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16 Blocks Bruce Willis stars as a burnt out alcoholic cop who decides to "do the right thing" and save annoying and stupid voiced witness Mos Def from the corrupt cops (led by David Morse) who will stop at nothing to bring him down and stop him from testifying against them.It's pretty crap and boring in all honesty. Willis is completely miscast, Mos Def is usually very good but I actually wanted him to get killed. David Morse is great as always, and he's really the only reason worth watching this tired and predictable drivel.

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3 for me:XXX 2I don't really watch action films, unless my brother is staying, but I like Ice Cube so I checked this out on Sky. It was fucking awesome. A bag full of fun, easy to follow, about as un-realistic as it gets. I was intrigued all the way through, constantly wondering how they'd get around each scenario. I love Ice Cube, but I didn't think he'd be this good as atough guy. Loved it.ValiantWe just watched this because there was nothing else on. It's an animated film about pigeons in World War 2. It's got a few funny bits, but isn't at the level of Toy Story or Nemo. It's short enough to be entertaining and the animation is pretty good. Ricky Gervais is great as Valiants scruffy, cowardly friend.MillionsThis was on Premiere last night. I've seen the sypnosis a few times, and it's described as a comic caper, but is anything but. It's about a kid who finds some money that he thinks fell from god, but is stolen loot. He and his brother try and do good with the money, while a robber wants it back. It's got some funny bits, but is quite serious, as the boy is coming to terms with the loss of his Mam. I liked it, but wouldn't watch it again, it wasn't fun enough.

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Ong BakOng Bak is a Thai film which falls into the bizaree category of being a tongue-in-cheek violent martial arts film. The plot follows a young man , Ting (trained in the ancient arts of fighting), as he ventures into the big cosmopolitian city from the tiny traditional village to get the head of a Budda 'Ong-Bak' which has been stolen by thieves. Needless to say, the film follows Ting as he discovers fight clubs, drug warfare and gangsters.The film plays nicely, and manages to amaze and entertain (the box boasts no special effects, no cgi, and no stunt doubles, which is certainly a big claim when you see some of the action). Normally when I watched a foreign film I will always choose subtitles over dubbed English, however in the case of Ong Bak I would recomend listening to the dubbed version. Using British Northern accents the style perfectly suits the cheeky and somewhat light-hearted aspect of the film. The film is very strong in terms that it is funny in places, whilst still delivering the action hard and fast, creating much the same balance you might expect in a Lethal Weapon film. However, the plot is at times a little lack-lustre and never really picks up the pace to really enthrall the viewer rather than just entertain.I give it out a possible five smileys: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:KingpinThis was the Farrelly brothers follow up to Dumb And Dumber, so I decided to pick it up the other day when I saw it cheap enough. The film follows the story of a former pro- Ten Pin Bowler Roy Munson (Woody Harrelson) who has turned to booze since having his hand destroyed due to a competitor of his, Ernie McCracken (a brillant Bill Murray). Munson discovers a Amish man who appears to be a amazing at bowling and decides to train him to win the Nevada open - with a prize of $1 million being the incentive. Hence, a road trip style comedy ensures. The film is not as ball bustingly funny as Dumb And Dumber but it is gross-out comedy all the same, producing some funny one-liners and skits (Bill Murray's advert for looking after single mothers is classic). The plot does not feel as cohesive as Dumb And Dumber, and the number of twists and turns soon give the effect the films plot is weak, and the only thing that is keeping the audiences attention is the expectation of well written comedic moments.Having said that, the dialogue is sharp as knives and the film, although pale compared to other comedies of the time, is very entertaining, with a story that does instinictively tug at the heart strings.I give this film out of a possible five smiley faces: :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup: DuneDavid Lynch. Sci-fi epic. What more needs to be said? The film is very complicated so I will simplfy it to a tale of a Messiah prophecy being furfilled in which a group of Desert bound people on the desert planet known as Arakas or Dune raise up and over throw their oppressors.The film features some very strong performances from Kyle MacLadhlan in the main role, supported by the very effective supporting cast includign Patrick Stewart, and Kenneth McMillan amongst others. Infact the only let down in terms of acting is the abysmal Sting who cannot act to save his life, despite looking the part.What I really loved about this film was it hugely dark undertones displaying the future as having the extreme different qualitys of a statley home or an industrail dirty underworld, which adds to the extended allegory demonstrated throughout (desert planet invaded by others to harvest the Spice and creating bloodshed is a brillant allegory of the middle east situation, spookily sharing more links now than when it was written).The soundtrack and beautiful scenery (despite its butchered special effects) mean the epic side of the film is really emphasised and creates a viewing experience for the audience. I think anyone who has an interest in Lynch or epic films definitley ought to give this film a chance, despite its reputation of being a bit of a dud I certainly think it still stands up as a credit in Lynch's cv.I give this film out of a possible five smileys: :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

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Porco RossoStudio Ghibli's 1992 film is fairly strange. It's animated tale about a World War I flying ace-turned-bounty hunter and centres around fighter planes and 'air pirates.' The protagonist, Porco, has the head of a pig and, about half way into the film, nearly every male character begins to lust after a seventeen-year-old girl. Ultimately, though, it's a pretty simple story as the hero prepares to face his greatest rival, with a love interest as the subplot. Despite this, however, and the fact that the film even raises some interesting political subjects, I just couldn't get into it.Porco Rosso builds rather slowly, whilst establishing the elements of the film well. The characters are decent, but I don't think I found Porco himself as interesting as I should have. It then really starts to drag towards the middle, although certain mysterious aspects of the story become clearer. Thankfully, the film comes to exciting climax, which is definitely its saving grace. Overall, I think Porco Rosso is average. I didn't find it particularly interesting, but it's not a bad movie. There's a nice balance between action, comedy and storytelling, but it lacks the magic and wonder that makes Spirited Away, Studio Ghibli's 2001 masterpiece, one of my favourite films ever. I've still got to watch The Castle Of Cagliostro and, hopefully, I'll like that more than Porco Rosso.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Rio BravoI've recently gone on a Western rampage and am finding some classics that I have never even thought of watching before and this is one of them. A fucking marvelous movie. John Wayne is John Wayne so ofcourse is completely awesome. His sidekick is a well-acted recovering alcoholic and a great character. The romantic interest is played by a ridiculously hot woman whose name I can't remember and unlike most westerns the supporting cast is actually good. Highly recommended.

