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Guest DJM

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Watched Hard Candy last night, was good but not good enough for me to watch it again unless I'm really bored.Also watched Training Day, which is always good.

Just curious, have you seen Narc? I thought it was everything Training Day could have been.
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The Ordeal


A strange film, with some (strange but) interesting characters, pretty good acting, and a pretty interesting story, but it takes about 40-minutes before it gets going, has a weak ending and on the whole feels pointless. Like a strange mix of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Switchblade Romance, Misery and Deliverance but nowhere near as good as any of them. Not a film I would recommend, but maybe worth checking out if you are a big fan of any of the four films mentioned.



Batman Begins

A very good film with a story which gives depth to the Bruce Wayne & Batman characters, and is a great start to what should be a new series of Batman movies. There are some good fight and action scenes, a good amount of humour throughout, some very good effects (even tough I am not a fan of the CG bats), a good script with good dialogue, and a good ending which sets up the next film in the new Batman series.

The film also has a great cast - with a great lead performance from Christian Bale as Batman, Liam Neeson very good as Henri Ducard, Cillian Murphy good as the under-used by still effective Scarecrow, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman all fitting into their roles well (as Alfred, Jim Gordon & Lucius Fox), and there is good acting by all the rest of the main cast also.

Along with the Spiderman movies, Batman Begins is one of the best superhero movies, and just like Spiderman the film leaves you with the feeling that everything is now in place for what should be a very good sequel.

There are some very good extras on the 2-disc special edition and some good menu-screens (in the design of a comic book).



The Machinist

A very good film, with good acting from a small cast

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Watched Hard Candy last night, was good but not good enough for me to watch it again unless I'm really bored.Also watched Training Day, which is always good.

Just curious, have you seen Narc? I thought it was everything Training Day could have been.
I havent no, is it worth getting?
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HiddenFunny Games is one of my favourite films, and this is Austrian director Michael Haneke's latest film. It's a very simple story about a man who starts receiving videotapes of his house seemingly under surveillance, the tapes themselves usually wrapped in some crude drawings perhaps indicating violence, leaving the protagonist no choice but to delve into his past and confont some previously buried demons. It's a strange effort, incredibly slow-moving and well, not much happens. Very little is resolved by the end and you're left with much more questions than answers. It's an examination of and a comment on guilt and suppressed emotion and while certainly well-filmed and acted, I was left wanting. Again it's less of a film than a social commentary, and with no music to speak of on the soundtrack, coupled in with camera shots that linger longer than you might feel neccessary, it creates a very uneasy tone. The message is clear of course, that people aren't safe from the various demons that inhabit the world, whether they are those we create or those who seek us out, and that there is more to society than meets the eye, but the film is still a little frustrating in it's ambiguity, but then again, that's pretty much the point.

Is it any good though and worth watching?

Hells yes. Narc is one of the best cop films I've ever seen. It pisses all over Training Day and Ray Liotta and Jason Patric give two of their best performances in it.

I have Training Day on DVD to watch - is worth watching in the near future or not?
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"Spellbound". That spelling bee documentry.Basically just follows a bunch of kids who were taking part in the National Spelling Bee competition in Washington in 1999.First hour is a bit slow but it gets better later on.(****/*****)

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The Bone collector


Not a bad film, though it is a bit cliched at times. Angelina Jolie is a police officer who is one job away from a move to a nice office job that'll take her off the beat. Little does she know etcetera. Also, the scene where she leaves for work and has a little argument with her boyfriend about commitment added nothing and seemed like a really lazy attempt at adding depth.


Denzel Washington is good as the stubborn mentor and I liked the idea of him walking her through crime scene investigations and the like in his bed-ridden state. The killer's methods and who it turns out to be aren't great, but the point seems to be more about the relationship between Denzel and Jolie's characters, and despite perhaps a little too much soppiness (particularly the ending), it works well. Oh, and Luis Guzman's in it, which scores it additional points. This is true of all his films, except perhaps Anger Managment and the ill-advised Carlito's way sequel.


Not a bad film. Not in the same league as something like Seven, but I felt it was worth a watch.

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Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... And Spring

The tale of a young monk, whose master aims to teach him the ways of the Buddha.


The story remains basic throughout, but is pretty effective in conveying its message. Through the events shown and the experiences of the younk monk, the recurring themes of morality and spirituality are certainly evident.


The film moves at a gradual and consistent pace as it aims to present everything in a calm and rather peaceful manner. Fittingly, it's filled with tranquil landscapes and imagery. However, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... And Spring really failed to maintain my interest at times. In my opinion, it becomes very boring towards the middle.


Overall, this film is average and considerably overrated. It's not the masterpiece that some claim it is and it's not essential.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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The Rules Of Attraction


Based on the Bret Easton Ellis novel of the same name, Rules tells the story of a bunch of emotionally vacant rich college kids and their inner superficial struggles. It's my third or fourth time seeing the film, and I still love it. It's very faithful to the book, the acting is by and large excellent (Dawson's Creek's James Van Der Beek is nothing short of brilliant) and the direction is fantastic, paticularly the introduction and Victor's 4 minute recap of his trip to Europe (which is especially impressive as it was whittled down from over 70 hours of footage.)


I know a lot of people who hate this film because they don't give a shit about any of the characters and feel nothing for their problems, but that's the point really. They're spoilt rich-kid assholes who blow everything out of proportion and don't live in reality. You're not meant to relate or connect to them.


Great soundtrack too.

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