somewhat softens the blow of its left wing message), it brings up so many interesting questions in an intelligent manner, protraying all its characters from a variety of angles and political stances, its hard not to like Cyril, but when he criticises a young 'active' Marxist follower for planning to open a market stall, he is shown to be hypocritical.


Leigh' doesn't just direct, but also write, and the script is water tight. It is extremely witty, just full of emotion and very down to earth.


This film is a very good snap shot of life in a variety of social situations and views in the churning world of the 1980s as the capitalistic London really began to boom. It is a flick that will not doubt have you smiling from cheek to cheek, yet also leave you feeling emotionally vulnerable and self-questioning.

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Picked up a couple of 'future releases' yesterday a comedy called Wild Hogs with John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, Tim Allen & William H Macy also, picked up one called All the Kings Men feat. Jude Law, Sean Penn, Kate Winslett, James Gandolfini. I got The Departed the other day, didn't watch the DVD yet but did see it at the cinema when it came out - great film.EZ

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I saw Outlaw today. It isn't awful as many reviews have made it out to be, but it also isn't all that good either. It is full of in-your-face violence, lots of swearing and has a very good idea to work with, but in the end you are left feeling that there is not all that much to the film and that a better director (and writer) could have done more with the film. The characters lack any real depth, the bad-guys are one-dimentional, the acting is here-and-there, the script and dialogue is mostly poor, and the camera-work could give you a headache! The cast is very capable (Sean Bean, Danny Dyer, Bob Hoskins, and the rest of the cast all try), but in the end they are not really given all that much to work with. The film would probably have worked much better as a straight-up crime thriller rather than trying to add politics, addressing the problems with the law in England and trying to push a message across, but as it is the film is entertaining enough at times but really lacking any direction on the whole.

You also cannot really believe that the gang of "good-guys" are capable of fighting the way they do (you never see any of them training or getting ready to fight) and a few of the situations in the film are just very silly (especially the ending).


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I watched two new movies today. Firstly, The Wild Bunch which was pretty damn awesome. And secondly, Severance which I also really enjoyed. Shockingly I found Danny Dyer likeable when in everything else he is clearly a cunt.

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Freedom WritersI thought this was great.. some scenes really emotionally drew you in. It was really really similar to Dangerous Minds.. but had a sort of different direction to it (DM was about sorting the kids out and making them learn... this one was about having the kids do something that makes a difference.. write)Hilary Swank is awesome.. I just love her.. I've only seen 2 films of her and shes been great in both.. she plays the silly/innocent/naive role perfectly.Great story.. gives you alot to think about.. Reminded me a bit of a toned down version of City of God (very toned down)8/10NorbitI watched two totally different films in one day.. although this uses alot of very immature jokes.. eg Fat person flying through a fence.. it was pretty funny.. You really have to be in an immature mindframe to watch it.. otherwise you'll sit through it with a blank expression (like my girl!)No way as bad as Epic Movie... No way near as awesome as Nutty Professor6/10Memoirs of A GeishaI randomly ended up watching this yesterday.. I thought it was a pretty good film! The plot however was a bit confusing... A little girl who was a slave.. turns into a top geisha.. a geisha being someone who entertains males.. and after a while has a bidding war for her virginity?.. Thats how the film portrayed a Geisha to me... that aside.. it was a good movie.. not something I regret watching.. but not something I'll watch again.Oh and that main actress is just stunning! I think she was the asskicking girl in Rush Hour 2 aswell...Speaking of Rush Hour.. whats going on with the 3rd installment?.. Im sure I heard something about it a few years ago...

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SAW III.Christ its dull. The fact that the guy enters three rooms and goes through the same moral dilemma (accompanied by the same camera work/falshback montages) betrays a real lack of imagination. Its also a fairly bad sign when you can say out loud exactly what will happen in the last fifteen minutes of a film and then watch as it unfolds exactly as you've said - I think they might be losing their touch when it comes to 'surprise' twists.Please god let it be the last one, although I doubt it somehow.

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Anybody managed to catch that "Outlaw" film yet? It looks great. Its all about a Vigilante Squad operation in England. Sounds five star.It sounds that good I might go and see it.

I saw it on Sunday and my thoughts are on the last page. I found it to be an ok and passable 105-minutes (the other three people I went to see it with thought it was pointless crap), but the idea was above the director (and I could help feel that a better director/writer could have done more with the film). Have a look around the net though at a few reviews (most are negative) if you don't feel like listening to me.
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Anybody managed to catch that "Outlaw" film yet? It looks great. Its all about a Vigilante Squad operation in England. Sounds five star.It sounds that good I might go and see it.

I saw it on Sunday and my thoughts are on the last page. I found it to be an ok and passable 105-minutes (the other three people I went to see it with thought it was pointless crap), but the idea was above the director (and I could help feel that a better director/writer could have done more with the film). Have a look around the net though at a few reviews (most are negative) if you don't feel like listening to me.
That reminds me to write a review of The Business, the worst gangster film ever made. Football Factory wasnt very good and The Business has shite. Hopefully Outlaw will get a good kicking and stop people paying Nick Love to make films. Hes a fucking joke.
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Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny - great stuff, been looking forward to it for awhile. Basically if you like Tenacious D or find Jack Black funny you'll love it. The story isnt important it's all about the fun...its kept short and sweet and has that thing going for it that you'll probably find different stuff funny every time you see it.



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