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I, RobotSet in 2035, robots have become integrated into everyday life and, due to their flawless programming that prevents them from harming humans in the slightest, serve society perfectly. However, Del Spooner (Will Smith), a quick thinking cop, has been cautious of them since the very beginning. He is sent to investigate a strange suicide case and begins to believe that it is actually a murder - comitted by a robot.Will Smith, who some people severely dislike, is very good in I, Robot. He's a wise-cracking cop who is excellent at his job, but also has a dark past and actually cares about people. Spooner's belief that a robot is responsible for murder causes some backlash from the police department as nothing of that nature has ever occured before and leaves him as somewhat of a loner. The quote, "Does believing you're the last sane man on the planet make you crazy? 'Cause if it does, maybe I am." sums up his character.A reason as to why I think Smith is suited to this role is that he can effortlessly switch between the different facets of this movie; primarily action and sci-fi. Visually, I, Robot accommodates both genres well. There are plenty of futuristic landscapes and special effects to keep the sci-fi audience happy and enough carnage to please action fans.Then again, I suppose some people may argue that the film doesn't fully capitalize on its themes of philosophy, but I, Robot definitely isn't a mindless flick. It's a highly enjoyable blockbuster that pays homage to a few of its predecessors...

Edited by Van_Dammer
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I would have enjoyed I, Robot more if it wasn't for the shameless product placement. I swear the first 5 minutes is like watching an advert break on TV.And the worst fucking thing ever is when he is having an argument with his chief and out of nowhere the Chief says:"Hey Del!"What?"Nice shoes"WHAT THE FUCK?!

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Shattered GlassI really like this movie. I HATED Christensen in Star Wars, but I think he was really good here. There were times when he was such an annoying little shit. Peter Sarsgaard was also pretty good here. The movie just gets better and better when the truth starts to come out, and it all starts falling down around Glass.

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I would have enjoyed I, Robot more if it wasn't for the shameless product placement. I swear the first 5 minutes is like watching an advert break on TV.

Produce placement in I, Robot? What the hell are you talking about?Now, I'm off to buy a JVC hi-fi and some Converse trainers.
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KiteKite is about Sawa, an ophaned schoolgirl. She works as an assassin for Akai and Kanie, who also act as her guardians. So, the film has a pretty basic storyline that has been done before, but the characters' dark back stories are interesting enough to compensate for this.Regardless, Kite is a meant to be a fairly mindless, stylish anime that will help you kill an hour. It opens with an very violent scene, filled with blood, in which Sawa kills a man with exploding bullets! As it progresses, Kite becomes even more graphic. The bathroom shooting incident, which occurs towards the middle of the film, is one the most exciting action sequences that I've seen in a while. After that, it's just over-the-top mayhem at its best.I don't think it's any secret that the Japanese occaisonally add a perverted edge to manga, anime and video games. We've all seen the fictional female characters with oversized breasts and extremely revealing outfits. It's clearly no accident, either. This film features a couple of sex scenes that are ridiculously perverse in terms of detail and specific content. Now, I'm not easily offended. I don't mind sex, violence or strong language in films, but thank God that there aren't many scenes of this nature or else Kite could be known as a vivid hentai.Overall, it's evident that Kite is a film which favours style over substance and doesn't necessarily try to be anything more than what it is. In that respect, it's a success. While it lacks character development and a strong plot, it's worth watching for the very high entertainment value, spectacular action and brilliant violence.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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MillionsThis was on Premiere last night. I've seen the sypnosis a few times, and it's described as a comic caper, but is anything but. It's about a kid who finds some money that he thinks fell from god, but is stolen loot. He and his brother try and do good with the money, while a robber wants it back. It's got some funny bits, but is quite serious, as the boy is coming to terms with the loss of his Mam. I liked it, but wouldn't watch it again, it wasn't fun enough.

That film is one big charity advert thats up itself with its own smugness. I turned it over when we went to "Africa" and got the big spiel. I was expecting a number to appear on the screen.
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Etrnal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Biggest load of wank ever. It started off quite well, and usually I'm a fan of films out of chronological order, but Christ this one is simply too complicated to follow. A man (Jim Carrey) wakes up one day to find that his girlfriend doesn't know who he is anymore, due to having the recollection of him erased from her memory. The whole film is based around flashbacks and shit like that. And the ending is stupid and dull.

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Etrnal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Biggest load of wank ever. It started off quite well, and usually I'm a fan of films out of chronological order, but Christ this one is simply too complicated to follow. A man (Jim Carrey) wakes up one day to find that his girlfriend doesn't know who he is anymore, due to having the recollection of him erased from her memory. The whole film is based around flashbacks and shit like that. And the ending is stupid and dull.

It's really not all that hard to follow and understand. It's put together magnificently and the ending is pretty much perfect.
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I have to say, I'm continually impressed with how many films Van Dammer watches. Do you do anything else?

I do everything else during the day, but because I have a terrible sleeping pattern, I usually watch a film or two very late at night. Edited by Van_Dammer
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