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Baz, have you seen the trailer for the remake? It's scandalous!

What ?!?!Where is this trailer that you speak of ?
It's like the original never existed...
I'm gonna keep an open mind ... but extreme 'ugh' goes to this.Loved the original, my favourite horror movie ever, and definately one of my top 3 movies ever too. I'll go and see the new one with an open mind, in the hope that it surprises me, but I'm not holding any hope after that trailer.
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Ghost In The Shell

This Sci-Fi anime is set in the near-feature, where computerization and networking have been integrated in to practically every aspect of life, including human beings. Fittingly, Section 9 is formed in order to prevent criminals and terrorists from hacking in to the system. Cyborgs Kusanagi and Bateau, a part of Section 9, attempt to track down an assailant, The Puppet Master.


Combined with its plot, Ghost In The Shell presents a few elaborate and though-provoking themes and ideas. The philosophy behind the film is central to this and becomes apparent towards the middle.


Artisitcally, this is film is stunning. The attention to detail is impressive, which creates several great visuals. There's an abundance of memorable scenes, too. Complimenting them well, the music is very atmospheric and effective, akin to Akira.


However, something about Ghost In The Shell simply didn't click for me. Maybe my anime-loving friends built it up too much or maybe it's because I found it to be a bit cliched. Whatever the reason, unlike many others, I wouldn't class this film as a masterpiece. It's a very good, intricate piece of work, but it's not great like Akira, Spirited Away or Perfect Blue.


The influence that Ghost In The Shell has had on its genre is evident, though. Whilst watching this film, there were several things that I picked out and directly related to The Matrix...

Edited by Van_Dammer
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Didn't wanna do a new thread for this ...... Rowan Morrison from The Wicker Man is Rosie Miller in Eastenders ! I totally never realised this !

You learn something new everyday!That remake looks awful.
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True Romance

In short, this film is about Clarence (Christian Slater) and Alabama (Patricia Arquette). After Clarence takes something from a set of gangsters, they're after the young couple...


I particularly like how this film begins and the ways in which it develops. It seems rather unorthodox at times, but all comes together perfectly. Written by Quentin Tarantino, it contains a lot of quotable dialogue, especially in the major scene with Christopher Walken. Additionally, the characters themselves are great and can evoke a range of emotions.


It's quite interesting that the biggest stars are in the smallest roles. Nonetheless, the performances by the cast are exceptional. Christian Slater and Patricia Arquette are very good in the lead roles.


The direction by Tony Scott is excellent, too. True Romance features an array of fantastic scenes, especially in terms of action and violence. In certain places, this film is quite graphic, but never really gratuitous.


In short, I think True Romance is excellent.



At its core, Shinobi is essentially the story of Romeo And Juliet. Two star-crossed lovers, Oboro and Kouga, cannot be together due to their Shinobi (Ninja) clans. An order from the Shogun then states that the two communities must each select their five best warriors and do battle. Oboro and Kouga are selected to represent their respective clans.


There's a prominent fantasy element to Shinobi. Each of the warriors are some kind of super-being and possess special powers, but it all works flawlessly within the story because of how well it establishes its own world and environment. The fight scenes are terrific as they're highly imaginative and, sometimes, brutal.


The greatest aspect of this movie is the cinematography, though. It just looks brilliant. There's numerous beautiful landscapes and scenery, which obviously helps, as does the evident skill of a good director who can shoot it effectively.


Overall, Shinobi is a fairly enjoyable film. It's not perfect, but it's better than I had expected. Released some time last year, it enjoyed much success at the box office in Japan. In fact, there are already attempts to require the rights for an American remake of Shinobi.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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The remake of The Wickerman is the most ridiculous thing ever. Just the fact that Christoper Lee is being replaced by an old woman is reason enough for all the producers to have their children castrated.

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. Released some time last year, it enjoyed much success at the box office in Japan. In fact, there are already attempts to require the rights for an American remake of Shinobi.

Hollywood doing a lame arse remake because they can't come up with anything original? Never!
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The Promise

A young orphaned girl makes a promise with a sorcerer; in exchange for beauty, adoration and riches, every man she loves will be taken from her. Later, she becomes a princess and falls for a General, knowing that they will be torn apart. Meanwhile, Kunlun, the General's slave aims to look into his past.


So, this is your typical fantasy epic. Battles, swords, a love story - you get the picture. The Promise is dramatic and effectively conveys its mythical element. There are quite a few tense and suspenseful moments, which is probably where the film succeeds most. Judging by the premise and very mild violence, The Promise is almost like a fairytale... and then there's a sex scene.


Ultimately, this film fails because it becomes rather boring and predictable. Seriously, the dialogue is so unimaginative that you can tell word for word what the characters are about to say.


Apparently, The Promise is the most expensive film in the history of Chinese cinema. It certainly doesn't look it. The cinematography is good, but the effects and CG are like something out of a Playstation game.


Overall, this film is painfully average, which is unfortunate as it could have been great if done properly. At least you get to ogle Cecilia Cheung, though.

Edited by Van_Dammer
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I watched Red Eye last night and enjoyed up till the final 15 minutes which was probably some of the worst movie scenes I have ever seen in my life.So if you want to watch it then do so, but I'd recommend turning it off 15 minutes before the ending and film your own ending with some action figures and cardboard boxes instead and just pretend that it's the real film.

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Sympathy for Lady Vengeance


A good movie, not a great one.


I liked it, and some of the scenes hit very hard, especially the scene with the parents watching what happened to their children. The guy kicking the chair out from under that girl was just horrible, far more unsettling than anything in Takashi Miike's efforts for me. Senselless puppy murder too. Evil.


The leading lady does a fine job, her daughter isn't bad either as child actors go. I hated that incidental string loop that kept playing near the beginning in between scenes, I know it's not a major thing but it really began to grate. The ending went on a bit too long for me as well, not Return of the King suicide-inducing long, but still a bit much. Still, a good film that's well worth a watch.


The Jacket




Keira Knightley was alright, accent was patchy but not too bad, Kris Kristofferson and Jennifer Jason Leigh were good, everyone else was kind of iffy. I *HATE* films where everyone descends into whispers in an attempt to add emotional weight to what they're saying. It's unconvincing, it sounds ridiculous, it's shit. Oh, and Adrien Brody's crying voice is hilarious. Whaah yu doon da meey? At any moment he could have yelled "HEEEY YOU GUUYYYS" and it wouldn't have been a surprise.


Oh, and the timeline hopping thing... I can overlook the plot holes if I have to, but am I the only one who thought that all of his interactions with Keira Knightley's character as a child were utterly fucked up given that he's shagging the adult one. It's tantamount to grooming I tells ya. And why the hell did they form such a close and special bond anyway?


The concept is fine enough but, like The Butterfly effect, the execution makes it pretty darn shitty.


I've read various explanations and theories on it all. Including that he died at the beginning, that the whole thing is in his subconscious, or that everything had already happened etc. But most of that is supported by comments from the director post-release or alternate endings. Even if you analyse and find it to be something exceptionally clever (doubtful), it's still a bad film.

Edited by JLM
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